2014-2015 Cheer Contract

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2014 - 2015

North High School

Cheerleading Information Packet
Thank you for your interest in the NHS Cheerleading program. It is
crucial that both athletes and their parents read through the entirety of this
packet so that you have an understanding of the major commitment that is
required of all athletes in our program.
ll parents and interested athletes must attend a mandatory meeting prior to
Athleticism of our Sort
Cheerleading has evolved a great deal in the past ten years. !e run our
program very similar to other sports teams at our school. Cheerleading is a
high contact sport and you must be ready to push your physical and
emotional limits. "ur athletes are e#pected to be $tough% at practices. &ou
need to kno' the difference bet'een pain and injury and act accordingly.
thletes 'ho sit out for an injury 'ill need to be fully cleared by a physician
or the athletic trainer to be able to return to cheer.
!eam Commitment
(arsity 'ill practice three to four days a 'eek. In the )all of *+,-. the
team 'ill cheer for all )ootball games. rival (olleyball games /if there is no
football game0. and some Soccer games. The 1erformance season 'ill begin
in "ctober and 'ill end after the second semester 1ep 2ally.
1ractice 'ill be reduced to t'o days a 'eek after our last performance.
(arsity 'ill cheer for both 3oys and 4irls 3asketball games and select home
'restling matches.
The coaches !I55 N"T be judging tryouts to ensure that the tryout process is
kept objective. Tryouts 'ill be scored in 6 different categories. "verall
impression. tumbling. jumps. communication skills. motion technique. dance
technique. teacher evaluations. and 41. The athletes 'ith the highest
scores 'ill be placed on varsity. T TH7 8"ST. 'e can put *9 athletes on
varsity and *9 on :(. Ho'ever. the coaches 'ill only put the athletes that
they feel deserve to be on those teams.
t each practice. athletes need to be mentally and physically prepared
to 'ork hard. thletes are required to be at practice ,9 minutes before
practice formally starts to roll out mats as this has a tendency to run into
valuable practice time. !ater bottles should be filled prior to practice.
1hones should be turned off and put a'ay to avoid distractions. 8ats need to
be rolled out prior to the beginning of practice. If an athlete needs to see the
trainer and;or get taped. this needs to be completed before practice.
ll je'elry must be removed prior to practice /or any cheer event0. Nails
must be kept shorter than the fingertip and acrylic nails are prohibited. Hair
needs to be out of the face and pulled back in a ponytail. thletes must also
'ear their assigned practice uniforms each day.
Safety is our number one priority. If a coach is not present. athletes are
not permitted to stunt or tumble. To ensure the safety of our athletes.
horseplay is strictly forbidden.
To avoid distraction. practices are closed. )riends and family are not
permitted in the practice area.
thletes need to arrive<
,. t the bus for )ootball 4ames< ,+ minutes prior. to load bo#es.
*. )or Home 3asketball games< ,9 minutes prior to Tip="ff.
>. )or (olleyball games;!restling< ,9 minutes prior to the Start.
If you are late. you 'ill sit out the ,st quarter;match. &ou must 'ear the
correct uniform /bo' to toe0 or else you 'ill be benched for the game.
Cheerleaders 'ho don?t dress out at school for the game. 'ill also be
benched for the game.
4ames are not a place to sociali@e. &our primary job as a cheerleader is
to support our athletic program. &ou are a cheerleader. not a cheer follo'er.
&ou are e#pected to pay attention to the game. display enthusiasm and help
engage our cro'd. thletes must be back on the sideline at the one=minute
mark during halftimes. Those 'ho are late 'ill sit out during >rd quarter.
(arsity 'ill participate in *=- competitions during the year. t minimum.
this 'ill include a selected regional and the CHS State Competition. This
might also include selected AC regional competitions.
!e 'ill be attending AC Cheer camp at CSA in )ort Collins from :uly
*9=*6. The balance for camp must be paid IN )A55 37)"27 'e attend
campB Camp is a very important 'ay to kick off our year and possibly
get a bid to nationals. ny member of the team that cannot attend
camp for any reason /besides in an emergency situation0 'ill be
e#cused from the team. 7very member of the team 'ill be required to
purchase matching camp 'ear. 'hich 'ill later be used as practice
'ear. The Coaches have chosen the latest possible camp date to give
everyone ample time to pay for camp. !e have set up a cookie dough
fundraiser as soon as tryouts are over to help each individual athlete
pay for camp.
The coaches have made the decision to outsource tumbling this year so
that each individual athlete gets the time and attention they deserve. fter
e#tensive research into Cenver?s best gymnastics and cheer gyms. the
coaches have decided that the location that 'ould benefit our team the
most. in both kno'ledge NC price. is cheer central. To tumble once a 'eek
for one hour. each athlete 'ill be required to pay D9E per month 'ith a D-+
annual registration fee. "ur athletes 'ill get free open gyms through :une.
:uly and ugust 'ith this package. 1arents 'ill be responsible for
transportation or arrangement for transportation to and from tumbling.
!e cannot accept people on to either team as solely an alternate. per
CHS rules. but 'e can pull certain people out of each team as alternates
during competition time. The coaches 'ill put "N5& the individuals that have
performed consistently on the competition floor. :ust because you made
varsity. doesn?t mean you 'ill be competing 'ith varsity.
Parent In%ol%ement
The commitment in our program is not only for our athletes. but their
parents as 'ell. There are a number of time commitments including
providing transportation. attending parent meeting/s0. and volunteering their
time to help out 'hen needed /including bringing snacks to games0. There is
also a financial commitment 'ith team membership. It is encouraged that
parents and their athletes participate in fundraisers during the season to
help offset these costs.
1arent Committees serve as a 'ay for parents to be involved in the
program 'ith direction from the coaching staff. "ne parent 'ill be appointed
by the coaching staff to head the committee/s0 and make sure all areas of
help 'ithin the committees are covered. These individuals 'ill also help
organi@e and remind those parents 'ho volunteered to help 'ith various
events and aspects of the team.
In the past. 'e have only had >=9 parents active in helping the team. !e
'ant to encourage everyone to get as involved as possible. so that 'e can
share the responsibility together.
Personal Conduct
thletes are e#pected to adhere to acceptable standards of citi@enship
at all times. 7veryone in our program is e#pected to respect and be loyal to
his or her teammates. coaches. school personnel. and community.
7very conversation and action reflects upon yourself. your family. your
teammates. your coaches. your Cheer 1rogram. your thletic Cepartment.
and the North High School Community. thletes are e#pected to have high
moral values and make good decisions. !e must conduct ourselves 'ith
class and poise if 'e are going to be looked at as a respectable group in our
school and community.
n athlete?s appearance as a North cheerleader is very important. !e
e#pect our athletes to act and dress 'ith class. Students are e#pected to
follo' the NHS dress code at all times. Hair is to be kept a natural color /no
e#treme hair colors0. Cheer shoes are to be 'orn 'henever athletes are in
uniform /no flip flops. A44S. etc...0. !earing 'arm ups in place of a uniform
is unacceptable. and rolling up cheer skirts to make them shorter is
thletes are e#pected to e#hibit positive sportsmanship at all times. !e
cheer for our team. not against others. thletes 'ill refrain from celebrating
the misfortune or defeat of another person. team or program. Teams 'ill
accept placements and a'ards 'ith dignity and class.
Curing practices. athletes are e#pected to treat their coaches. captains
and teammates 'ith respect. 5eave attitudes and drama ")) the mat. "nce
'e step on the mat as a team. you are e#pected to act like a T78.
The use of smoking materials. alcohol or illegal drugs is prohibited. Ase
of these substances may result in suspension and;or e#pulsion from the
Cheer 1rogram and;or North High School.
Insubordination. physical or verbal altercations. ha@ing. bullying. and
public displays of affection are not tolerated. (iolations of any rules
established by Cenver 1ublic Schools. North High School. and;or the Cheer
1rogram may result in suspension and;or e#pulsion from the Cheer 1rogram
and;or North High School.
Social media has become a large part of students? lives. To ensure that
'hat is posted publicly by our athletes best represents our program. all
members of the cheer program must be a part of the team )acebook and
T'itter page.
Cheerleaders are scholar athletes= scholars first.
thletic 7ligibility
To certify for the sports season< Students must be enrolled in *9F credits /9
courses0. Students must have no more than one )ail or Incomplete. and a *.+
41 from the previous semester to participate. There are opportunities
throughout the school year to re=certify.
!eekly eligibility reports are entered and revie'ed every 8onday G 6<++am
Students listed as not eligible (ill $e restricted from cometition for the current (eek
/8on = Saturday0.
o Students must have a *.+F 41. be enrolled in *9 credits. H*IF
school attendance. and have no more than , )ail or Incomplete. to be
eligible for competition on a 'eekly basis.
o Self=paced. C2. or 7C Students< H*I attendance. , Anit of course'ork
per 'eek. per course. per 9 courses.
Ineligible students 'ill not participate in the event. ho'ever must still
attend all team practices. events and games. Ineligible students 'ill be
dressed in their 'armups.
If more than 9 members of the team have one or more )?s. the coaches 'ill
hold mandatory study halls t'o days a 'eek. for t'o hours after practice.
Ne( in 2014< If an athlete is ineligible more than > times in a semester.
they 'ill be dismissed from the team. Ineligibility is a consequence for the
team. as the ineligible student leaves a void in the current 'eek?s
performance/s0. 'hich impacts the team structure and routine.
!eam Communication and Schedules
monthly email is sent out to all team members and parents 'ith the
current and subsequent schedule. !e also have a )acebook page that is
updated 'eekly. Changes to the schedule are rare. but occasionally must
occur. 7very attempt 'ill be made to notify team members 'ithin a
reasonable time. thletes and parents are responsible for checking these
resources for any changes. There is no e#cuse for being una'are.
thletes are e#pected to be present and on time to all scheduled team
events. "n time means you are there at least 9 minutes before you?re
supposed to be. If for some reason an athlete is going to be late. their parent
must contact their coach personally by phone. not te#t. &our team 'ill have
to do e#tra conditioning if you are late to any event.
!e can?t have a successful practice 'ithout everyone present. )or this
reason. the follo'ing are the only e#cused absences<
= Serious illness 'ith a doctors note = 7#treme family emergency /a
parent must contact me0 = 2eligious obligations = Argent academic assistance
/'ith a note from your teacher0
= 5ess than H*I school attendance 'ill not be tolerated. ny
infraction 'ill result in the follo'ing disciplinary actions.
-If you are ineligible more than three times in a semester. you 'ill be
dismissed from the team
It is the cheerleader?s responsibility to clear up 'ork;personal conflicts
so that they do not conflict 'ith cheer. 3irthdays. 'ork. driver?s education.
vacations. doctor;dentist appointments. etc.. 'ill not be e#cused. ll
appointments must be scheduled around Cheer. unless you have an injury
that prohibits you from participating. In this case a doctor?s note clearing the
athlete 'ill be required for them to be able to participate in any future
events. 1lease present the doctor?s note to the thletic Trainer.
ll injuries must be reported to the North High School thletic Trainer.
ll injured students must follo'=up 'ith the thletic Trainer. as directed by
the thletic Trainer. If you fail to report your injury. you assume the
responsibility for further injury. If you fail to follo' up 'ith the Trainer on
your injury. you assume the responsibility for further injury. If you refuse
treatment or refuse direction from the thletic Trainer. 'e 'ill document the
denial of services. and you and your family assume the responsibility for the
injury and;or further injury. doctor?s note 'ill then need to be presented to
the thletic Trainer. and the thletic Trainer 'ill make the final decision on
Concussion Safet"
ll students. beginning 'ith H
grade students. 'ill be evaluated by the
thletic Trainer for Concussion 3aseline Testing. CHS. Cenver 1ublic
Schools. and North High School take Concussion Safety very seriously. and
al'ays err on the side of caution. If your student sustains a blo' to head. or
head injury. please contact the thletic Trainer immediately.
*iscellaneous +isciline
cheerleader 'ho does anything detrimental to the team;program 'ill
be given one demerit. )or every > demerits. that is equal to the punishment
of an une#cused absence. fter ,+ demerits in a season. the athlete 'ill be
dismissed from the program. 3elo' are e#amples of things that 'ould earn a
cheerleader a demerit<
- 3ad attitude to'ard coach; teammate; teacher;etc.
- Not dressing out at practice;game;school;etc.
- Negative representation on social media
- 5ying to a coach
- 3eing late to a practice;game;competition;etc.
- Causing drama on the team
- Ane#cused absence from class
- 5etting a student 'ho isn?t a part of the squad 'ear your cheerleading
- 1C. especially in N& NHS Cheer gear. Jeep your hands and body parts to
yourself. 7veryone and I mean everyone pays attention to 'hat you do.
believe it or not.
- &our cell phone should be in your bag until half time. I do not 'ant these
under poms. legs. jackets. etc.
- 'earing N& je'elry. This includes any piercings.
- 1racticing cheers during games. &ou should kno' them before you get
- No shells and jeans or 'arm up pants. No belly sho'ing
This list is in N" !& inclusive. Coaches 'ill give out demerits as they see
*erit Program
The coaches are discussing a possible merit program for the team.
Squad members 'ill possibly be able to 'ork off demerits they receive
/depending on the infraction0 by either doing physical training /push ups.
running. burpees etc.0 or helping 'ith the team /cleaning up after events.
staying after practice and cleaning mats etc.0. 7verything apart of the merit
program 'ill need to be approved by the coaches 12I"2 to completing the
task. Captains 'ill keep track of the demerit program but 'ill not give out
demerits or merits.
,inancial -$ligations
7ach athlete 'ill receive itemi@ed bills for all of their costs. "nce orders
have been placed. the athlete and his;her parents are responsible for the
entire cost. even if they quit or are removed from the team. No refunds 'ill
be issued if an athlete quits. or is removed from the team.
)undraising programs 'ill be offered throughout the year. to help offset
the costs of cheer. 1lease recogni@e that fundraising programs are in place.
to help you and your family. If you do not help 'ith fundraising. the costs
'ill come out of your pocket. There are no guarantees regarding ho' much
money each athlete 'ill make from fundraising. C" N"T e#pect fundraisers
to cover your entire costs.
!e 'ant all interested students to participate;try=out for the Cheer
1rogram. lthough the financial obligation is great. the fundraising is in
place to help remove some of these financial barriers. 1lease contact the
Coach/s0 to create a payment plan if needed.
Ne( in 2014. Community Service in the School. 'ill not count to'ards
paying do'n the Cheerleading )inancial obligations. Ie. !orking the 5ibrary.
the 8ain "ffice. Counseling Cepartment. etc. Take advantage of and;or
57C the )undraising opportunitiesB
2014 / 2015 Pro)ected Cheer '0enses
These are the costs if the athlete does not participate in N& individual
Shell and Skirt D,E>.H9
3odyliner D99.H9
!armups D,*9
3o' DE.H9
briefs D,>.H9
1oms D-+
Shoes DK+
3ag D*,.H9
Specialty 3rief D,H.H9
Cam D>H-.++L
Camp'ear DE+.++L
Ne' 8ember Total DHK,.K+
L These costs are appro#imate and subject to change
L2eturning members 'ill not need to purchase a ne' uniform in *+,-=*+,9.
In coming years. if North has a :( squad. :( 'ill have a different. less
e#pensive uniform
LL To save money in the future. 'e 'ill organi@e a uniform buy back. in 'hich
members that are graduating or 'ill no longer be on the squad. may sell
their uniforms to ne' members at a discounted price. This 'ill help off=set
the costs of uniforms.
1arents. 157S7 do not let these numbers scare you. The coaches have a lot
of fundraising opportunities scheduled for the coming year to help offset
these costs.
!e understand everyone has different financial situations and 'e 'ould love
to 'ork 'ith you. :ust let us kno'B

1elease to Particiate
7ven though a proper progression of training 'ill be utili@ed and the safety of
all participants is the highest priority. there still e#ists a potential for injury.
Students 'ith a history of health related concerns must supply pertinent
information to coaching staff prior to participation and should not engage in
any activity that is contraindicated for their condition.
3y signing this document<
,. &ou ackno'ledge the potential for injury inherent in engaging in
*. &ou attest that your child is in good physical condition and can
safely participate in all activities associated 'ith team tryouts. and I
agree to disclose any e#isting health related concerns to the coaching
>. &ou assume all responsibility and;or liability during the tryout clinic.
The undersigned 'ill be contacted in case of emergency. In the event of a
medical emergency. the undersigned hereby appoints North High School
and;or its agents to act as guardian in my stead for purposes of authori@ing
medical treatment or attention 'ithout liability to North High School and;or
its agents. and releases North High School from any and all liability. suits.
courses of action. claims. or other responsibility for injuries or illness incurred
'hile at or resulting from the program. Special instruction for medical
situations. etc. should be included.
I have read and fully understand the above statement<
1lease list all health related concerns or recent injuries here<
2012-2014 Athlete Contract
34" lacing m" initials under each item5 I understand&agree to the follo(ing.
Cheerleading is a year round sport and I thoroughly understand the
commitment asked of me.
I may have to sacrifice some of my personal ideas for the improvement of
the squad.
I am e#pected to conduct myself in a manner that positively represents
North. our cheerleading program and our community at all times.
I have read and am fully a'are of the e#pectations and discipline policies
and I understand the consequences should any disciplinary actions be
4ossip about any cheerleader. coach. or the program is not tolerated.
I 'ill not loan my uniforms or practice 'ear to anyone 'ho is not the North
cheer program.
I 'ill keep everything I post on any social media site /i.e. )acebook. Tumblr.
T'itter. etc.0 appropriate /including statuses. 'all posts and pictures0. This
means that you 'ould be okay 'ith your parents. grandparents. coach or our
school principal vie'ing your page. ll team members must also be $friends%
and $follo'ers% of the team )acebook and T'itter page.
I understand that if I resign my position on the team. I 'ill not be able to
tryout ne#t year 'ithout permission from the coaches first.
I fully understand the attendance;academic and tardy policies and reali@e it
could affect my ability to participate in games;pep assemblies. competitions.
LLLI have read and completely understand the thlete greement. I am
obligated to abide by the thlete greement and program e#pectations
outlined in this packet. )ailure to comply 'ith this agreement and;or
program e#pectations can result in your immediate dismissal from the cheer
thlete Name
thlete Signature Cate
1arent Name
1arent Signature Cate
2014-2015 Parent Agreement
In order to maintain a $alance in the North Cheerleading Program5 I as a arent of a
North High sirit articiant romise to a$ide $" the guidelines set forth6 4" lacing
m" initials under each item5 I understand the follo(ing.
!hen my athlete is frustrated 'ith the program. coach or teammate. I 'ill
support his or her need to vent to me. I 'ill listen and offer constructive
comments to help my athlete resolve the conflict on their o'n.
I recogni@e it is not my place to critici@e or critique individual members of the
team. the coaching staff. the cheer program. team policies and e#pectations
or choreography.
7mail is the only appropriate form of parent communication 'ith the coach
unless it is an emergency. I 'ill allo' my athlete to 'ork out conflicts 'ith
the coach. I 'ill 'ait *- hours. or through the 'eekend if it is a )riday. or
through the break if on a school break for a response.
I 'ill e#press any concerns I have directly to the coach.
I !I55 N"T discuss any athlete. other than my o'n child. the program. or the
coaching staff to other parents or team members. 4ossip is deemed childish
and 'ill not be tolerated. 1lease be a positive role model for your athlete.
I 'ill respect coaching decisions made and 'ill allo' the coaching staff to do
their job 'ithout interfering. I 'ill respect that decisions made about ho' the
program is run. 'here 'e tumble. uniforms;clothing. scheduling of practices.
competitions. grade eligibility. an athlete?s ability to participate in
games;competitions;events. and team placements are entirely up to the
coaching staff.
I 'ill furnish punctual transportation if my athlete does not have a driver?s
license; vehicle.
1arent meetings are purely informational. In the event that parents try to
make these $vent sessions.% the meeting 'ill simply end.
I 'ill encourage my athlete to abide by the rules set by coaches and school
This is the North cheer program. Comparing 'hat other schools;gyms do is
not tolerated.
I 'ill refrain from using cheerleading as a punishment. This does not punish
one cheerleader but an entire squad since there is no substitute for your
I 'ill check the cheer 'ebsite;emails for any and all updates and oversee
time management 'ith my athlete /practice and game schedules. home'ork
completion. rela#ation time. etc...
I understand that unforeseen circumstances do occasionally happen and
interim changes to this document may occur at the discretion of the coaches
and administration.
This is a coach=run program. I understand that all decisions made throughout
the year are made by the coaches. The role of the cheerleaders on this team
is to follo' the guidelines set forth in this packet and respect their coach in
all matters. The role of the parents in the cheerleading program is to support
the coach in all matters. even 'hen it may affect their child /i.e. discipline.
team placement. being pulled from competition. etc.0.
I 'ill encourage positive sportsmanship to my athlete. "ur teams are
e#pected to accept a'ards and placements 'ith dignity and class regardless
of the results and 'e e#pect the same from the parents.
LLLI have read and completely understand the North Cheer 1arent
greement. I understand all of the e#pectations for both athletes and
parents in the cheer program and promise to support the coaches and foster
a unified front bet'een myself and the North Cheer coaching staff. I am
obligated to abide by the Cheer 1arent greement. as 'ell as hold my child
accountable to the thlete Contract and program e#pectations outlined in
this packet. )ailure to comply 'ith this agreement can result in your child?s
immediate dismissal from the program.
1arent Name
1arent Signature
thlete Name

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