Performance Pay For Teachers Is A Terrible Idea

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Performance pay for teachers is a terrible idea

Marc Spooner, June 3, 2014

Performance pay for teachers is a terrible idea, with harmful unintended (I hope)
consequences, often put forth by those with little knowledge of how education works, and
even less knowledge of the relevant literature; many of the reasons for this can be found
in the linked article below from the Guardian:

Now, if we want to value good teaching, which is commendable, then lets start by:

a) respecting teachers as the highly trained professionals they are,

b) consulting them on educational issues prior to implementing any proposed changes,

c) providing them the direct classroom supports they require to be able to do their job


d) paying them at a yearly rate at least commensurate with Saskatchewans Consumer
Price Index pegged at 2.8% for April 2013-2014 according to Statistics Canada,

After all, we are talking about are our children, our future, our collective spiritto whom
we are entrusting with these creative, patient, committed and highly skilled individuals.

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