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James McCulloch
McCulloch, James Tuesday, December 10, 2013 11:35:23 AM Dr. McCulloch Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:05:6f
This image depicts setting where Nmes will settle, grow, and thrive.
McCulloch, James Tuesday, December 10, 2013 11:35:23 AM Dr. McCulloch Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:05:6f
I take a step outside, the smell of freshly cut
grass lling my nose, signifying a new day.
I look around, surveying my surroundings,
some oxen, cow, and lots of trees. There is a
heavy mist in the air, and my animal hide
clothing is already starting to feel damp. I
gather up some leftover meat from last
nights dinner, and put in in a cloth, lunch
for the trek up into the mountains. There is
a taste of blood in my mouth from falling
down a rock face the other day. As I start to
walk up the trail that I had cleared by
hand, taking a whole month. There is a
wide, vast, area of green grass with small
tree stumps popping out of the ground.
There is the scent of pine, the majority of
the trees around here. Along the edges of
the stumps, there are still a few dwindling
trees, swaying in the wind like daffodils. I
pick one out, grab the axe that I constructed
myself, and started chopping away. Every
other day I cut down a tree to help expand
its boundaries.
McCulloch, James Tuesday, December 10, 2013 11:35:23 AM Dr. McCulloch Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:05:6f
McCulloch, James Tuesday, December 10, 2013 11:35:23 AM Dr. McCulloch Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:05:6f
The fiist step in builuing a successful civilization is
to secuie basic human neeus such as foou anu wa-
tei. Bue to its geogiaphy, the majoi challenges the
civilization of Nmes faces in achieving a basic foou
anu supply incluue the following:
1. Running out of wilu animals to hunt woulu be a
veiy big thieat to Nmes because of its unieliability
as a foou souice. Faiming woulu also be haiu be-
Figure 1.1
Human Changes to the Land
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McCulloch, James Tuesday, December 10, 2013 11:35:23 AM Dr. McCulloch Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:05:6f
cause iainwatei coulu eithei floou us oi be too little.
0ne uifficult yeai to suivive foi the animals, anu the
civilization will be taken uown. Fiigiu winteis will
also fieeze the ciops anu make it haiu to hunt in the
colu, making it uifficult to sustain oui civilization.
2. Pioblems with watei incluue taking the watei
fiom the souice anu tianspoiting it back to wheie
we live. An obvious solution to this woulu be to live
next to the watei souice, but theie aie many bau
things that woulu come with that uecision. Fiist of
all, we woulun't want to live neai the watei because
in the wintei the watei woulu fieeze anu it will
make us veiy colu, anu seconu of all, the aiea neai
the watei is veiy muuuy anu not stable giounu foi a
sheltei, let alone a village.
A mouification is when something is changeu to
seive a puipose.
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To solve the pioblem of iunning out of animals to
hunt anu eat, we woulu uomesticate animals. In the
ancient uieek civilization, "Insteau of cattle, which
neeu lots of flat lanu foi giazing, they iaiseu sheep
anu goats, which can giaze on the siue of moun-
tains" (Fiey 249), which is what we woulu uo. This
woulu save us fiom going fai away foim oui civiliza-
tion to hunt, also making us vulneiable to big pieua-
tois. Also, to save oui ciops fiom the fieezing win-
teis we woulu builu a gieenhouse with a ievolving
sunioof. Then in the spiing we coulu open it anu let
the ciops have an enviionment like outsiue, but
without the uangei of animals eating them. Fiey 79
McCulloch, James Tuesday, December 10, 2013 11:35:23 AM Dr. McCulloch Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:05:6f
states, "Faimeis in the mountains ielieu on many uif-
feient ciops. They giew fiuits, like melons anu
pomegianates," just like the ancient Nesopotamia.
With gieat soil anu lots of iainfall, it is a peifect envi-
ionment foi ciops.
To solve the pioblem of tianspoiting the watei
fiom the souice to the sheltei, we woulu uig canals
anu aqueuucts fiom the watei to the stoiage place.
Like the ancient uieeks, anu similai to this quote in
Fiey S6, "They also constiucteu uams along the
iivei to block the watei anu foice it to collect in
pools they hau built" we will constiuct uams to col-
lect watei foi faiming. Anothei thing that woulu
help getting watei close to the civilization woulu be
uigging wells. It woulu be veiy haiu anu piobably
take a long time to make them, but it woulu be
woith it in the enu. Anothei pioblem about the wa-
tei is filteiing it. With no mouein uay technology, it
woulu be veiy haiu to filtei watei. So, we woulu use
the iivei, lake, anu ponu watei foi ciops anu ani-
mals, anu we woulu use animal skins as iain-
catcheis foi clean anu fiesh watei to uiink.
McCulloch, James Tuesday, December 10, 2013 11:35:23 AM Dr. McCulloch Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:05:6f
Law & Government
McCulloch, James Tuesday, December 10, 2013 11:35:23 AM Dr. McCulloch Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:05:6f
Part I - Lessons on Democracy
In order to create a successful government,
the people of Nmes will look at civilizations
from the past and use the governments that were
successful. In ancient Athens theyre many impor-
tant lesson to learn from such as giving everyone
a say in issues. There was something called the
Athenian Assembly, They met every 10 days
Figure 2.1
Maintaining Civil Order
McCulloch, James Tuesday, December 10, 2013 11:35:23 AM Dr. McCulloch Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:05:6f
on the hill to discuss issues. At least 6,000 Athe-
nian citizens had to attend for the meeting to take
place. Athenian citizens were over 18 years of
age and had to be born in Athens. This was a
good form of government because the people had
the choice to be able to vote and get a say in is-
sues. The Council of 500 was a thing where 30
Athenian Citizens were picked every year to run
day-to-day government businesses. Throughout
history Democracies history have worked well
and helped keep the people happy.
Part II - Code of Law
Every civilization has threats, whether it be in-
vaders, or secret-telling traitors in the city walls. I
live next to a huge body of water so a big threat is
an attack from the mean pirates from Pirate Island
coming over with a big crew of ruthless pirates.
In every civilization from the past there has been
laws to keep order. Without order the civilization
would just crash and burn.
The Laws in Nmes include:
McCulloch, James Tuesday, December 10, 2013 11:35:23 AM Dr. McCulloch Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:05:6f
If you fail to follow these laws, there will most
denitely be consequences. Here are the conse-
quenses for not following these laws.
McCulloch, James Tuesday, December 10, 2013 11:35:23 AM Dr. McCulloch Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:05:6f

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