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Dragon Lacrosse Booster Club

Meeting Date: Thursday, May 1, 2014

Meeting Location: Annarellas on The Green

President Colleen Dunning
Vice President Matthew Korycki
Treasurer Jackie Gaillard
Secretary Christine Richardson
Members: Cathy Korycki, Rich Gaillard, Dave Corey, Angela OBrien,
Kevin OBrien, Ron Girardi, Ginny Fayo, Rebecca Cassidy

The meeting was called to order by the President at 7:15 pm.

The President read the minutes from the last meeting and they were

A. Presidents Report
- The President discussed the status of the raffle tickets and the donations
($400). She indicated that board members would be reaching out to those
parents or guardians who have not submitted the donation of $400 to help
offset the cost of the season. Additional tickets for the raffle were ordered
for those wanting additional tickets. Additional time was given to those
who have not submitted the $400. The drawing for the TV will take place
on June 5
at the Booster Club Meeting so all tickets must be turned in
prior to that date.
- Notified the members that a parent has opened a Shutterfly account and
has pictures of the boys lacrosse team.
B. Vice Presidents Report
- Nothing to report at this time
C. Treasurers Report
- The Treasurer reported that she is opening up a new bank account at
Walden Bank once the club is incorporated. This will save the club $8.00
per month since Walden Bank offers free checking.
D. Secretarys Report
- The Facebook page will be updated with all of the new information and
the website will have a link directing people to Facebook so we arent
duplicating efforts. There is no requirement to have a Facebook page to
access the Facebook page.
- Requested that two parents volunteer to text the Secretary the results of
the games so they can be posted on the Facebook page. One parent from
the girls team volunteered and one parent from the boys team

A. Rudolf Rumble Tournament The event will take place on December
B. Car Show The committee chair for this event is Matt Korycki and he
provided the following update. The show will take place on June 8
in front
of Burton Chevrolet in Newburgh (across from Target). The rain date is
June 14
(Fathers Day). Moorehead Honda is providing $1500 for
marketing. He is working with Orange County Choppers to see if they will
sponsor the event, set up a booth, and possibly donate some items from
their caf. Matt is going to get the event on the major Car Show calendars
now to hold the slot. An email will go out asking for volunteers to assist
with parking and setup/tear down. A committee meeting will be held next
C. July Fourth The President said that the Town of Cornwall is willing to
let us keep the food booth every year at the July 4
bash, but she wants to
find a person or persons to chair the event now, or let the town know that
we dont want the booth. The event is an easy event because the town
provides the tents and tables and will order the rolls and meat. The club
has to purchase paper products and condiments. Beverages are sold at
another booth. It was decided that an email will go out to see if any
members are interested in chairing or co-chairing the event because
everyone at the meeting agreed that we should try and keep the booth.
D. 5K Run Dave Corey proposed that we host a fall tournament at
NYMA. During this discussion several members voiced that we should
cancel the run and host the tournament instead since its more geared
toward the players. Dave is going to bring in proposed dates at the next
meeting and a vote will take place about the tournament, and the status of
the run.
E. Apparel Committee: Cathy Korycki announced that the apparel
committee is going to be selling boat jackets ($100) and duffel bags ($75)
with the Cornwall Lacrosse Logo on them. She asked that this information
be provided to the parents/guardians of the lacrosse players. The
information will be sent out in an email and posted on the clubs Facebook

A. The President contacted Nicky Polanco of the Chesapeake Bayhawks
about coming to a fundraiser and it was agreed that the best time would be
during a tournament, specifically the Rudolf Rumble. Now that we may
host a fall tournament, we will re-look which tournament will be more

B. Rich Gaillard mentioned that the CYLL will be donating $1500 to the
booster club.

VI. NEW BUSINESS: Dave Corey proposed that we have a fall
tournament at NYMA. He said the NYMA has already given him the go
ahead and he said he would chair the event. Dave is going to look into the
dates and provide a more detailed proposal at the June 5
meeting at
which time the board will vote on the proposal.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM.

Respectfully Submitted
Christine Richardson

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