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In partners, explore how reversible changes can be used to recycle materials.

Include the following in your project:
Definition of reversible change.
2 Common examples of reversible change (including diagrams)
Choose three different materials that can go through reversible change (e.g. paper, glass, plastic). Describe
the recycling process for each one. Include relevant diagrams and pictures.
description of 2 alternative ways to get drin!ing water (desalination and sewage). Include relevant
diagrams and pictures.
#ou may present your pro$ect as a %ord Document, &oster, "rochure or &amphlet
Due Friday 14
'rish ( "rigitte "en ( )ha!ira tticus ( strid *erris ( +ebecca ,aya ( "ryn
,alia ( "ailey ,ali ( 'allum ,atilda ( Devlin na ( Deen -olly ( ,addy
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