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Jessica Lemere
May 22, 2014

I. Introduction
a. they must believe quote
b. Definition of nursing
c. Thesis
II. Description and history
a. Before nurses
i. Methods
ii. Relied on
b. First nursing school
c. Nurses promote
i. Who they care for
d. Many fields
i. Nurse anesthetists
1. What they do
2. Salary
ii. Nurse assistant
1. What they do
2. Salary
iii. Nurse manager
1. What they do
2. Salary
e. Many places to work
f. Quote
III. Benefits
a. Paid well
b. Choose your own field
c. Help people on a daily basis
d. Impact someones life
IV. Negative
a. Heavy lifting
b. Paperwork
i. Quote
c. Work under stress
d. Dealing with suffering
e. Long hours/shiftwork/weekends/holidays
f. Always walking
V. Schooling
a. Classes
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i. English
ii. Science
1. Chemistry
2. Nutrition
3. Psychology
4. Anatomy
5. Physiology
6. Microbiology
7. Behavioral science
iii. Math
b. Degrees
i. BSN
ii. Accelerated bachelors
iii. Masters
iv. RN-to-MSN
v. MSN-to-doctoral
c. Requirements
i. Nurse license
ii. Different titles
iii. Organization
iv. Leadership
v. Fast-paced
vi. Demanding
vii. Up to date
VI. Staffing
a. Adequate
i. Errors
ii. Decrease complications
iii. Patient satisfaction
VII. Conclusion

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Some people think a nurse is the one who stands back and watches during surgery or
the one who checks up on someone every now and then. But a nurse is more than that. A nurse
is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and
injury and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities and populations. But a
nurse cant work alone, theres always another nurse that helps out with the other. They
[nurses] must believe in teamwork and that every member of the team is essential and that no
one is more or less important than someone else said Debbie Robertson-Huffman (Ferguson,
88). Nurses are the ones that keep everyone healthy and safe. Without them, everybody would
always be sick and injured with no professional help. Nursing is a popular career with many
different fields and a high demand over the past few years.
Nursing has been around for centuries. But before the 19
century the sick were cared
for by concerned individuals not trained nurses (Ferguson, 87). These people would be
concerned nurses but not licensed. Nurses came up with the first method to put people to
sleep in the 1840s, with the discovery of anesthesia. Before, nurses would use alcohol or opium
to deaden the pain (Encyclopedia). Later on in the 1980s, nurses relied on physical and chemical
restraints when residents became restless or agitated (Encyclopedia). These discoveries by
nurses helped make the nursing jobs easier and more efficient. In 1873, the first all nursing
school had opened in Boston, Massachusetts (Ferguson, 87). It was the first school that had all
fields of nursing for everyone. It helped people who didnt know what field they wanted, get a
chance to still be a nurse. When concerned people were the ones taking care of the sick and
injured and not trained nurses, New York passed a law to require all practice nurses to be
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licensed (Ferguson, 87). Nurses promote health, prevent diseases, and help patients cope with
illnesses. They are hands on professionals who provide focused and highly personalized care
(Explore). With many different fields of nursing, a nurse is always able to fulfil his/her job. There
is the nurse anesthetist who prior to surgery, takes the patients history, evaluates his or her
anesthetists, takes the history and plans the best possible management of the case
(encyclopedia). The nurse anesthetist explains and answers the questions about the planned
procedure to the patient and monitors the patients blood, water, and salt levels as well as
continually readjusting the flow of anesthetist and other medications to ensure optimal results.
Prior to everything, the nurse administer and intravenous (IV) sedative to relax the patient
(encyclopedia). Earnings for a nurse anesthetist vary based on type and size of employer, years
of experience and location (encyclopedia). A yearly salary can range from $79,929 to $113,000
to $150,000 (encyclopedia). Another type of nurse is the nurse assistant. They are the nurses
that care for patients in hospitals or nursing homes (encyclopedia). Nurse assistants have to
care for patients, understand them and have compassion for them if theyre ill, disabled or the
elderly (Ferguson, 83). A nurse assistant makes a yearly income of $19,947 on a 40 hour week.
With a low 10% of $6.98 an hour to a high 10% with more than $15.54 an hour their salary can
range from $14,518 to $28,165 (encyclopedia). There are also nurse managers who are the
leaders in the health field. They are the ones responsible for managing the staff (Ferguson, 88).
Nurse Managers are responsible for the smooth operation in their units (Ferguson, 88). Debbie
Robertson-Huffman is a nurse manager who is responsible for all the staffing, scheduling
employees, scheduling operations and special procedures, room and ultimately for the smooth
operation of the entire surgical unit (Ferguson, 88). They make an average of $65,000 to
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$74,670 a year (Ferguson, 91). Along with many fields, there are many places to work. Nurses
can work in medical offices, hospitals, nursing homes, community health programs, managed
care facilities, clinics, industry, private homes, schools and camps (Ferguson, 90). Many people
wonder if they should become a nurse. Ann Kolanowski said:
Nursing is on a par with other disciplines and we are viewed as equals in creating
science. My advice is to alumni, is to use your network of Hartford colleagues, but also
reach out to interdisciplinary colleagues at the GSA. The BAGNC (Building Academic
Geriatric Nursing Capacity) are well paid positioned to transition into the GSA network
leadership positions. Ensuring that the nursing perspective on issues related to the care
of older adults. (Kolanowski, Ann)
This was said to the college students with the view of nursing as a future career
There are many benefits of becoming a nurse. Nurses are paid well for the jobs they
perform. They expect a fair salary and extra pay for overtime working (nurses). Nurses can
choose a field that suits them best (nurses). They can choose mental health, which is a persons
condition regard to the psychological and emotional wellbeing (nursing). There are pediatrics
which is the branch of medicine dealing with children and their diseases (nursing). Geriatrics,
the branch of medicine or social science dealing with the health care of old people (nursing).
Surgery, the treatment of injuries or disorders of the body by incision or manipulation (nursing).
Also oncology, the study and treatment of tumors (nursing). Choosing their fields starts in
nursing school and progresses on the rest of their lives (nurse). Another benefit of nursing is
that they help people on a daily basis. They help make a difference in the lives of people every
day, helping both the sick and healthy people lead better lives (nurse). Nurses also impact and
save peoples lives (nurse).
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Along with the benefits of nursing there is also some negatives. For nurses there is a lot
of paperwork to be done (Ferguson, 88). From writing down the information about patients to
planning a surgery there is a lot of paperwork. It is so cumbersome, says Debbie Robertson-
Huffman, someone always needs a report or statistics. We are losing sight of the people with
all the report requirements. (Ferguson, 88). Nursing requires a lot of walking and heavy lifting
and moving patients, boxes, etc. (encyclopedia and nurse). These lead to sore muscles and feet
when they get home. Nurses also have to work under stress, apply critical thinking, make hard
decisions and translate the skills into battle field conditions (nurses in military). Nurses have to
deal with families suffering because of a friend or family members illness or death. (Nursing)
nurses are also required to work long hours, a minimum of 10-12 a day and maybe more if
needed. They have to shift work, work weekends, night works, and also holidays if they are
needed (nurse). Even though nursing has benefits, it also has negatives.
To become a nurse there is a lot of schooling one must do. There are many class courses
a nurse has to take. English classes help nurses communicate with their patients.
(Encyclopedia). Science courses also will help a lot. Some courses include, chemistry, the branch
of physical science, the study of structures, properties and change of matter (learn). Nutrition,
the study of food and drink, where you learn the health hazards of junk food etc. (learn).
Psychology, the science of the mind or of mental states and processes (learn). Anatomy, the
science dealing with the structure of plants and animals (learn). Physiology, the branch of
biology dealing with the functions and activities of living organisms and their parts including all
physical and chemical processes (learn). Microbiology, the branch of biology dealing with the
structure, function, uses, and mode of existence of microscope organisms (learn). Behavioral
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science, a science or branch of learning as psychology or sociology, the derives its concepts
from observation of the behavior of living organisms (learn). Nurses are also required to know
math (encyclopedia). There are many degrees that will help one become a nurse. There is the
Bachelor of Science in nursing degree (explore). The accelerated bachelors degree, masters
degree, RN-to-Master of science in nursing (MSN), and MSN-to-doctoral (explore). Along with
schooling there are also many requirements. All states require a nurse to have a nursing license
to practice nursing (Ferguson, 89). Nurses have to continue going to school to get different
nursing titles (Ferguson, 90). One should be able to make intelligent decisions fast-paced and be
demanding for something to be done right and quickly (Ferguson, 90). They have to stay up to
date on insurance and government regulations and reporting requirements. To become a nurse
there is a lot of school requirements and regular requirements they must follow.
To make the job better, nurses need to ensure adequate staffing levels. If nurses dont
let anything get in the way of their jobs and they stay focused it reduces medical and
medication errors (ensuing). If the nurse is kind and loving towards patients, it decreases
patient complications and complaints (nursing). It will also improve the patients satisfaction
(ensuring). This is why having good nurses for staff is important.
Being a nurse isnt easy with all the schooling and requirements, but it can always help
some elses life. Nurses take a lot of time out of their days, weekends, and holidays to help
others. With very little errors, they do their jobs the best way possible ensuring everyone is safe
and satisfied. Without them everyone would have to take care of themselves when sick or
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injured. Nurses help everyone lead healthy and better lives. With so many fields, nursing has
been in a high demand.

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Work cited
Ferguson, Encyclopedia. Careers in Focus: Nursing. New York
2005 encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational guidance. New York, 2005.

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