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26, Stanhope Gardens

Mill Hill
London NW7 2JD

May 1999
Sir Anthony Sith
Me!er o" #arliaent
12$ %ornhill
London SW1 &#A
Dear Sir,
My nae is An'ela Mopin'( )he reason *hy + a *ritin' to yo, is
!e-a,se + *o,ld li.e to as. "or soe help "ro yo,(
)he pro!le + *o,ld li.e yo, to sol/e is soethin' related to the
0%o,nty Hoe "or Mental De"e-ti/es1( As its nae sho*s, this is a residen-e,
*hi-h + a s,re yo, ha/e e/er heard a!o,t, "or inate people( Ne/ertheless, +
ha/e re-ently "o,nd an interestin' -ase there(
Mr( Lo/eday, the an *ho + a re"errin' to, has stayed there "or thirty2
"i/e years( Ho*e/er, he has !een treated as a sane person in the last t*enty
years, sin-e he has not re3,ired any .ind o" spe-ial treatent any lon'er(
He has no relati/es e4-ept a step2sister *ho has not -onta-ted hi "or
years no*( As a res,lt o" this, he has no!ody1s interests to re3,est that he !e
allo*ed to o!tain his release(
%onse3,ently, + *o,ld li.e to e4press y -on-ern a!o,t this "a-t and
as. "or the "reedo o" this an, *ho is not entally handi-apped at all( So as
to 'i/e soe e/iden-e to y -lais, + a en-losin' a ri'oro,s edi-al
e4aination "ro the ana'er o" the psy-hiatri- hospital (
+ a really sorry to ha/e *asted yo,r /al,a!le tie( + *o,ld !e deeply
'rate",l i" yo, e4ained the sit,ation and tried to 'i/e a sol,tion to it( +
*o,ld !e a!le to attend an inter/ie* at any tie in -ase yo, -onsider it is
+ loo. "or*ard to hearin' "ro yo,(
5o,rs "aith",lly,
An'ela Mopin' 6Miss7

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