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Durood Haq

Recitation after one`s prayer will reveal its blessings and rewards.
Durood Noor
Durood Noor is constantly read by the very pious saints and sages, and is regard
ed as the best Durood Sharif by such individuals. It is therefore recommended fo
r its excellence.
Durood Wali
Hadhrat Abu Huraira (r.a) said that if a person recites this durood eighty times
on a friday after the evening (maghrib) prayers, the equivalent of eighty years
of sins will be forgiven.
It also brings forth immediate success and peace of mind and heart
Durood Hazaara/Alfa
Who ever recites this Durood in the Qabrastan [Muslim grave yard] three times, A
llahu ta 'ala will take away the punishment of the grave of eighty [80] years.
Whoever recites it four times in the Qabrastan Allah Subhaana Hoo will take away
the Azab ul Quboor [punishment of the grave] until the day of judgement.
Who ever recites it twenty four times Allah Subhaana Hoo will send a thousand an
gels who will look over, oversee and protect his parents in the grave till the D
ay of Judgement.
Durood Nabi
Durood Sadaqa
Hadhrat Abu Sai`d al Khudri (r.a.) says that the Holy Prophet revealed that if a
nyone has nothing to give in charity, then this durood should be recited.
Durood Awwal ul-Akhir
Brings one closer to Almighty Allah, and all of their bad habits begin to evapor
Durood Qiyamah
If anyone recites this durood, the Holy Prophet`s mercy and assistance on the da
y of judgement is assured.
As stated in Sahih Bukhari, the Holy Prophet has said that after reciting this d
urood, one should then make Adhan (the call to prayer).
Durood Jummah
A rough calculation reveals that over a period of more than 20 years this is the
equivalent of ONE MILLION DUROOD SHARIF recited. A sacrifice of 30 minutes on t
he day of Jumma can lead to such a superior blessing from Allah Almighty.

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