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JK Class Website: www.jk-lces.weebly.


June 2014
Junior Kindergarten
Fathers Day
Folk Tales and Fairy Tales

Jesus tells stories

Colour of the Month: Blue

Introduce 10 (A one and a zero
are easy to do. I have ten
fingers and so do you!)
Geometry: Square
Graph, count, pattern
Phonics: ng, oo, ou. Review all

Happy Birthday
June 13- Danny

Monday Wednesday Friday

Phonics: ng
All library books
are to be returned.
Students will not
be borrowing
books this month

2014-2015 JK
student orientation
Pizza Day

2014-2015 JK
orientation visit
Phonics: oo

Last week for the
Home Reading
JK visits Ms. Lise in
the SK classroom

Blue Day! Wear
something blue.
Thank you, God,
for Fathers!

Jersey Day

100 Days of School

Bring a set of 100
small things for Show
and Tell

Phonics: ou

Reading Buddies

Journals and
portfolio goes
Field Trip to
Bee Tour, Outdoor
Adventures and a


JK/SK Field Trip to the
Mill Pond (Summer
Walk, Picnic & Splash
Pad- 9:20-2:30)
Year End Assembly

Third Term Reports
sent home

Last day of school

Have a wonderful
summer holiday!

JK Class Website:

Junior Kindergarten News June 2014
I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have supported Junior Kindergarten this year. Whether
you purchased books, supervised in the classroom or on field trips, sent in treats, or when you faithfully checked
the JK calendar to ensure your child was prepared whatever your families contribution, all these things are
very much appreciated! I especially thank you also for your prayer support. God has indeed blessed our class
this year!

We will be having next years JK students come and visit for a couple hours during our regular school day
routine during the first week of June. This will be an opportunity for the new students to meet our class and get a
glimpse of what September will look like for them. Our JK class will also have a chance to visit the SK classroom
on Wednesday, June 11. At that time the current SK class will be visiting grade 1 and it will allow Ms. Lise to
introduce herself as their soon coming teacher.

This month is filled with celebrations. We welcome as many parent volunteers as possible for our class field trips.
Please let me know if you will be joining on either field trip days. On Friday, June 20 we will be taking a trip to
Clovermead. Unfortunately, I will have to ask most parents to pay the general admission of $9.04. We will leave
by bus at 9 and return to the school by 2:45. We will eat our lunches at Clovermead. Please make sure that your
child has a water bottle is packed and is safely prepared for being outside all day (sunscreen applied before
they come to school). Check out all the exciting things we will get to do at Clovermead on their website:

JK and SK will also be taking our last hike at The Mill Pond on Monday, June 23. We will be walking the trails
looking for signs of summer and then we will head over to the Dorchester Community Park to have our lunch
under the pavilion and take time to cool off in the splash pad. Children are asked to bring their hat, bathing
suit, a plastic bag and a towel in their backpacks. If you put your childs sunscreen in their backpack we can
reapply it as the day goes on.

As the school year draws to a close, we think about what a blessing it is that our children may attend a
Christian school where Christ is central. I pray that God will bless each kindergarten child as they continue to
grow, confident in the knowledge that they are His children.

Have a wonderful and restful summer!
Mrs. Graham

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