Guns Germs and Steel: Try To Be As Precise As Possible and Use Specific Real Examples 5

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Guns Germs and Steel

1. The initial impetus for Diamonds book was a question posed by his friend
Yale. Can you remember the question?
The question was why you white men have so much cargo than us?

2. How did many 19
and early 20
century Europeans explain European
dominance and empires?
They explained the dominance by saying it was Genetics Eugenics, this
term was during the dominance of Europeans because they found
themselves genetically superior compared to the colonies they

3. What/where is Eurasia?
Eurasia is at the north part of the world between Europe and Asia.

4. What role in early Eurasian development does Diamond suggest is played
by :
(a) Plants- easily harvested and were more healthy.
(b) Animals-they helped people to transport materials, also they were a
good source of food.
(c) Longitude and Latitude It aided in the spread of ideas from different
places in the world.
(d) The spread of ideas and technology - It helped in inventing wheels for
easy way of transporting for one place to another
Try to be as precise as possible and use specific real examples
5. How can your answers to the above help explain why inhabitants of say,
the highlands of papau New Guinea or the Incas in modern Peru didnt
develop to the same extent?

For ToK essay
12 font size and double spaced
Write it on a computer
1600words limit
Intuition know understand constant recon Why you white men have all
the cargo. Differ from someone like Cecil Rhodes emotion drive research
if you have no emotions you wont be able to make a decision. They drive
your values perseverance what about his values he wanted egalitarian
experience upbringing parents culture education family friends
The quality of reasoning

Bird Call Intentional Communication
Unintentional communication Black bird
Human expression is also unintentional Its learnt not inherited
Its mostly ethical
Not iconic individual sounds are meaningfully different . Humans can
manipulated Pavlov an conditioning
There are some onomatopoeic words quack slurp
For most animals there does appear to be a clear connection between the
conveyed message and the signal used to convey it .Maybe connected to
the fact that animal common consists of a set of fixed signals finite in range
a fixed limited of vocal or gestural forms.

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