Exercise 9 of Alvarez

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Name: Rochelle R. Alvarez Date:_______________
YR & SEC:IV - NARRA Ratin:_____________
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Ecology, the study of the relationship of plants & animals to their physical &
biological environment. The physical environment includes light & heat or solar
radiation, moisture, wind, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients in soil, water, & atmosphere.
The biological environment includes organisms of the same kind as well as other plants
& animals.

Because of the diverse
approaches required to study
organisms in their environment,
ecology draws upon such field as
climatology, hydrology, oceanography,
physics, chemistry, geology, & soil
analysis. To study the relationships
between organisms, ecology also
involves such disparate sciences as
animal behavior, taxonomy,
physiology, & mathematics.
An increased public awareness of
environmental problems has made
ecology a common but often misused
word. t is confused w! environmental
programs & environmental science
"see #nvironment$. Although the field
is a distinct scientific discipline,
ecology does indeed contribute to the
study & understanding of
environmental problems.
'he term ecology (as introduced #y the )erman #iologist *rnst +einrich +aec,el in -.//0
it is derived from the )ree, oikos 1household!23 sharing the same root (ord as economics.
'hus3 the term implies the study of the economy of nature. 4odern ecology3 in part3 #egan (5
harles 6ar(in. In developing his theory of evolution3 6ar(in stressed the adaptation of
organisms to their environment through natural selection. Also ma,ing important contri#utions
(ere plant geographers3 such as Ale"ander von +um#oldt3 (ho (ere deeply interested in the
ho(! % (hy! of vegetational distri#ution around the (orld.

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