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Contact Details/ Crew List

Production Title: Duracell Advert

Client: Duracell
Date: 13/2/14
Dover Patrol
What will this location be used for?
Dover Patrol will be used for two scenes; the first scene will be of the a!in scene
where the sub"ect will be sat on the sofa# The second scene will be the co!$uter scene
where the sub"ect will be usin the co!$uter# This is a ood location because it is a
house% which has suitable lihtin and a ho!el& environ!ent#
' will be !ainl& usin !ediu! close u$ shots for both scenes because !ost shots will
be facin the front of the actor# ' will use a few close u$s to show facial e($ressions
of the sub"ects#
Possible problems with the location
Loo)in at this location fro! )nowlede of the location% ' have to beware when
fil!in that neihbors can be loud so fil!in would have to be durin ti!es when
neihbors aren*t bein loud or are not in# The ho!e !a& have fa!il& $hotos so '
would want to !a)e sure that those $hotos are hidden for confidentialit&# The owner
of the house also owns a do so we will have to !a)e sure the do does not disru$t
+ain Points:
1# ,ois& neihbors interru$tin fil!in#
2# -wners $et !a)in sounds and bein in the fil!#
3# Privac& for fa!il& owners#

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