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Part 1

Complete the following assignment and email it to your instructor.

You've been sent away to computer camp for the summer! You've been at camp for two
weeks now, learning all sorts of things about communication and information
technology. You decide to compose an email letter to your parent or guardian to tell
himher about the e!citing time you're having.
"ere are a few re#uirements you'll need. $e#uirements 1, % and & should take a short
paragraph each. 'se appropriate language, and use the terminology you've learned so
far to demonstrate your understanding of the material in this activity.
1. (escribe a mobile computing device you've used at camp. )!plain why its
wireless communication has been a benefit.
I used a cellphone as a computing device at camp. The wireless communication has been
a benefit for me to send e-mails and messages to friends and family and search things up
on the web.
%. (escribe how you're sending the email message. *re you using webmail or an
email application+ ,hat is the advantage of doing it this way+
Im sending this message with an email application, the advantage of doing it this way is
that I could email a lot of people all at once.
&. -nstall or research an alternative internet browser such as .irefo!, /pera, or the
new version of -nternet )!plorer 012. ,hat are the uni#ue andor useful features
of these applications+
Firefox is a free web browser. It is developed for Windows, ! ", and #inux and androids.
It was released $$ years ago. There are over %&' million people in the world who use
Firefox. (s of February )'$% its the third most popular in the world.
)!periment a bit with -nternet )!plorer. (iscover and describe a few useful features that
this software offers.
3. *lthough you're writing this letter to your parent or guardian, you'll really be sending it
to your instructor. 4end the message to your instructor's email address, and use your
own address in the Carbon Copy 0CC2 bo!. -f you've done things correctly, you will get a
copy of your letter in your own inbo!.

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