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The Ethics Commission and the Indian Court of Arbitration for Sports (ICAS
International Olympic Committee (IOC)
The Indian Olympic Association (IOA)
Gulf Cooperation Council
Indian Ocean Rim Association
COP 18 Doha climate conferences
Minamata convention on mercury
Iran and P5+1 group of nations clinch nuclear deal
India gets observer status in the Arctic Council
Venezuela created vice ministry of Supreme Social Happiness

Syria joins UN Chemical Weapons convention, the 190th country to do so
SIACHEN dispute
Syrian civil war and the chemical weapons crisis
Geneva talks - Irans nuclear issue
India-China BDCA
Abdullah Yameen representing Progressive Party of Maldives becomes the President of Maldives
Gambia withdraws from the Commonwealth
Egypts Presidential election (Crisis)
Political crisis in Bangladesh
Nepal elections- framing of the constitution
Immigration reforms anti-piracy treaty
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
Tamil National Alliance stages historic victory in Northern Provincial Council elections in Sri Lanka.

Decisions by Government
Immigration reforms anti-piracy treaty
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
Tamil National Alliance stages historic victory in Northern Provincial Council elections in Sri Lanka.
China relaxes one child policy and abolishes its notorious labour camps
Afghanistan-USA Bilateral security agreement
US economic shutdown

Important Projects
BCIM Trade Corridor

COP 18 Doha climate conferences
Minamata convention on mercury
Iran and P5+1 group of nations clinch nuclear deal
Warsaw Climate
Convention- 19th
Conference of Parties
International Criminal Court
India -Russia nuclear deal
The World Bank - loan for sustainable housing in India - International Court of Arbitration
US Israel lose UNESCO voting rights due to non-payment of dues.
Syria joins UN Chemical Weapons convention
UK Parliament backs Royal Charter on Press regulation Iraq ratifies the Comprehensive.
India Proposed Hydrocarbon Pipeline from Kazakhstan
Marmaray - World first underwater rail link between two continents

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