MS Office

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MS Office is a computer Programme or Software that is use to do various type

official work such as making Presentation, writing letter and data entry etc. it is a
comination of MS-!"cel, MS-#ord, MS-Power Point etc ms stands for Microsoft.
MS-Office is a suite , it includes different types of $pplication.
MS-Office %ersions&
MS-Office '(
MS-Office )***
MS-Office )**+
MS-Office )**(
MS-Office )*,* etc.
MS-Word :
What is Word?
Microsoft #ord is a word processing software application that enales you do easily create oth
simple and comple" documents, such as memos or reports. Microsoft #ord provides tools to
enale you to check spelling of your document, create merge letters and add graphics to
enhance your written information.
#ord processing means data entering and editing.
Versions of word:
Microsoft #ord '(
Microsoft #ord )***
Microsoft #ord )**+
Microsoft #ord )**(
Microsoft #ord )*,* etc.
Starting MS-Word:
StartProgramsMicrosoft OfficeMicrosoft Office )**+2 )**(
Screen Parts of Word:
3itle ar
Menu ar
Standard 3oolar
#ork area
Scroll ars( %ertical and 4ori5ontal)
6rawing toolar
3ask pane.
Status ar.. etc.
Show or Hide toolbars:
#e can hide or show our toolars, y using this method.
%iew menu3oolars 0select any one1
Document views:
Views are :
,. Normal view & this view is used for to see the pages consciously. !ach page separated y
doted lines.
). Web Laout : we can see our page in we page view.
+. Print laout !it is best one": this view is used for to see your pages page wise, each page
separated y pages.
7. #eading laout & this view is used for see all pages in thumnail si5e, as reading layout.
8. $utline & this layout is used for to set the te"t levels in 6emote and promote.
9. %ull screen & this view is used for see the document in full screen mode without any

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