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Area Directors

Back to Lead Forward offers an
antidote to our addiction to speed and
transaction, replacing it with a
conscious, intentional process of
stepping back to reflect and deliberate,
and then lead forward with greater
clarity and impact. Rather than merely
doing more, we must learn to pause
and to do things differently in order to
grow, achieve and innovate. All of
these practices lead to purposeful
change, and contribution, an essential
part of a leaders everyday life.
In our fast-paced, achieve-more-now
culture, the loss of pause potential is
epidemic, writes Cashman. If
leaders today do not step back, to stop
momentum, to gain perspective, to
transcend the immediacies of life, and
to accelerate their leadership, we will
continue to crash economically,
personally and collectively.
Cashmans work centers around one
simple truth: that fast thinking is the
domain of management transaction,
while slow thinking is the leadership
domain of strategic, innovative
transformation. At the core of this
transformation is the ability to pause.
W You and your organization will
learn to move from management speed
and transaction to leadership
significance and transformation.
Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers
Have a great week!
Area 2 November 18, 2013

Weekly Schedule
Monday: Coaching training at Harris Hill
Tuesday: Various campuses
Wednesday: Area Director meetings
Thursday: Various campuses
Friday: Various Campuses
Upcoming Events/Notes
November 18-Strategic Planning Meeting-
LCHS-6:00. You and your AP should attend
one of these meetings. Please encourage your
parents, teachers, and community members to
November 19-New Title Campuses can begin
spending money.
November 21-Area 2 Meeting @ Club Hill
8:00-10:00. Principal Pampering @SGHS-see
the new cosmetology salon from 3:30-4:30.
November 22-Formative Review due in
Plan4Learning for CIP, Fundamental Five
training (1/2 day required for principals,
APs, ESS, CST and district administrators-
pick one session to attend) 5th grade
greeting card contest entry deadline.
November 25-Fundamental Five training
November 26-No discretionary leave, no
PDAS observations, early dismissal
November 27-29-Happy Thanksgiving
December 3-Strategic Planning Meeting
Great job winning Cool Clix!!
Heather Glen
Parental Involvement carnival
at Caldwell Elementary!
Daugherty Elementary

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