Resume of Lina Zhou v2 1 1

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Lina Zhou


(540) 553-4955
Objective To obtain a position as an instructor o !hinese.
Skills 1. Native Chinese Speaker (Excellent mandarin speaking)
2. Excellent Chinese Writing Skills
3. Chinese/English P!lic Speaking and Presentati"n Skills
#. Excellent $nterpers"nal C"mmnicati"n Skills
%. &er' Patient and care(lness
). Excellent in taking care "( kids
%. C"mpter Skills* inclding+
,icr"s"(t -((ice* .rticlate* .d"!e Premiere* Scratch* Camtasia*
/altrics* Wiki Space* Sch"lar* E0p"rt("li"* etc.
). $nstrcti"n 1esign and Crriclm .ssessment
,nem"nic teaching strategies ("r kids learning
2raphic and interactive learning materials design ("r kids
$nteractive learning activities design
3ild simlated langage envir"nment (c"nversati"n* art and cltre)
E0learning class and pr"gram design
1esign and implement class evalati"n
4. Pr"(essi"nal in 5raditi"nal Chines .rt (Calligraph')
6. Excellent C"lla!"rative W"rking Skill
7. Str"ng .!ilit' t" .dapt and W"rk nder Pressre
Experience Blacksbr! C"inese Sc"##l" #lac$sbur%" &' 2812
&olunteered !hinese Teacher or preschool ( (3-5 )ears old) class
3asic Chinese C"nversati"n
,nem"nic meth"d"l"g' ("r langage mem"r' .ids
1. ,ltimedia and visali9ing materials (Pictres/Cart""n Sh":s/
P"ems/ S"ngs* etc.)
2. .rt (Chinese Calligraph'/ painting/handcra(t* etc.)
3. Simlated langage envir"nments (Simlated c"nversati"n game)
#. $nteractive activities :ith kids; (amilies (Chinese restarants
learning activit'* etc.)
<eristic m"des "( teaching( team :"rk activities thr"gh c"lla!"rative
Chinese 2ala rehearsal and per("rmance assistance
&olunteered *rivate !hinese Tutor 28120281#
Entr' level Chinese tt"ring
C"nversati"n h"rs ("r "ral Chinese

$l#be% E%cati#nal C#nsltant A!enc&" #ei+in% 2887
,tud)-'broad !onsultant
=ina >h" (%#8) %%30#7%% lina9?vt.ed
,ake appr"priate applicati"n plan
Prepare applicati"n materials
5rack the applicati"n pr"cess and the admissi"n

'a"##( Inc)" #ei+in%" !hina 288402887
-ar$etin% ,pecialist
3rand @ Pr"dct Pr"m"ti"n (.dvertisement)

.lobal ,ales 'ccount -ana%er
.ssist t" esta!lish Aah""B China 2l"!al Sales 5eam
Chinese c""rdinat"r ("r Aah"" 2S5
,edia Pr"p"sal* "n0line and "((line campaign "perati"n

*PP C"ina $r#p+Beijin! O!ilv& ,-at"er C#). Lt%. #ei+in%
-edia Technical *lanner 288%02884
,ake and "ptimi9e media advertisement deliver' strategies
,ake media plan
Neg"tiate and !' media
P"st0!' anal'sis ("r Clients
E%cati#n Beijin! Universit& #/ C"e0ical Tec"n#l#!&" #ei+in%" !hina
#achelor" #usiness 'd/inistration 28810288%
1ir!inia Tec"" #lac$sbur%" &' 28130281#
-aster" !urriculu/ and 0nstruction
,aC"r D"cs+

!ourse and pro%ra/ assess/ent and evaluation
Ead("rd Fniversit' C<N 181 Class .ssessment Pr"Cect

0nstruction and curriculu/ desi%n
S'nchr"n"s and as'nchr"n"s instrcti"n deliver' m"de
$nstrcti"n s'stem design m"del
1irect instrcti"n/pr"!lem0!ased/c"nstrctivism learning envir"nments
design pr"Cects

Learnin% theor) and ps)cholo%) o learnin%
3ehavi"rism* C"gniti"n @ ,nem"nics* C"nstrctivism
Gids C"gnitive skills 1evel"pment

0nteractive curriculu/ desi%n
Stdents0Centered crriclm design

=ina >h" (%#8) %%30#7%% lina9?vt.ed
Pr#/essi#nal Certi/icates , Ac"ieve0ents
C=5.0&. Chinese Pedag"g' certi(icate 2813
Certi(ied Assistant Human Resource Manager* China 288)
Winner* College Life Essay Competition* 3eiCing Fniversit' "( Chemical
and 5echn"l"g'* 3eiCing* China 2881
Winner* High School Speech Competition* 5"ng9h" 1istrict* 3eiCing*
China 2888
Winner* Middle Schools Students Essay Competition* 5"ng9h"* 3eiCing*
C<$N. 177)
Sec"nd placeTraditional Chinese Art (Calligraphy and Painting)
Competition* 3eiCing 177)
Pri9e "( excellent traditi"nal art :"rk* Hapan and China art and cltre
c"mmnicati"n (air ("r '"th 177%
=ina >h" (%#8) %%30#7%% lina9?vt.ed

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