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Garza Independence High School

When meeting a new student !" the i"st time# the i"st im$"essi!n d!esn%t a&wa's te&& the wh!&e
st!"'( It was !)*i!us when I met Ra+ue& that she was $!&ite and did he" w!",( -ut I had n! idea
what a g!!d student she was( Ra+ue& tu"ned !ut t! )e an !utstanding student wh! a&wa's handed
in +ua&it' w!",( He" attenti!n t! detai& and the neatness ! he" w!", is im$"essi*e(
Ra+ue& w!",s inde$endent&' m!st ! the time# 'et ,n!ws when she sh!u&d as, +uesti!ns( .he
deinite&' w!",ed with the mate"ia& and made it he" !wn( It is a st"ugg&e !" math tea/he"s t! get
students t! !wn the mate"ia&# )ut Ra+ue& deinite&' did( I thin, it%s )e/ause Ra+ue& has a *e"'
matu"e !ut&!!, and is *e"' tena/i!us and g!a&0!"iented when it /!mes t! he" w!",( This +ua&it'
sh!u&d se"*e he" *e"' we&& with whate*e" she d!es in the utu"e( In a/t# I was s! im$"essed with
Ra+ue& that I awa"ded he" m' .tudent E1/e&&en/e Awa"d in the 2a&& 3413 !" he" w!", in m'
/&ass( Ra+ue& is ,ind# sma"t# and has high e1$e/tati!ns !" he"se&(
I high&' "e/!mmend he" !" an' edu/ati!na& !" em$&!'ment !$$!"tunit'( I I /an )e ! u"the"
assistan/e !" answe" an' +uesti!ns# d! n!t hesitate t! /a&& me at 55136 41407838 !" emai& me at
Re1 Nunna&&'

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