Cad of Spring

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‘US 2006) us) United States 2) Patent Application Publication co) Pub. No.: US 2006/0149517 Al 6 03) oy El-Sayed et al. METHODS AND SY! DESIGN AND ANALYSIS TEMS FOR SPRING Inventors: Sami Ibrahim El-Sayed, Bloomington, TL (US); Avtar Si Bloomington, IL ( Coldren, Fairbury, Seffal, Bloomington, 1L (US) L (US); Rabah CATERPILLARVFINNEGAN, HENDERSON, LLP. 901 New York Avenue WASHINGTON, DC 20001-4413 (US) Assignee: Caterpillar Ine, Appl. Nox 11024,723 Bile: Dee. 30, 2004 Publication Classification Int. ¢ G06G 748 (2006.01) 49S17AL (43) Pub. Date: Jul. 6, 2006 (32) USC 037 on TRACT A. spring design method is disclosed. The method hegins ‘with inputting a fist set of design parameters for a spring. The design parameters include a parameter that provides an estimate of non-lineatty in the spring. The spring design smthod determines a spring design based on the fist set of design parameters. A spring design and analysis method is disclosed. The method begins with creating a spring design. The spring design includes a parameter that provides cstimate of non-linearity in the spring design. The spring design and analysis method creates a spring anim that enables stress levels in a spring design to be identificd atthe coil level. The spring design method next identifies the coil in te spring design having the lowest dynamic fatigue factor and determines whether the lowest dyamie fatigue factor is acceptable, ion file Input Spring Parameters —_ . 40 Irate Improper eae ‘Are Inputs Logica? 00 Determine Spring Parameters Lato om Defaut Values Wr 470 ‘Special Requirements [480 ——————— Display Engineering Drawing Block L499) Patent Application Publication Jul. 6, 2006 Sheet 1 of 12 US 2006/0149517 AI C Server System 120 FIG. 1 t Patent Application Publication Jul. 6, 2006 Sheet 2 of 12 US 2006/0149517 AL 8g g : 3 3 & gz 8 2 3 ge g * R a N 9 uw 3 5 8 5 _ e . s !¢ g ‘c oO | Patent Application Publication Jul. 6, 2006 Sheet 3 of 12 US 2006/0149517 AL 8 8 oe 5 o Be co (= 8 = oO 9 nu st ee Pe £ eo ? a 5 a 3 a 130 > Patent Application Publication Jul. 6, 2006 Sheet 4 of 12 Input Spring Parameters Indicate improper Inputs ‘Are inputs Logical? 5 430 mA US 2006/0149517 AI Determine Spring Parameters K~440 FIG. 4 ‘Are Design Produce Waring Criteria Satisfied? Message 460 Default Values [K~ 470 ‘Special Requirements Lo~ 480 + Display Engineering Drawing Block Ks 490 US 2006/0149517 AI Jul. 6,2006 Sheet 5 of 12 Patent Application Publication s‘old £08, Teanl ss0ng In peor (oa uy queasy 93 dm PD 51°94, 1ubioy 9344 uo ‘yeun53 46U87 POS xe, pereno(e9 weed “SL sen IO], ‘109 f0L Jo s0quNN ‘09 angoy jo 19qunN, rey Buds Aynissaiborg sang Bueedo xe uns eG, ‘spiel inding 42a) aN ‘SpIaLd yd 1601) memareg Wvgzg DL mi) ameraduay Bureiedg, sw (—__o]_—_Aipojan voneriy weed, 4 5) ouonbagugeray NE eh yep insu N Lor] vor Beta ve p00 wu [3] gu Buesodg, W C53) bv pequessy ie peoy, uu Lazy yor pquessy, ww re] 0 wy [———7a3} moe PICO, ww (7 >eoueta amy Buuaad joys 0} anp %¢) 0} 04 Aq seseasour $30) p20] [Cagponey used ious [oN SAO, paussgioug, zs [a zawerg mu] s0007 [a[omewea au .2ccn Burping Buuds, | eo fq eseacy [2] Woo anew ieoL un, eis, waiberg weupo09 | s.2e4 anbne TTT RRD-me] all pu bunds, 3h] area Guryong on, Augers, ‘aa ove Spa poNPOT vompuog pu3 4 (2140000 2.051) 9901 peo |} fa] — anne wos aD era] repay ax obey 5S mound | - = a swe as Centos} inci (arabes) sandy a ayy TROD S| ‘0eg~ mopulM nding pue jnduy ois US 2006/0149517 AI Jul. 6,2006 Sheet 6 of 12 Patent Application Publication Buds men] 019] yoo Gumesg Busaauibug yoeg Lt oso—}-f sumeyea asoisey] —Auwsseufoug 6g suneyeq a101souy |—~oe9 Gyveo ious “8 9°914 oe Jepukg O14, [0a] ameraday Guneradg psy eoepng Buyea oot pe Hh [Pao] 8p [aR eoepns Bwe0q wna, os. ato 8 NO ssouyouy Bue) wnunuyy, Et 38 Jawe4D CO, 109 J0 vos o® WS T80H ‘0s ON 5% “ajoureieg ] ed 1S00 Teyoureneg {___ sywawaunbay jeroads sonje yinejeq sinejeq 8201804 |_— p99 201 coor 90% Su, ols. yer Suneido ye peoy, (N05) + tyr0y porquiessy ye peor, $4, painbay 6uyos [Pauyepaesy _e9u8r0/01 aeyeuresed %00L 004 409 preIA voonpaug “MOPUIM S]uOUIesINDSY je|pedsy pue SUELO, {sou ery pe07 pur Ajauoag -) on os HRD SOOO OO PET aUIED | bn 0 039 1~089 zo US 2006/0149517 AI Jul. 6,2006 Sheet 7 of 12 Patent Application Publication ow— ou oy os] Lod — Suuds men qwud eg r 99S = 97 Bunevedo ye S709 annoy. Soa Sa 29'9 = D7 Parquiassy 1e SOD BAY SEN + 08¢= UW uoRpeyaa 08 ¥ AnssaiBaig 99 09 = 97 SuteIed0 ve ayey Buds 9025 = S1pequESEY Ie ai BUNS] (irony) ont wu [“zso) — (_asiteeed oe pug! ocx] EEE] 94 roa ww [gna] worg|_ ePID HOT TITH a0 ww [3252] °L[—ieeueg SE ‘ww [00892 } woud pine seddn, i (08: ane wu 0057) OL | suey 0 wu “pooe}worg|_WORHePIMO_| oe ______ Burping S NUIPIND, yoorg Buymesg Bueoujbuz die ad Ta a TS "mopulm Buymeig Bunseubu be Patent Application Publication Jul. 6, 2006 Sheet 8 of 12 US 2006/0149517 AI 2 3g Me . se 8 z Lx Ne 5 c. £ § 5 lwo 8 S > S 5 3 2 T T T T ts ge € 8 € & ° (n) peo Patent Application Publication Jul. 6, 2006 Sheet 9 of 12 US 2006/0149517 AI oo S10 Design Spring i 920) Mesh Spring 930 Perform FEA Analysis ¥ 940 Create Animation File Y Identify Coil Having a Lowest Fatigue Factor Is Dynamic Fatigue 960 Factor Acceptable? FIG.9 2 = P01 Old z zor eB vor eS oro - O+ a On 2 T & iit = eke oe oye aged let cd z 08 + 2 = s+ 3 1 a oF + é g oes + 7 as O10 + g coo + a 2 OLL + S g oe z & 906+ g S89. ABOYS ogo nor Patent Application Publication 2006 Sheet 11 of 12 US 2006/0149517 A1 Patent Application Publication Jul. 1040 1030 Pas av FIG. 10b 1020 Shear Stress 1010 Patent Application Publication Jul. 6, 2006 Sheet 12 of 12 US 2006/0149517 AI 1030 as 1040 Y cr FIG. 10¢ (uw) ay0ng (oasyui) Ar190;9A, Shear Stress US 2006/0149517 AI METHODS AND SYSTEMS FOR SPRING DESIGN ‘AND ANALYSIS. TECHNICAL FIELD. [0001] This disclosure relates generally to spring design, ‘and analysis More particulary, the disclosure relates t0 systems and method fo designing and analyzing non-linear tnd linear springs under dynamic loading conditions. BACKGROUND [0002] Hetil compression springs and other springs are ‘important components in numerous mechanical devices. ‘Often under exireme operating conditions, the springs ‘encounter severe sess and stains, For example, helical ‘compressions springs are used in fuel systems to contol Jods and injection timing, These fvel systems deliver ace rate volumes of fuel for precise timing and provide multi Injection for low emissions with complete combustion and ‘maximum fuel economy. Fuel system springs experience high dynamics dae to ropid acceleration and deceleration during and after injection events. Fuel systems springs have ben pushing the curren spring design methodologies to the technical limit in onder to improve fatigue life and high speed performance [0003] US. Pat. No. 6,145,762 to OrolTet al. discloses a ‘variable rate spring for use in diesel fuel injection system. (Orloil's variable rate spring includes coils with varying Pitch so thatthe pitch ofthe coils near the spring ends is reduced. According to Orlof, the use of a variable rte Le. non-linear spring, addresses the problem of premature Tinigue Failures caused by the return spring oscillating at oF above its natural frequency. In operation, if the spring resonates then the coils atthe spring ends close and ope! and change the frequency of spring thereby damping the [0004] Olof provides an example of an advantage ass0- ‘ciated withthe Use of noa-linea springs in certain environ- rents, Orall; however, does not disclose how such a spring ‘ay be designed absent the trditional tril and error toch- nigue. Indeed, existing spring design and analysis tools renerlly consider linear springs under the influence of rhon-dynamic mechanical forces. Existing tools do not ‘account for dynamic aspects of spring design, [0005] Moreover, once a spring design is created, engi neers have historically relied upon static stress to test and perfect hase designs. owsever, this approach isnot eeliable {or springs that will encounter dynamic force in operation. Static analysis caleulates one stress valve for all coil, ‘whereas dynamic analysis calculates stress levels in each individual coil. Moreover, dynamic analysis may consider ‘coll clashes, friction, and other factors making the analysis, results more realistic. Considering only static stress may result in springs that encounter spring load los and fatigue failures during operation. [0006] The present disclosure provides systems and meth= ‘ds for spring design and analysis that avoid some or all of the aforementioned shortcomings ia the prior art SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0007] According 40 one embodiment, « spring design ‘method is disclosed, The spring design method begins with Jul. 6, 2006 the input of a fist set of spring desipn parameters. The design parameters include # parameter that provides an estimate of non-linearity inthe spring. A spring design is ‘dlermined based on the fint set of spring design param- ters. I the parameter that provides an estimate of non- Tinearty in the spring is non-2ero, then the detenmining step determines a non-linear spring design [0008] According to another embodiment, spring design ‘and analysis method is diselosed. The method begins With creation of « spring design. The spring design includes a parameter that provides an estimate of non-Tineaity in the Spring design. The spring design is then meshed with its break elements. finite element analysis is peformed on the ‘meshed spring and an animation fil s created based on the finite clement analysis. The spring animation file enables stress levels inthe spring design to be identified atthe coil level. The spring design and analysis method then identifies the coil in the spring that has the lowest dynamic fatigue ‘actor. The method also includes a detemnination of whether the lowest dynamic fatigue factor i acceptable. [0009] According to stil another embodiment, » spring sign system is disclosed. The spring design system includes a user interface, a processor and a display deviee. ‘The user interface enables inpuiting a fist set of design parameters for a spring. The design parameters include parameter that provides an estimate of non-linearity in the spring. The processor is configured to determine 3 spring sign based on the fist sot of design parameters. The processor is configured to determine 2 non-linear spring sign when the parameter that provides an estimate of ‘non-linearity in the spring is non-zero, The display device splays the spring design. [0010] According to yet another embodiment, a spring ‘design anl analysis system is disclosed. The system inchudes a processor and a display deviee. The processor is conti tured to ereate a spring design including a parameter that provides an estimate of non-linearity in the spring design ‘The processor is also eonfigured to: mesh the spring design ‘ith ts break elements; perform a finite element analysis 09 the meshed spring: create a spring animation file based on the finite elemeat analysis, ientity the col in the spring design having the lowest fatigue factor, and determine ‘whether the lowest fatigue factor is acceptable. The spring animation file enables stress levels in the sping design to be ‘dentfed atthe coil level, The display device displays the [0011] According to another disclosed embodiment, a ‘on-inear spring design method is disclosed. The method begins with inputting design criteria fora spring. The desiva enteria inclode a parameter that provides an estimate of ‘on-Finearity inthe spring. The method outputs a womlinear spring design based on the design eriteria BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0012] FIG. 1 illustrates an exemplary system environ- ‘ment in which methods and systems consistent with features ‘nd principles of the present disclosure may be imple- ‘mented [0013] FIG. 2 ittstates an exemplary client system on- sistent with embodiments ofthe preseat disclosure; [0014] FIG. 3 ilustmtes an exemplary server system ‘sonsstent with embodiments ofthe present disclosure; US 2006/0149517 AI [0015] FIG. 4 illustrates a flow chart of an exemplary spring design process consistent with embodiments of the present disclosure: 5 illustrates an exemplary inputlowtput win- ‘ith embodiments ofthe present disclosure [0017] FIG. 6 itlusates an exemplary detiuit selection ‘window consistent with embodiments ofthe present dislo- [0018] FIG. 7 illustrates an exemplary engineering draw= Jing window consistent with embodiments of the present disclosure; [0019] FIG. 8 is an exemplary grap illustrating. a non- linear spring design eurve consistent with embodiments of the present disclosure. [0020] FIG, 9 illustrates @ flow chart of an exemplary spring analysis process consistent with embodiments of the present disclosure: and [W021] FIGS, 100-10c illustrate animation frame captures ‘consistent with embodiments of the present disclosure DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0022] Reference will now be made in detail tothe daw ngs. Whorever possible, the same reference numbers willbe tused throughout the drawings to reler to the same of like pars. [0023] FIG. 1 illustrates an exemplary system environ- ‘ment in which features and prineipals consistent with the present disclosure may be implemented. As shown, the ‘exemplary system environment may inlude a elient system 110, s newwork 120 snd a server system 130, Although FIG. | shows only one client and only one server, one skilled in the art would realize that any number ofthese elements may be implemented within the computing environment shown jn FIG. 1 without departing from the seope of the present disclosure, [0024] Client system 110 may be a desk top computer, ‘work station, lap top, personal digital assistant, or any other Similar computer system known in the art. For example, client system 110 may include a processor, associated ‘memory, and numerous other elements and functionalities available in eomptter systems. These elements may include output devices, such asa keyboard, mouse and display, though these input means may take other forms. Also, included in cient system 118, may be 8 network interface tnd a web browser application tored withia a local memory for communicating with network 120. In one aspect of the present disclosure. a user may operate client system 110 10 perform funetioas consistent with eenain features related 10 the present disclosure. A user may be any individual that ‘operates elit system 110 to perform functions consistent with the present disclosure. For example, a user may’ include an engineer operating client system 110 to design and ‘analyze springs consistent with Features and aspects of the present disclosure [0025] Nowwork 120 interconnects client system 110 and, server system 130. Notwork 120 may include ane or more ‘communication network, including the internet or any other Similar network that supports web-based processing. Fue ther, network 120 may include the wireline andlor Wireless- Jul. 6, 2006 based networks. According to one embodiment, network 120 may bea local area network (LAN), a wide area network WAN), a dedicated intanet, che intemet, andlor a wireless network [0026] Server system 130 may be a computer system that provides infomation w a. raquesting entity, e., client system 10, through network 120. Server system 130 may ‘include a desk top computer workstation, mainframe, o any other similar server side system known in the at. Further, server system 130 may inciude andor is connected to one oF ‘more memory devices, such a¥ databases, In one coatigh- ration, server system 130 provides various components oF rmodlues used in the spring design and analysis processes [0027] FIG. 2 illustrates an exemplary client system 110 ‘in which features and principals consistent withthe present disclosure may be implemented. Client system 110 i a ‘computing system that is operated by a use. Client system 110 may include, for example, u processor 210, memory 220, display device 230, and an interface device 240. Processor 210 may be one or more processor devices, such as a mieroprocessor, lap top computer, desk top computer, ‘workstation, mainframe, etc. that execute program instmie- ‘ions o perform various functions. Memory 220 may be one ‘ormore storage deviees that maintain data (eg, instruction software application, ete.) used by processor 210. In one ‘embodiment of the presen disclosure, memory 220 includes broviser and other software that enables client system 110 40 retrieve content from extemal sourees. Display’ device 230 may be any known type of display device that presents information to the user operating client system 110. Inter fice device 240 may be one of more known interface nodules that feclitae the exchange of data between the intemal components of client system 110 and extemal ‘components sueh as server system 130. Further, interface device 240 may include a network interface device that allows client system 110 to receive and send data to and from network 120. In one embodiment of the present di closure, memory 220 includes various software components fand mestules used in the spring design and analysis pro- cesses outlined in the present disclosure. [0028] FIG. 3 illustrates an exemplary block diagram of ‘server system 130 consistent with certain principals related to the present disclosure. As shown, server system 130 may include a spring design process 310, and a spring analysis process 320, The processes included in server system 130 may be sfored in one or more memory deviees and executed by one or more processors runing within server system 130. Alternatively, some or all of the processes may be sub- systems of server system 130 that include software, hard- ‘Ware, processing sysloms, memory, support systems, and ‘any otter elements that enable each subsystem to perform their respective functions consistent with features of the present disclosure. One skilled in the art would realize that the configuration of server system 130, as shown in FIG. 3, is exemplary and not intended to be "A number of dierent processes and configurations may be added t0 andor removed om server system 130 without departing from the seope of the present disclosure. Por example either ‘or both af processes 310 and 320 may be located remotely from and accessible by server system 130, Pach of the pracesses 310 and 320 included Within server system 130 may inchide one or more processes to perform various ‘unetions consistent with aspects and features ofthe prese US 2006/0149517 AI disclosure, Processes 310 and 320 will now be explained ‘detail in conjunction with FIGS. 4 through 10, INDUSTRIAL APPLICABILITY [0029] Spring design process 310 is capable of consider- Jing non-tinearty. and designing «spring. accordingly. According to one embodiment, spring design process 310 ‘designs springs using a progressivity factor. The progres- fivity factor estimates the non-linearity in @ given spring application. Spring design process 310 accontingly designs non-linear springs based on the progressivity Taetor. [0020] Additionally, spring design process 310 may deter- ‘mine spring design thot includes an estimate of the ‘dynamic fatigue factor and determines guiding conditions forthe spring design, The fatigue factor, or fatigue limit is the maximum siess that an article can repeatedly endure ‘without fling. The dynamie fatigue factor the maximam dynamic stess that an article can repeatedly endure without failing. Spring design process 310 estimates the dynamic Jitigne fector. Generally, the guiding conitions fora spring indicate the dimensions of the part with which the spring being designed will interact. For example, fora coil spring ‘operating within a eylinder, the guiding indicates dimen- ‘sonal Himits for the eylinder. As snother example, i the coil spring is to be mounted on a pin, the guiding indicates the dimensional limits of that pin [0031] Spring design process 310 may include a process oF processes nunaing within cient system 110 and operated hy fuser to design springs. An exemplary embodiment of spring design process 310 is depicted in FIG. 4. Spring design process 310, shown in PIG. 4, includes steps 410 ‘hough 490 that enable both lineae and non-linear spring design, [0032] Spring design process 310 begins with an input sep 410 wherein parameters are input. At step 420 i is ‘determined whether the inputs are logical. I not, a user is provided with an indication of illogieal inputs at step 480 ‘and contol is etured to input step 410, When logical set ‘of inputs is developed, spring parameters are determined at ‘ep 440, Vazious embodiments inelude the ability to deter rine spring design parameters for both linear and non-linear springs. At step 450, iis determined whether any available ‘design criteria have been satisfied by the ealelated spring parameters. If there are design parameters that are not Estisied, contol ret to input step 410 after producing & waming message at step 460, At step 470 certain default vals for the designed spring are determined. At step 480, ‘any’ special requirements for the designed spring are deter- mined. At step 490, un engineering drawing block represen- tative othe designed spring is displayed, Fach ofthese steps ‘vill be explained in more detail in conjunetion with FIGS. 58. [0033]. FIG. 5 depicts an exemplary inpuowtput window Jor spring design process 310, According (0 one embodi- ment, iopuvoulput window $10 includes » graphical user Jnerface that enables entry of design parameters for spring to be designed. Inpu/outpat window 810 includes inp side $520-andl output side 830,.As ean be soon from FIG. 5 put side 520 includes a namber of input boxes $21, radio butons 522, and operational controls 823, Input boxes S21 include ‘put boxes for a number of typical spring design param- ‘tess As shown in FIG. §, input boxes S21 include: sire Jul. 6, 2006 naterial, end contltion, spring end type, minimum total inactive coil, upper and lower spring guiding, wire diameter, spring diameter, assembled length, loa at assembled length, ‘operating lenglh, load at operating length, progrestiviy actuation frequency, peak actuation velocity, and operating temperature. Radio butions $22 enable a user 10 select certain on/off type of spring parameters, For example, radio buttons 822 inchide yexno radio butions to select whether @ spring, should be shot-peened. Radio buttons $22 also include a radio button to select whether of not a spring diameter isthe outer diameter or the inner diameter. Oper ‘ional controls $23 include buttons for calculate, clear input fields, next, and clear ouput fields. As will be apparent t0 fone of onlinary skill in the art, any combination of input boxes, radio buttons and operational controls may be pro- vided [0034] _A.number of the input boxes $21 on input side $20 ‘of inpuvoupat window S10 will now be explained. la particular, spring guiding, loa, and length input boxes will be explained. Spring guiding input boxes enable a user to enter the guiding conditions for the spring a ts upper and lower ends. Spring guiding input boxes include drop dowa ‘menus that enable a user o select certain guiding conditions, stich as inner diameter and outer diameter. The drop down ‘ox may’ also enable a user to select no guiding conditions to indicate the spring design will not take guiding into account. As will Be apparent to one of skill n the at ianer ‘Gamter refers o a spring that is mouated at one end using a cylindrical element, such as a pin, inserted within the spring coils. Outer diameter reers 0 a spring that is ‘momnted at one end by fixing the spring within a eytinder Other guiding conditions are possible and would be known to those skilled in the a. [0035] According to one embodiment, inpuvoutput win- ‘dow S10 includes input boxes for assembled length, load at assembled length, operating length, and load at operating Tength. The assembled length ofa spring isthe length ofthe spring as it is incorporated into the device within which it Vill operte. In contas, the operating length ofa spring is the lett ofa spring a iti incorporated into the device whieh itis operating at its minimum length. That is, a spring's operating leah isis length when experiencing the ‘maximum operating load, The assembled Toad is the load that the spring will experience when incorporated into its ‘operating device, when that operating device is not opera ‘ng, Tht is, the lod at assembled length refers tothe static load the spring wil typically be under. In contest, the load at operating length refers tothe load the spring will endnre when it is at its operating length. That is, the load at ‘operating length refers tothe maximum lead the spring will endure under normal operation, [0036] FIG. also inchudes wser help icons $28. Accord- ing fo one embodiment, user help icons $25 include pop-up ‘windows that ae actuated when 2 cursor i positioned over the icon, Asan example, when a cursors positioned over the user help icon 528 beiow an operating length, a pop-up ‘window may appear that explains that the load a operating Jength should be greater than the load at assembled length Similar messages may be displayed ina pop-up window for teach ofthe other inpst boxes $21 within input side $20 of inpuvoutput window S10, As will be apparent to one of ordinary skill in the a other user help functionalities may bbe employed to deliver messages to user, For example, user US 2006/0149517 AI help icons $28 may include jeons that generate a user help ret with an alphabetized index of user help items [0027] Input side $20 of inpuvoutput window $10 also inchudes progressivity input box S24. According to one ‘embodiment, spring design process 310 uses the progres fivity factor to estimate the noa-lineariy in a given spring application, Spring design process 310 aeconlingly designs non-linear springs based on the progressvity factor. A non-linear spring includes, for example, a spring that is ‘designed having certain parameters that enable the spring to respond to not-linearty in operation. Progressvity input box S24 enables an operator to input a progressvity factor (© indicate non-linearity desired in the spring. design. According to one embodiment, progzessivity input box 524 ‘enables selection of a spring design algorithm, Mote spe= ‘iically, ithe progressivity factor entered in progressivity ‘input box 824 is non-zero, then spring design process M0 utilizes a non-linear spring design algorithm. Ifa progzes- sivity ctor of zero is entered into progressivity input box 524 then spring design procest 310 iilizes a lincar spring ‘design algorithm. According to another embodiment, spring ‘design process 310 includes «single spring design algorithms that includes the progressivity inp [0038] FIG. 8 provides » grophical illustration 810 ofthe proaressivity factor. In FIG. 8, the load on the spring is indicated on the vertical aecess in Newtons and the spring deflection is indicated on the horizontal axis in milimeters Referring (© FIG. 8, graphs 820 and 830 show spring response enrves for two different spring designs. Spring response curve 820 includes the response curve fora hypo- theticl perfectly linear spring design. Spring response curve 830 includes the response curve for a non-linear spring design. The progressivity factor of the nod-linear spring includes the load dlfereatial between the non-linear spring and the hypothetical perfetly linear spring at 50% dflec- tion, As ean be seen from FIG. 8, the progressvity factor is measured in Newtons. As will be apparent to one having skill in the art, the desired progressivity factor may be determined using known spring design techniques [0039] Retming to FIG. 4 instep 420, the various input ‘on input side 510 are checked for logic. According to one ‘embodiment, logic check step 420 includes a check 10 ‘determine that all necessary input boxes are filled, Accon> ing to another embodinent, logic cheek step 420 determines ‘wheter or not the various inputs within input boxes $21 are logical. For example, the values entered ino operating load input box and assembled load input box should be consistent with known spring design parameters. If the operating load ‘entered is smaller than the assembled load entered this Would indicate noncompliance with known spring desiga methodologies. According to one embodiment, suc a set of ‘inputs would generate a Warming message tothe user that the values entered are illogical. As will be apparent to one having skilled in the at, various input checks may be made step 420, [0040] At step 430, if logical inputs are present, spring ‘design process 310 provides an indication of which inputs are illogical. According to one embodiment, spring design process 310 indicates an inappropriate or illogical input by highlighting in bold the input fleld. Acconling to another ‘embodiment, spring design process 310 indicates an illo ‘al or inappropriate input by indicating with colo the input Jul. 6, 2006 box or field that contains the illogical or inappropriate i il be apparent co one having sill in the at that various ‘mechanisms to indicate an illogical or inappropriate input say be employed [0041] 1 in step 420 it is determined that all inputs are Jogical, den at step 440 the spring is designed. According to ‘one embodiment, determining spring design incldes calculating certain spring parameters. Acconding to one embodiment, spring. parameters are calculated when th calculate operational button on input side 520 of inp ‘output window $10 is actuated. According 1o one embod ‘ment, spring design process 310 includes non-linear and Tinear spring design algorithms. When the calculate func- ‘ional button 523 is actuated, a check is made of progres- sivity factor $24 to deteemine whether itis non-zero. If rogressivty factor $24 i non-zero, then a non-linear spring Sesign algorithm is used to calculate spring parameters at step 440. If progressivity factor $24 is zero, then a linear spring design algorithm is used w calculate spring design parameters a step 440, (wot) Accor one embodiment sing dss sep ‘accomplished using an algorithm that determines the Springs semble eth the spin ae ope Tength, the number of setive evils at assemble! length and the numberof active coils atthe operating length. According {o one embodiment, an algorithm for determining the non- linear spring design ix developed by driving an equation to fit the non-linear spring characteristic curve 830 shown in FIG. 8. As will be apparent to one having skill in the art, the spring rate an any given point along eurve 830 isthe slope ‘of the tangent to the eure at that point, Acco embodiment, the algorithm can be determined by combi ‘wo linear equations representative of the tangent lines atthe assembled length. and operating length, The first linear ‘equation may represent the actual Tangent ine at the assembled length. The second linear equation may represent ‘an approximation of the tangent fine atthe operating length ‘Altematvely, the actual tangent line atthe operating leat ‘may be used slong with an approximation ofthe tangent line at the assembled length. The two Tinear equations are combined to ariveat the non-linear spring design algorithm. twill be apparent to one having ordinary skill nthe art that various spring design algorithms capable of linear and on-linear spring design may be used [0043] | According to one emboxtiment, spring design pro- cess 310 estimates the dynamic fatigue factor at sep 40. ‘The dynamic fatigue factor isthe maxinmum dynamic stress that an article can repeatedly endure without failing. Aecord- ‘ng to one embodiment, spring design process 310 estimates the dynamic fatigue factor using an enhanced fatigue factor estimate process. As wll be apparent to one having ordinary skill in the art, dynamic fatigue factor can be estimated ‘mathematically using a well Know technique, for example a ‘well known equation. That well known technique, however, does not always provide an accurate estimate of dynamic {itigue factor. According to one embodiment, spring desivn process 310 estimates the dynamic fatigue factor for the Spring design using the well known estimating technique And «calibration factor derive from actual stress tests done ‘on a number of spring samples. According to one embod- ‘en, the calibration factor is derived hy comparing acteal dynamic fatigue factors developed through stress tests oa US 2006/0149517 AI ‘actual springs to dynamic fatigue factor estimates derived tsing well knowa techniques [0044] Spring design process 310 may determine springs ‘auding conditions at step 440. Generally the guiding con- ‘itions fora spring indieate the dimensions of the part ith ‘which the spring being designed will interact. For example, for a coil spring operating within a eylinder, the guiding indicates dimensional limits for the cylinder. AS another ‘example, if the evil spring is (© be mounted on a pin, the {uiding indicates the dimensional limits ofthat pin. Accord- Ing to one embodiment, spring design process 310 deter- mines spring guiding limits using spring guiding felation- ship. The spring guiding relationship may be developed by ‘evaluating guiding conditions for known springs. Por ‘example, spring guiding teationship may be developed by plotting siding condition data for known springs and fiting ‘4 curve to that plotied data, Allematvely, spring guiding relationship may be developed by building a look-up table from guiding condition data for known springs. It will be ‘apparent wo one having onlinary skill nthe art that a spring's tuiding conditions, and therefore spring guiding relation- ship, vary based on the spring's intended use [0045] The determined spring design parameters are diss played within ouipt side 830 oF inputioutput window S10. ‘Output side $30 shown in FIG. 5 jneludes atop portion 834 ‘and bottom portion $38. Top portion $34 of output side $30, inchides « numberof determined spring design parameters AAs shown in FIG. S, spring design parameters in top portion '534 include load los, stability, fatigue factor, static fatigue factor, dynamic fatigue factor estimate, maximum operating stress, percent compression, coil clearance, and initial fre- ‘quency. Top portion $34 also includes colunin $34 for tat values, column 832 for ealeulsted value, and eofumn 833 19 indicate whether a target was met, Aesording Wo one embadi- ment, column S31 includes a target calculated by spring design process 310 for each of the varions spring. design parameters. According to another embodiment, column 831 Includes target values entered by a user for each of the various spring design parameters i top portion $34, Column 532 inclides the calculated values for each of the spring ‘design paramcters listed in top portion SM. According (0 ‘one emboxliment, the values for the spring design parameters jn column $32 are calculated using either linear or 200- Tinear spring design algorithm as deseribed above, Columa 8533 of top portion 834 provides an indication of whether oF not the spring design parameter meets its target, According tw one embodiment, target met columa 833 includes a yes or no indication of whether or not the calculated spring design parameter mects its tanget, According to another embodi- Inet, target met column 833 of top portion 34 includes & User catered indication of whether oF not Larget is met [0046] Bottom portion $35 of output side £30 include 3 umber of spring design parameters that are either entered by a user of spring design process 310 or calculated by spring design process 310, According to the embadiment shown in FIG, 5, botlom portion $35 includes esleulted values lor spring rate, number of aetve coils, number of total coils, total mask, U-TS., max solid length, outside «diameter, Wahl cotretion factor, spring index, pitch and heat set. Bottom portion $38 also lists the user-entored progressivity fector. As will be appareat to one having ski in the a, various spring design parameters can be included ‘or excluded from the spring design parameters listed Jul. 6, 2006 the top portion $34 and bottom portion $38 of output side 580 without departing Irom scope of the present disclosure, [0047] Returing to FIG. 4, at step 480. itis determined ‘whether design criteria are satisfied, tthe design eitria are ‘not satisfied, control returs to input step 410 where the spring design parameters can be adjusted. According tone embodiment, target met column $33 of top portion 534 provides an indication of whether or not design eriteria are satisfied forthe panicular spring design project. At step 460, spring design process 310 produces warming messages indi eating that spring design criteria are not met. According 0 the embodiments shown in FIG. 8, warning messages include a yesino indication in tamet met column $33 of top portion 534, A no indicates that design criteria were not ‘tified and constitutes the waming message of step 460 ia FIG. 4, According to another embodiment, « pop-up win- dow could be used to indicate thot design criteria were not set. It will apparent to those having skill in the art that various mechanisms, e.g. eofor highlighting, could be used to notify a user that design criteria were not satisfied and to provide the warming message indicated in step 460 of spring Sesign process 310, [0048] At step 470, spring design process 310 selects default values for the spring. Referring to FIG. 6, a geom- ‘etry and load tolerances serven 610 is shown. Geomety and Toad tolerances sereen indicates a number of default values useful in the design of a spring, Aecording t0 one embost sent, the spring design process 310 selects these default values fora user. According to another embodiment, a user ‘may input certain default values To geometry and load tolerances sereen 610, FIG, 6 shows geometry and load tolerances sereen 610 divided into three portions: geometry and load tolerance portion 620, default value portion 630, ‘and special requirements portion 649, According to one embodiment, geometry and load tolerance portion 620 pro- Vides a user with an indication of load tolerances both st assembled height and operating height. Geometry and load Tolerance portion 620 also provides a indication of the ameter of the spring and whether that diameter isthe inner siamter or outer diameter. As can be seen from FIG. 6, the user is also given controls to indicate whether the foad and spring diameter were chosen by user of selected by sping design process 310, Geometry and load tolerance portion 620 also provides a user with certain information regarding the prodiction yields forthe spring design. Inthe instance shown in FIG. 6, geometry and load tolerance portion 620 provides a user ith an indication for production yield at various CPK values. As wll be apparent one having skill in the art, dillerent production yield information may be provided 10 a user [0049] Geometry and load tolerance screen 610 also includes a default value portion 630. Default value portion 6630 indicates default values for “diretional coils.™'mini- ‘mum tang thickness."'minimum bearing surface,” and opemting temperature.” As will be apparent to one of cordinaey skill in the a, ltemative deft values may be provide [0080] Geometry and tolerance sereen 610 includes spe- cial requirements portion 640, Acconting to one embodi- ‘meat, special requirements include the following: heat se, (OD charmer ID chamfer, special tang cut-off angle, color ‘ode, beating surface finish, its ito eylinder,shol-peening, US 2006/0149517 AI and progressivty. According 10 one embodiment, these special requirements include yes‘ao radio buttons fora user ‘o select whether oF not the particular special requirements ‘are desired in the spring being designed. Special require. ‘ments portion 640 also inclndes a ost impact column, The ‘cost impact columa indicates an approximate percentage increase in spring cost as a result of a praicolar special rexjirement parameter. Ax will be apparent to one having sill in the art, the list of special requirement parameters show in special requirements potion 640 may be incressed for decreased. [0081] Viewing geometty and load tolerance seen 610 a5 4 whole, its noted that eich of ponions 620, 630, and 640 jnchide restore dafialts button 680. Restore defaults ton 680 enables a user ofthe spring design process 310 to restore default values for aay of the three portions shown in peometry and load tolerance sereen 610. According (© nother embodiment, restore defaults buttons 680 could be provided for each individual default value shown within FIG. 6. Geometry and load tolerince sereen 610 also includes a number of operational controls in a bottom portion, According to one embodiment, geometry and load Tolerance sereen provides. back button 650, new spring button 660 and cngincering drawing block buston 670. Engineering drawing block button 670 provides coat for the user to advance to the next step of the spring desiga process. As will be apparent to one having skill in the at, ‘any number of software contol ultons may be provided oa ny of the sereens of spring design process 310. [0082] _Retuming w FIG. 4, engineering drawing block is provided at step 490, An exemplary engineering dawing block sereen 710s depicted in FIG. 7. gineering drawing block sereen 710 includes engineering drawing block 720, uiding portion 730, end face portion 740, spriug rate block 780, progressivity block 760 and active coil block 70. According to one embodiment, engineering drawing block 720 provides 2 summary of all spring parameters, either ‘enteral by a user or determined hy spring design process 310. That is, engincering drawing block 720 provides the spring design. According to one embodiment, all of the Paranicters listed in enginccring drawing block 720 may be ‘exported to a spreadsheet program, The spreadshet file can then be used on an engineering dniwing to deseibe all necessary spring parameters. Aeconting to one embodiment, spring rte block 750, progressivity block 760 and active ‘oil block 770 are also provided, According to one embod ‘ment, blocks 750-770 ae used to highlight certain aspects of the spring design. Spring rate block 750 lists the spring rate under various conditions for the designed spring. Progres- sivity block 760 lists the progressivity Timits for the ‘designed spring. And, active coil block 770 lists the number ‘of active cols for the designed spring. As will be apparent to one of ordinary kil in the at, engineering drawing block 720 and blocks 750, 760 and 770 may take the Form of one ‘or many blocks as desired {0053} Engineering drowing block sereen 710 also ‘includes guiding portion 730. According to one embod ment, guiding portion 730 includes separate portions that Indicate guide height range, upper guide diameter, and lower ‘auide diameter. Guiding indicates the dimensions within Which a spring will operate. Using input side $20 of input ‘output window S10, a ser specifies certain guiding param= ‘eters based on the desired spring design. Spring design Jul. 6, 2006 process 310 determines and displays guiding. conditos ‘consistent with those user spevilied parameters, [0084] Engineering drawing block screen 710. also includes end face portion 740. According to one embodi- ‘ent, ead face portion indicates parallelism and run-out factors fora spring being designed by spring design process 310, Parallelism factor indicates deviation from parallel for ‘a belical oil spring being designed when that spring wil be in operation, Run-out indicates the deviation of individual coils in elical coil spring from each other when the spring is in operation, Advantayeousl, spring design process 310 ‘may calculate both guiding and end face limits forthe spring being designed. For example, for guiding, spring design process 310 provides upper and lower limits for guide height range, upper guide diameter and lower guide diameter. For parallelism and nanout, spring design process 310 provides ‘Upper limits. [0085] Engineering drawing block sereea 710_ also fncludes user contol portion 780, According to one embodi- ‘ment, user contro) portion 780 includes buttons for back, Print, and new spring. IC will be apparent to one aving Ordinary skill in the art that various ser contol functions fan be provided within user coateol portion 780 of engi- ‘ering drawing block sereen 710. [0056] In order to minimize the risk of spring failure from the spring design, an accurate dynamic analysis is conducted by spring analysis process 320 (FIG. 3). Spring analysis process 320 enables siress within each coil of the spring Gesign to be determined and thereby enables identification of coll or coils that experience the highest dynamie stress and have the lowest fatigue factor, The spring design ean be adjusted accordingly using, for example, spring design pro- ‘ess 310 in order to reduce the sires and improve the spring design, [0057] A flow chart depicting a spring analysis process 320 consistent with embodiments ofthe present disclose is Shown in FIG. 9. Spring analysis process 320 shown in FIG. 9 enables consideration of dynamic effects such as sess surges atthe coil level and coil clash, a8 Well as consider ‘tion ofthree-dimensional ellects such as bucking and sheer atte spring ends, Spring analysis process 320 begins with the design of a spring at step 910, At step 920 the spring design is meshed with its break elements. A finite element analysis is done on the meshed spring at step 930. Then, an ‘animation file is created from the output of te finite element analysis at step 940. The animation file enables dynamic effects on the spring design to be identified atthe cil level Te coil having the lowest dynamic fatigue factor, is iden- ‘ified at step 950. At sep 960, itis determined whether the determined minimum fatigue factor is acceptable based on ‘the springs intended use, Ihe determined miniaaum fatigue actor is acceptable, then the spring analysis process 320 ends the determined minimum Fatigue factor is unaccept- fahle, then the operators notte and spring analysis process 320 reverts control fo spring design step 910. Fach of steps 910 through 960 will be explained in more detail below in conjunction with FIGS. 9 and 10, [0088] _ Spring analysis process 320 begins with the design ‘of aspringat step 910. According to one embodiment, spring ‘design may’ be accomplished using any software eapable of designing a spring. According to another embodiment, spring design step 910 is accomplished by spring desiva US 2006/0149517 AI process 310. Spring design process 310, as discussed above, 's capable of both linear and non-linear spring design. One skilled in the at will recognize that spring analysis process 320 js also useful on springs designed using purely linear techniques [0059] At step 920, the designed spring is meshed with is break elements. As will be apparent to one of ordinary skill inthe atthe process of meshing a solid isa prepanstory step to a finite element analysis. In particular. meshing a solid body such asa spring, involves determining where to break the solid ino finite elements for analysis. According to one ‘embodiment, the designed spring is meshed using software ‘capable of meshing a spring with its break elements. For ‘eximple, the CUBIT software, available from Sandia National Laboratories may be used to mesh the spring with its break elements. CUBIT includes two- and three ‘dimensional finite clement mesh generation tool. In particu Jae, CUBIT includes sold modeler based preprocessor that meshes volume and surface models for finite element aaly- sis. CUBIT enables a spring to be meshed with is break ‘elements. According to another embodiment, the designed spring is meshed using any suitable element structure, for ‘example, tetrahedral elements, As will be apparent to one having ordinary skill in the art, any software capable of meshing a spring may be used. [0060] At step 930, a nite element analysis is performed ‘on the meshed spring design. According to one embodiment, a finite element analysis is performed on the meshed ele- ments ofthe spring sbbjeced to 2 dynamic excitation force ‘The finite element analysis models the response ofthe spring based on the response of the meshed elements. According to ‘one embodiment, the Abaqus® (Abagus is a registered trademark of Ahaqus, Inc.) finite element analysis software js used (0 perform tbe finite element analysis. It will be ‘apparent to one having skill in the art thal various finite ‘element methods may be used to perform the finite element tnalysis consistent with the teachings of the present disclo- [0061] At step 940, an animation file is created. According {o one embodiment, the output from the finite element ‘analysis is used 10 create an animation fle. The animation fle depicts the designed spring overtime as itis subjected tw a dynamic excitation foree, Additonal, the animation file depicts varying levels. of strss within the designed spring using grayscale or color variations. bar graph could alsa be used to depict varying stress at the coil level According to another embodiment, the animation file also “depts graphs of spring velocity and spring stroke (Le. the displacement of the spring in response To the excitation free), For example, the animation file may depict the ‘designed spring and the velocity and stoke curves sie-by~ side so that dynamic stress within the spring (as indicated by larayscale or color variations) may be compared with its velocity and stroke. [0062] _ According to one embodiment, the animation files Created by creating and merging two Separate animations, According to this embodiment, the results of the fnite ‘element analysis are used (0 ereate a fist animation. This, animation ean be done, for example, using software such as Abaqus/Viewerk (Abagus/ Viewer is a registered trademark ‘of Abas, Ine.) and Animation Shop"™ (Animation Shop is a todemark of JASC Software) to ereate frames and Jmprove frame quality, respectively. A second animation is also ereated, The second ‘example, @spreadsheettype output from the finite element Jul. 6, 2006 ‘analysis and a frame creation software to create the velocity And siroke curves, According to one embodiment, 3 Visual Basie (Visual Basic is reistered trademark of Microsoft Corporation) seript can be used to export graphs Irom Microsoft Excel (Excel is a registered trademark of ‘Microsoft Corporation) toa frame creation software such as Microsoft PowerPoint ® (PowerPoint is a registered trade- mark of Microsoft Corporation), The first animation and the second animation are then merged to develop the animation showing the spring and the springs. velocity and stroke {curves in side-by-side fashion. This animation enables stress ‘within the spring to be monitored se the spring is subjected to the dynamic excitation force. It will be appareat (0 one having skill in the art that various programs could be Used to develop the animation fle consistent with the teachings of the present disclosure, [0063] FIGS. 102, 105 and 10 depict three exemplary Tames 1000 fro the imation. Fach of ames 1000 depict asiess meter 1010, the spring design 1020, the stroke curve 1030 aad velocity curve 1040, FIG. 104 depicts the spring design and stroke and velocity curves at time zero, That before any excitation foree is applied: FIG. 10h depicts the spring design and stroke and velocity curves at some time alter the dynamic excitation force is applied. Note, in Fl 10h the oscillating velocity curve indicating that 0 éynamitc ore i being applied to the spring design. FIG. 10e depicts the spring design and simke and velocity curves after the force has boon removed. In FIGS. 10a-10c, stress meter 1010 provides a key to the level of stress within spring sign 1020. That is, sress meter 1010 and spring design 1020 are shown in varying levels of gray scale. The varying levels of griyscale indicate varying levels of stress within spring design 1020. As can be seen fom FIGS. 10-10, the stress levels within spring design 1020 vary from coil o coil ‘and within coi. Agolor scale could also be used Tor stiess ‘meter 1010 and for spring design 1020 to depict varying levels of sess [0068] _At step 90, dhe col having the lowest dynamic Tiigue factor identified, Reference will be made to FIGS. 104-10¢ in the explanation of step 980. As discussed above, FIGS. 104-106 depict frames trom the spring animation ‘created at step 940. As can be seen fom FIGS. 10a-He, the snimation enables the spring designs response to the ‘dynamic excitation foree to be viewed st the individ cil level and enables the stress within the spring to be viewed atthe individual col level. According 1o one embodimett, the animation fies used to identify the eo that encounters the maximum stress in response to the dynamic exetation force, Accoeding to another embodiment, raw data from the finite element analysis could be used to determine the eo that encounters the highest stress in response tothe dynamic excitation fore, [0065] At step 960, the dynamic fatigue feetor of the ‘dentifed col is determined and evaluated against a prede- fermined threshold. As will be apparent to one having skill inthe an, the fatigue factor or fate limit, isthe maxima stress thet an article can repeatedly endure without failing ‘According to one embodiment, the dynamic fatigue factors {determined from the animation by idenif¥ing the maximnm stress that the spring repeatedly endures without filing. As iscussed above, the animation enables a determination of stress to be made atthe coil level [0066] According to one embodiment, the dynamic fatigue Teor is evahvated aginst a criteria, Acconling (© another US 2006/0149517 AI fitjgue factor is evaluated against 2 minimum penerally scceplable fatigue factor. Ifthe dynamic fatigue factor is unacceptable, ie, below some predetermined level, contol returns ta spring design step 910. The individal coil stress data developed through the finite element analysis in the ‘animation file can be used to modify the spring ‘940. I'the dynamic fatigue factor is aoeeptable at st then spring analysis process 320 ends [0067] Varistions of the methods and systems consistent With features ofthe present disclosure previously deseribed may be implemented without departing from the scope of the disclosure. One skilled in the art would realize that the applications of methods and systems consistent with certain {cates related to the present disclosure are not limited 0 the examples Hsted above. For example, spring. design process 310 and spring analysis process 320 may reside ‘within client system HO of within server systom_ 130, Additionally any measure of spring non-linearity and any Suitable spring design algorithm may be wsed. Furthermore, the teachings of the present disclosure maybe applied 10 ‘design and analyze many diferent types of springs that ure useful in many diferent eavionmeats [0068] Furthermore, methods and systems consistent with ealures of the present disclosure are not limited to the ‘configuration and process sequences Jesribed and show i the figures, For example, the prevent disclosure may be ‘implemented using various network and computing models, protocols, and technologies. Also, methods and systems ‘Consistent with features of the present disclosure are not Timited to the implementation of systems and processes ‘compliant with the any particular type of programming Tangtage, Any number of programming langages may be Uulized, Also, the present disclosure is not Timited to end users located ata client system 110, One skilled in the at ‘would realize that other entities may access server system 130 in 8 manper consistent with the present disclosure [0069] Other embodiments of the disclosure willbe appar- ‘ent to those skilled in the art from consideration of the specification and practice of the disclosure disclosed herein. is intended thatthe specification and examples be con- sidered as exemplary only, wih a true scope and spirit ofthe ‘disclosure being indicated by the following claims ‘What is claimed is 1A spring design method, comprising: inputting a first set of design parameters for spring, the

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