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All C Operators

Description Operator Associates from the Precedence

Function expr () left High

Array expr [] (Evaluated first)
struct indirection ->
struct member .
Incr/decr ++ -- right
One’s complement ~
Unary not !
Address &
Dereference *
Cast ( type )
Unary plus +
Unary minus -
Size in bytes sizeof
Multiplication * left
Division /
Modulus %
Addition +
Subtraction -
Shift Left <<
Shift Right >>
Less than <
Less than or equal <=
Greater than >
Greater than or equal >=
Equal ==
Not equal !=
Bitwise and &
Bitwise exclusive or ^
Bitwise inclusive or |
Logical and &&
Logical or ||
Conditional ?: right
Assignment = %= += *= /=
>>= <<== &=
^= |= (Evaluated last)
Comma , left Low

S. Balaraman

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