Resume RJ

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Robert J.

Cummins III
509 South Adams Street Beverly Hills, FL 34465 Cell: 3524226!96
"o #o$tri%ute e&'erie$#e a$d su''ort to the %usi$ess de'artme$t %y 'rovidi$( a$d mai$tai$i$( sou$d
leadershi' i$ a$ or(a$i)ed, sa*e, se#ure, a$d #o$*ide$tial ma$$er, a$d %y 'er*ormi$( the duties a$d
re+uireme$ts that the *a#ility deem ,ust a$d 'ro'er-
Central Florida Community College .#ala, Florida 2006
Crystal River High School Crystal /iver, Florida 2005
Hi(h S#hool 0i'loma
Licenses, Certifications, and Training ______________________________
A valid Florida 0rivers Li#e$se
1rote#tive A#tio$ /es'o$se 21A/3 Certi*ied
C1/ Certi*ied
Leadershi' "rai$i$( Certi*i#ate 244S3
All trai$i$( a$d #lasses that are o**ered throu(h 44S 2C./53 yearly-
5**e#tive Leadershi' "rai$i$( 2Semi$ar3
Leadershi' Commu$i#atio$ "rai$i$(
Huma$ /esour#e 6a$a(eme$t
Commo$ 6ista7es o* Su'ervisio$
Co$*li#t 6a$a(eme$t
5**e#tive #ommu$i#atio$ i$ re'orts *orms a$d Lo(s
1utti$( Sa*ety *irst
0eali$( 8ith Cha$(e
/es'o$di$( to A$(er
4e$eral su'ervisio$
Liste$i$( a$d Commu$i#atio$
9or7'la#e relatio$shi's
Creati$( a 'ositive 5$viro$me$t
Commu$i#atio$ is the :ey to Su##ess
1redi#ti$( /esults
"ime 6a$a(eme$t
6a7i$( a$d Carryi$( .ut 0e#isio$s
0ele(ati$( res'o$si%ility
1ro%lem Solvi$( Strate(ies
/es'e#ti$( diversity
Co'i$( 8ith Sta**
Emploment !istor____________________________________________________________
Cypress Creek Juvenile Detention Facility Le#a$to, Florida 200;1rese$t
<$it 6a$a(er, Shi*t Su'ervisor, =outh Care 9or7er
6y res'o$si%ilities i$#lude the *ollo8i$(:
>$ #har(e o* the o'eratio$ o* ?ormali)i$( the *a#ility-
.versees dire#t #are evaluatio$s, dis#i'li$e a$d termi$atio$s-
1arti#i'ates i$ i$tervie8i$( a$d ma7es hiri$( re#omme$datio$s-
5$sures the o%serva$#e o* la8s a$d re(ulatio$s %y ,uve$iles, dire#t #are sta**, #ivilia$
em'loyees a$d visitors-
Su'ervises the housi$( i$de'e$de$t livi$( 'ro(rams a$d has res'o$si%ility *or em'loyee
evaluatio$s a$d *or re#omme$di$( the hiri$(, *iri$(, 'romoti$(, demoti$(, a$d@or
dis#i'li$i$( o* em'loyees-
Su'ervises the dis%urseme$t o* a$d 8here $e#essary o%tai$s a$d distri%utes $eeded
e+ui'me$t a$d materials-
5$sures that all duty 'osts are *illed i$ #o$*orma$#e 8ith re+uired sta** to youth ratios-
Alo$e or i$ a team, 'arti#i'ates i$ i$itial admissio$ i$tervie8s-
1arti#i'ates i$ #ase assessme$ts a$d 'ro(ress #o$*ere$#es-
"ea#hes 'ro'er methods o* 'erso$al #are, (roomi$(, a$d %asi# household a#tivities to
e$sure suita%le sta$dards are *ollo8ed *or order, #lea$li$ess, sa*ety a$d #are o*
*ur$ishi$(s a$d e+ui'me$t-
1rovides #alm, #o$siste$t, a$d a''ro'riate dire#tio$ *or a$d res'o$ses to youth %ehavior
duri$( daily livi$( a#tivities-
>$ res'o$se to e'isodes o* e&treme %ehavior, uses a''ro'riate #risis i$terve$tio$ a$d
%ehavioral ma$a(eme$t te#h$i+ues, 8hi#h may i$#lude the 'hysi#al restrai$t a$d
#o$*i$eme$t o* reside$ts-
>$ the a%se$#e o* trai$ed medi#al 'erso$$el, 'rovides emer(e$#y *irstaid, a$d arra$(ed
*or immediate *ollo8u' #are-
6a$a(es the overall o'eratio$s o* assi($ed sta** a$d %rie*i$( o* same re(ardi$( the
'ro'er 'er*orma$#e o* esse$tial *a#ility routi$es-
Assi($s reside$t a$d sta** 8or7 a#tivities i$ a##orda$#e 8ith esta%lished 'ro#eduresA
'rovides i$stru#tio$ o$ s7ills, develo's attitudes a$d im'arts 7$o8led(e re+uired to #arry
out these a#tivities-
6ai$tai$s a system o* re#ords a$d *iles 8hi#h i$#ludes e$tries i$ a daily lo( that re*le#ts
i$dividualsB $eeds, 'ro%lems a$d 'ro(ressA 're'ares #lear a$d #o$#ise re'orts o$ #riti#al
6ai$tai$s a system o* i$ve$tory #o$trol a$d re+uisitio$ *or housi$( u$it su''lies a$d
Coordi$ates a$d develo's u$i*orm 'ra#ti#es a$d dire#tio$ 8ith *a#ility8ide a#tivities-
>$ter'rets, e&'lai$s, a$d a''lies the rules, re(ulatio$s, a$d 'ro#edures o* the #e$ter-
Com'lies a$d mai$tai$s esse$tial re#ords a$d *iles-
Atte$ds a$d ta7es 'art i$ #o$*ere$#es, trai$i$( i$stitutes, a$d meeti$(s #o$#er$ed 8ith
the 'ro(rams a$d a#tivities o* the *a#ility-
Atte$ds trai$i$( meeti$(s o$ su%,e#ts desi($ed to im'rove s7ills, attitudes, a$d
7$o8led(e $eeded *or ma&imum 'er*orma$#e-
"he a%ility to utili)e various ty'es o* ele#tro$i# a$d@or ma$ual re#ordi$( a$d i$*ormatio$
systems used %y the #o$trol #e$ter, a(e$#y, o**i#e, or related u$its-
1er*orm all duties re+uired o* a shi*t su'ervisor i$#ludi$( %ut $ot limited to the dire#t
su'ervisio$ o* all =outh Care 9or7ers u$der my stead-
"ra$s'ort ,uve$ile reside$ts to various lo#atio$s outside the *a#ility usi$( a va$ or #ar to
assist reside$ts i$ o%tai$i$( $eeded treatme$ts, em'loyme$t, atte$d #ourt a$d a$y other
*u$#tio$ that su'ervisio$ deems $e#essary-
Su'ervise a$d@or 'arti#i'ate i$ various re#reatio$ 'ro(rams a$d a#tivities 8ith ,uve$ile
reside$ts a$d sta** to stimulate i$terest i$ a$d #oo'eratio$ 8ith various so#ial a$d
edu#atio$ 'ro(rams-
"ea#h, su'ervise a$d@or 'arti#i'ate i$ various daily livi$( a#tivities 8ith ,uve$ile
reside$ts a$d sta** to stimulate i$terest i$ a$d trai$ s7ills $eeded *or i$de'e$de$t livi$(-
1rovide advi#e to youth o$ 'erso$al 'ro%lems they e$#ou$ter 8hile i$ the *a#ility-
1rovide 'ositive role modeli$( a$d usi$( #ommo$ se$se to relieve te$sio$ a$d 'reve$t
additio$al 'ro%lems-
:ee' #o$ti$ual tra#7 o* the $um%er o* ,uve$ile reside$ts a$d sta** u$der dire#t
su'ervisio$ throu(h 'eriodi# head #ou$ts a$d re#ords-
:$o8 8here all youth a$d sta** are at all times-
Com'lete te$ mi$ute #he#7s as re+uired %y o'eratio$al 'oli#ies *or the sa*ety o* youth
a$d 'reve$tio$ o* es#a'es or sui#ide attem'ts-
Co$sta$tly o%serve youth a$d sta** *or u$usual a''eara$#e or %ehavior to u$#over
violatio$s o* rules to 'rote#t the health, se#urity, sa*ety, a$d 8el*are o* the reside$ts a$d
0ete#t u$usual odors to u$#over violatio$s, a$d 'rote#t the se#urity, sa*ety, a$d 8el*are
o* the youth-
Liste$ *or sou$ds that may %e a si($ o* distress or violatio$s that #ould u$dermi$e the
se#urity, sa*ety, a$d 8el*are o* the youth a$d sta**-
Lear$ the $ames a$d re#o($i)e the youth u$der immediate #har(e a$d mai$tai$ a
#o$stru#tive 'erso$al relatio$shi' 8ith those youth to #o$trol their (e$eral #o$du#t a$d
%ehavior a$d to ide$ti*y 'ote$tially 'ro%lem youth so that these 'erso$s #a$ %e #losely
1atrol various lo#atio$s throu(hout the *a#ility to mai$tai$ se#urity a$d sa*ety o* the
youth a$d sta**-
Sear#h youths #lothi$( a$d 'ossessio$s a$d ma7e 'eriodi# room #he#7s to dete#t
#o$tra%a$d i$ a##orda$#e 8ith esta%lished 'oli#ies, re(ulatio$s a$d 'ro#edures-
1arti#i'ate i$ es#a'e a''rehe$sio$ a#tivities-
1arti#i'ate i$ emer(e$#y res'o$se a#tivities-
Su'ervise, 'er*orm a$d i$stru#t ,uve$ile reside$ts i$ house7ee'i$( duties su#h as
s8ee'i$(, mo''i$( *loors, ma7i$( %eds, a$d so *orth to mai$tai$ sa$itary #o$ditio$s i$
youth areas-
5$sure all reside$ts mai$tai$ 'ro'er hy(ie$e-
/emai$ alert to 'ossi%le se#urity 'ro%lems su#h as the 'la$$i$( o* es#a'es a$d re'ort
su#h i$*ormatio$ i$ a##ord 8ith esta%lished 'oli#ies, re(ulatio$s a$d 'ro#edures-
9rite #om'rehe$sive, *a#tual i$#ide$t re'orts a$d *ill out short *orms su#h as head #ou$t
a$d sa*ety re'orts to (ive routi$e a$d detailed i$*ormatio$ to su'ervisio$ as $eeded-
1er*orm related tas7s as re+uired to i$#lude o'eratio$ o* the *a#ility #o$trol #e$ter-
1er*orm all duties a$d tas7s set *orth %y the Fa#ility Admi$istrator a$d Assista$t Fa#ility
Admi$istrator i$ a sa*e, se#ure, a$d timely ma$$er as they deem ,ust a$d 'ro'er-
6a7e sure all *u$#tio$s re+uired *or the su##ess*ul im'leme$tatio$ o* the S#hool Lu$#h
1ro(ram are #arried out a$d adhered to-
:$o8i$( the 'arameters o* a$d ho8 to im'leme$t the Co$ti$uity o* .'eratio$s 1la$
<$dersta$di$( the re+uireme$ts re+uired %y the Ce$tral Commu$i#atio$s Ce$ter 2CCC3
a$d $oti*yi$( them 8he$ situatio$s arise that re+uire su#h $oti*i#atio$-
1er*orm a$y a$d all *u$#tio$s dire#ted to me %y the Fa#ility Admi$istrator, Assista$t
Fa#ility Admi$istrator, Chie* o* Se#urity or a$y other mem%er a#ti$( o$ their %ehal* as
they deem ,ust a$d 'ro'er-
Village Cadillac, Toyota, Inc Homosassa, Florida 2006200!
Lu%e "e#h$i#ia$
6y res'o$si%ilities i$#luded the *ollo8i$(:
1er*orm all mai$te$a$#e *u$#tio$s that the Servi#e 9riter deemed ,ust a$d 'ro'er-
6ai$tai$ daily servi#e re#ords as related to automotive mai$te$a$#e-
1er*orm daily i$ve$tory #he#7s-
Clea$ servi#e area daily a$d 7ee' it *ree *rom #o$tami$a$ts a$d ha)ardous materials-
"oug Connors
Assista$t 1ri$#i'al
Le#a$to Hi(h S#hool
3;C0 9est 5du#atio$al 1ath
Le#a$to, Florida 3446C
Larr "vorsca#
4e$eral 6a$a(er
Crystal 6otor Car Com'a$y
9;6 South S7y8ay Ave$ue
Homosassa, Florida 3444;
Clde $ibbons
"ra$sitio$ S'e#ialist
Cy'ress Cree7 Duve$ile 0ete$tio$ Fa#ility
2;55 9- 9oodla$d /id(e 0rive
Le#a$to, Fl 3446C
35252!309C e&t- C32

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