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The One That Got Away

It was the morning of June 13

1994, at precisely 12:10 am. The police had just found
the bodies of a male and female outside the threshold of former football player O.J. Simpsons
ex-wifes house in the Brentwood area of Los Angeles, California. The bodies appeared to be
vigorously hurt, but one main question arose. What happened? All we knew for sure was that
they were the one that got away
Earlier in the day of June 12
, 1994, O.J. Simpson and his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson,
had been arguing about whether or not Nicole should go out to the dinner with her friends as
planned today. You see, these types of arguments had been occurring more than often in their
household, and there was common physical abuse from Simpson to Brown when he got
aggravated. Since Simpson was leaving to go to a Hertz Press Conference later that day in
Chicago, he didnt want Nicole to be out alone due to the fact that he would go on a jealous
rage. None the less, Nicole had left to go to dinner at Mezzaluna with some friends dressed in a
sheer blue dress and formal black heels. Nothing peculiar seemed to happen at the dinner
itself, but there was more to come her way.
After dinner, Nicoles mother realized she forgot her glasses, so she called Mezzaluna
and asked the supervisor for them to be dropped off at Nicoles house. Waiter Ronald Lyle
Goldman presumed to do just that. Little did he know that is was soon going to be the end of
his short lived life.
Later that night, at 12:10 a.m. of June 13, 1994, the police received a call from a nearby
neighbor claiming they had found two dead bodies of Nicole and an unidentified man on her
pathway leading up to Browns Bundy Drive condo. As police arrived on the scene, they
identified the bodies as Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Lyle Goldman. Brown had multiple
stabs in the head and neck, defense wounds on her hands, and a gap in her neck through which
the larynx could be seen and the vertebra C3 was incised. Since Simpson was in Chicago at the
time of the discovery, police immediately called him and he flew back to Los Angeles, where he
was taken in right away for questioning. Lawyers convinced the Los Angeles Police Department
to allow Simpson to turn himself in, but he failed to appear. At 5 p.m. that same day, Mr. Rob
Kardashian read a note from Simpson to 24 of his friends at a press convention about the
murders. This letter was later interpreted to be a suicide not by Simpsons psychologists.
A little while after, during the crime scene investigation, Simpson was spotted in his
white Ford Bronco being driven by his friend Al Cowlings at around 6:20 p.m. An officer spotted
them again at 6:45 driving north on interstate 405. Simpson was reportedly in the back seat
with a gun to his head along with other personal possessions, claiming that no one should get
hurt but him and planning on fleeing the country as a refugee. Police kept their distance from
the car and waited for it to stop. At this pointed, the whole nation sat at their television screens
filled with anticipation as to when Simpson would stop, so it was named the low speed chase.
Once the car reached to an end, O.J. finally turned himself in and was taken into custody.
Back at the investigation site, the police collected an immense amount of evidence from
the scene. There was a black leather glove found drenched with all of Simpson, Brown, and
Goldmans blood on it, but no murder weapon to be found. Samples of shoe prints and blood
on the gates were taken and matched to that of Simpsons. In addition, a glove found at
Simpsons house tested positive for a match of Goldmans blood and contained a long strand of
blonde hair similar to Browns. Blood found in, on, and near the Ford Bronco revealed traces of
Goldmans, Simpsons, and Browns blood. Also, many knitted caps (hats) were found
containing the hairs of both Goldman and Simpson.
After much more investigation, research, and contemplating, we reached a conclusion
that came to O.J. Simpson being convicted of the murders of his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson,
and the unplanned murder of Ronald Lyle Goldman. We thought that Simpsons motive was
that he was becoming more and more jealous and went above and beyond to kill his wife. He
used a pair of black leather gloves and a stiletto knife to do the murder, since it matched the
wounds on Nicoles body. He furtively killed Nicole before he left to Chicago, so the timing was
perfect, but was unaware of Ronalds presence. Ronald most likely went at O.J. first because he
was much stronger and younger compared to Simpson and his arthritis. Simpson in this case
mustve been too quick and brutally injured Goldman, thus causing his death. After the
murders were done, Simpson was in too much of a rush to get home and on his flight, so he
carelessly dropped one of the gloves and wasnt cautious as to wear the blood got during the
killings, which explains how it got on the Bronco. With all the evidence in the case, we could
conclude that O.J. Simpson was responsible for the double murder of Nicole Brown Simpson
and Ronald Lyle Goldman.

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