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(SALBUTAMOL) ACTION: Inhibits protein synthesis by binding directly to the 30S

ribosomal, subunit; bactericidal
CLASSIFICATION: Bronchodilators INDICATIONS: Serious infections cause by sensitive strains of
ACTION: Relaxes bronchial, uterine, and vascular smooth muscle pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Proteus, Klebsiella, or
by stimulating beta2 receptors Staphylococcus
INDICATIONS: To prevent or treat bronchospasm in patients w/ CONTRAINDICATIONS: Contraindicated in patient
reversible obstructive airway disease. hypersensitive to drugs or other aminoglycosides.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Use cautiously in patients w/ CV > use cautiously in patients with impaired renal function or
disorders, hyperthyroidism, or diabetes mellitus and in those who neuromuscular disorders, in neonates & infants, and in elderly
are unusually responsive to adrenergics. patients.
ADVERSE EFFECT: tremor, nervousness, dizziness, insomnia, ADVERSE EFFECT: Neuromuscular blockade, apnea
headache, hyperactivity, weakness, CNS, stimulation, malaise. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Watch for signs and symptoms
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Drug may decrease sensitivity of super infection (especially of upper respiratory tract), such as
of spirometry used for diagnosis of asthma. continued fever, chills, and increased pulse rate.
> when switching patient from regular to extended – release tablet, STOCK: INJECTION: 50mg/ml (pedia)
remember that a regular 2mg – tablet every 6 hrs is equivalent to 250mg/ml, 5mg/ml (500mg) in normal saline solution
an extended – release 4mg tablet every 12hrs.
STOCK: Capsule for inhalation 200mcg
Injection 1mg/1ml
ACTION: Inhibits cell-wall synthesis during bacterial
ACTION: Inhibits the enzyme responsible for the conversion of
purines to uric acid thus reducing the production of uric acid w/ a
INDICATIONS: Mild to moderate infections of the ear, nose, &
decrease in serum and sometimes in urinary uric acid levels,
throat, skin and skin structure, or genitourinary tract.
relieving the signs & symptoms of gout.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Contraindicated in patients
INDICATIONS: Management of patients w/ malignancies that
hypersensitive to drug or other penicillins
result in evaluations of serum and urinary uric acid.
> use cautiously in pts. w/ other drug allergies (especially to
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Contraindicated w/ allergy to
cephalosporins) bec. of possible cross-sensitivity.
allapurinol blood dyscrasias
ADVERSE EFFECT: Lethargy, hallucinations, seizures, anxiety,
ADVERSE EFFECT: GI – nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal
confusion, agitation, depression, dizziness, fatigue.
pain, cholestatic & jaundice.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Before giving ask patient about
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Monitor fluid I & O daily, urine
allergic rxns to penicillin.
output at least 2L & maintenance of neutral or slightly alkaline
> Amoxicillin usually causes fewer cases of diarrhea than does
urine are desirable
> monitor uric acid level at evaluate drugs effectiveness
STOCK: Capsules: 250mg, 500mg.
STOCK: 100, 300mg, powder for injection – 500mg
Oral Suspension: 50mg/ml (pedia), 125mg/5ml, 200mg/5ml,
250mg/5ml, 400mg/5ml (after reconstitution)
Vials: 1,000,000 iu, 5,000,000 iu - penicillins

ACTION: Unknown. A benzodiazepine that probably potentiates
the effects of GABA, depresses the CNS, and suppresses the
ACTION: Inhibits cell-wall synthesis during bacterial
spread of seizure activity
INDICATIONS: Anxiety, panic disorders
INDICATIONS: Respiratory tract or skin and skin structure
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Use cautiously in pts. w/ hepatic, renal
and pulmonary disease.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Give dry I.M. or I.V. only if prescribed
ADVERSE EFFECT: drowsiness, light-headedness, seduction,
and the infection is severe or if patient can’t take oral dose.
somnolence, hot flushes, chest pain, hypotension, diarrhea,
> To prevent bacterial endocarditis in pts. At high risk, give drug
vomiting, dyspepsia, nausea
w/ gentamicin
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Monitor hepatic, renal, and
ADVERSE EFFECT: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, glossitis,
hematopoietic function periodically in pts. receiving repeated or
stomatitis, gastritis, abdominal pain, enterocolitis,
prolonged therapy
pseudomembranocolitis, black hairy tongue.
STOCK: Oral solution: 1mg/ml
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Give drug 1-2 hours before or 2-
Tablets: 0.25mg, 0.5mg, 1mg, 2mg
3° p meals. When given orally, drug may cause GI disturbances.
Food may interfere with absorption.
STOCK: Capsules: 250mg, 500mg
Injection: 250mg, 500mg, 1g, 2g
Oral Suspension: 125mg/5ml, 250mg/5ml

CLASSIFICATION: Antipyretic, Analgesic
ACTION: Analgesic and antirheumatic effects are attributable to INDICATIONS: To prevent upper GI bleeding in critically ill
aspirins ability to inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins, impt. patients.
med’s of inflammation CONTRAINDICATIONS: Use cautiously in elderly or debilitated
INDICATIONS: Mild to moderate pain, fever, MI prophylaxis, patients because they may be more susceptible to crimetidine –
inflammatory conditions – rheumatic fever, rheumatoid, arthritis, induced confusion.
osteothritis ADVERSE EFFECT: Confusion, dizziness, headache, peripheral
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Use cautiously in patients w/ GI neuropathy, somnolence, hallucinations.
lesions, impaired renal function hypoprothrombinemia, vit. K NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Assess pt. for abdominal pain.
deficiency thrombocytopenia, thrombotic, thrombocytopenic Note blood in emesis, stool, or gastric aspirate.
ADVERSE EFFECT: Acute aspirin toxicity, aspirin intolerance, STOCK: Injection: 300mg/2ml, 300mg in 50ml normal saline
nausea, dyspepsia, heartburn solution, 300mg/2ml ADD-vantage-vial
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: w/ pt. w/ swallowing Tablets: 100mg, 200mg, 300mg, 400mg, 800mg
difficulties, crush non enteric-coated aspirin and dissolve in soft
food or liquid.
> febrile dehydrated children can develop toxicity rapidly.
STOCK: Suppositories – 120mg, 200mg
Tablets – 325mg, 500mg
CLASSIFICATION: Anti-infectiveness
ACTION: Third-generation cephalosporins that inhibits cell-wall
ATENOLOL synthesis, promoting osmotic instability, usually bactericidal.
(APO-ATENOLOL, GEN-ATENOLOL, TENORMIN) INDICATIONS: Pharyngitis, tonsillitis, infection of the urinary
and lower respiratory tracts, and skin and skin structure infection
CLASSIFICATION: Betal selective adrenergic blocker, caused by streptococcus pneumoniae and spyogenes, haemophilis
Antianginal influenzae, staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, moravella
ACTION: Blocks beta-adrenergic receptors of the sympathetic contarrhalis, neisseria
nervous system in the heart and juxtaglomerular apparatus thus CONTRAINDICATIONS: Use cautiously in pts., hypersensitive to
increasing the excitability of the heart penicillin because of possibility, usually bactericidal
INDICATIONS: Treatment of angima pectoris due to coronary ADVERSE EFFECT: Fever, headache, dizziness, phlebitis, genital
atherosclerosis pruritus, candidiasis.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Contraindicated w/ bradycardia, second NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Cefuroxime axely tablets maybe
or third degree heart block, cardiogenic shock, CHF, pregnancy crushed, if absolutely necessary, for pt. who can’t swallow tablets,
ADVERSE EFFECT: Gastric pain, flatulence, constipation, tablets maybe dissolved in small amounts of apple, orange, or
nausea, vomiting, anorexia, ischemic colitis grape juice or chocolate milk.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Do not discontinue drug STOCK: Injection: 250mg, 500mg, 1g, 2g
abruptly after long-term therapy
STOCK: tablets – 25, 50, 100

CLASSIFICATION: Anti-infectives
ACTION: Second generation cephalosporins that inhibits cell-wall
synthesis, promoting osmotic instability, usually bactericidal
INDICATIONS: Serious lower respiratory tract infections, UTI’s
skin and skin – structure infections, bone and joint infections,
CLASSIFICATION: Anti-arrythmics
septicemia, meningitis and gonorrhea
ACTION: An anticholinergic that inhibits acetylcholine at the
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Use cautiously in patients
parasympathetic neuroeffector junction, blocking vagal effects on
hypersensitive to penicillin because of possibility of cross-
the SA and AV nodes, thereby enhancing conduction through the
sensitivity w/ other beta-lactam antibiotics.
AV Nodes and increasing the heart rate.
ADVERSE EFFECT: Phlebitis, thromboplebitis, nausea, anorexia,
INDICATIONS: Symptomatic bradycardia, bradyarhytmia
vomiting, diarrhea, anemia, rashes
(junctional or escape rhythm)
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: For IM administration, inject
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Contraindicated in those w/ acute
deep into a large muscle, such as the gluteus maximus or the lateral
glaucoma, obstructive uropathy, obstructive dse. of G.I. tract,
aspect of the thigh
paralytic ileus, toxic megacolon, intestinal atony, unstable CV
>Before administration, ask patient if he is allergic to penicillins.
status in acute hemorrhage, tachycardia, myocardial ischemia,
STOCK: Suspension: 125mg/5ml, 250mg/5ml
asthma, or myasthenia gravis.
Tablets: 125mg, 250g, 500mg
ADVERSE EFFECT: Headaches, restlessness, ataxia,
Vials: 250mg, 750mg, 1.5 gms
disorientation, hallucinations, delirium, insomnia, dizziness,
excitement, agitation, confusion.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Many adverse rxn (such as dry
mouth and constipation) vary with the dose.
> Monitor fluid intake and urine output. Drug causes urine
retention and urinary hesitancy.
STOCK: INJECTION: 0.05mg/ml, 0.1mg/ml, 0.3mg/ml,
0.4mg/ml, 0.5mg/ml, 0.8mg/ml, 1mg/ml
TABLETS: 0.4mg


(TAGAMENT) ACTION: Unknown. A benzodiazepine that probably acts by
facilitating the effects of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA.
CLASSIFICATION: Anti-ulcer drugs INDICATIONS: Lennox – Gastraut Syndrome, atypical absence
ACTION: Competitively inhibits action of histamine on the H2 at seizures, akinetic and myoclonic seizures.
receptor sites of parietal cells, decreasing gastric acid secretion. CONTRAINDICATIONS: Use cautiously in children and in
patients w/ chronic respiratory disease or open angle glaucoma.
ADVERSE EFFECT: Drowsiness, ataxia, behavioral disturbances, CONTRAINDICATIONS: Use with caution in patients w/
depression, palpitations, nystagmus, abnormal eye movements, prostatic hyperplasia, asthma, COPD, increased intraocular
dysuria, nocturia, diarrhea pressure, hyperthyroidism, CV disease, and hypertension.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Monitor pt. for oversedation ADVERSE EFFECT: Drowsiness, confusion, insomnia, headache,
> Monitor CBC and liver functions test. vertigo, sensation, sleepiness, dizziness, incoordination, fatigue,
STOCK: Tablets: 0.rmg, 1mg, 2mg restlessness, tremor, nervousness, seizures.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Stop drug 4 days before
diagnostic skin testing because antihistamines can prevent, reduce,
or mask positive skin test response.
STOCK: Capsules: 25mg
Elixir: 12.5mg/5ml
CLASSIFICATION: Central Nervous system drugs, Anxiolytics
Injection: 10mg/ml
ACTION: Unknown. A benzodiazepine that probably potentiates
the effects of GABA, depresses the CNS, and suppresses the
spread of seizure activity. EPINEPRINE
INDICATIONS: Anxiety, acute alcohol withdrawal, muscle (ADRENALINE)
spasm, cardioversion, adjunct treatment for seizure disorders.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Contraindicated in pts. hypersensitive CLASSIFICATION: Bronchodilators
to drugs or soy protein, in pts. experiencing shock, coma or acute ACTION: Relaxes bronchial smooth muscle by stimulating beta2
alcohol intoxication, (parenteral form) in pregnant woman, receptors and alpha and beta receptors in the sympathetic nervous
especially in 1st trimester and in children younger than age 6 mos. system.
ADVERSE EFFECT: Drowsiness, dysathria, slurred speech, INDICATIONS: Bronchospasm, hypersensitivity, rxn’s
tremor, transient, amnesia, fatigue, ataxia, headache, insomnia, anaphylaxis, acute asthma attacks
paradoximal, anxiety, hallucinations, minor changes in EEG CONTRAINDICATIONS: Contraindicated in pts. w/ angle closure
patterns. glaucoma, shock (other than anaphylactic shock), organic brain
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Use distat rectal gel to treat no damage, cardiac dilation, arrhythmias, coronary insufficiency, or
more than five episodes/mos. and no more than one episode every cerebral arteriosclerosis,
5 days bec. tolerance may develop. ADVERSE EFFECT: Nervousness, trmor, vertigo, pain, fear,
STOCK: Capsules: 15mg dizziness, headache, disorientation, agitation, drowsiness,
Injection: 5mg/ml weakness, cerebral hemorrhage, CVA.
Tablets: 2mg/5mg, 10mg NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Epinephrine is drug of choice in
emergency treatment of acute anaphylactic rxns.
STOCK: Aerosol inhaler: 160mcg, 200mcg, 220mcg
Nebulizer inhaler: 1%

CLASSIFICATION: Corticosteroids, hormonal drugs

ACTION: Decreased inflammatory, mainly by stabilizing FENTANYL CITRATE
leukocyte lysosomal membranes, suppresses immune system (SUBLIMAZE)
response, stimulates bone marrow, air influence protein, fat, and
carbohydrate metabolism CLASSIFICATION: Opioid Analgesics
INDICATIONS: Cerebral edema, dexamethasone suppression test ACTION: Binds with opiate receptors in the CNS, altering
for cushing’s syndrome, shock, inflammatory conditions, allergic perception of and emotional response to pain
reactions neoplasia INDICATIONS: Adjunct to general anesthetic
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Use cautiously in pts. w/ ulcer, seizure, > To manage chronic pain
heart failure, psychotic tendencies, hepatitis, seizures, lactation, CONTRAINDICATIONS: Don’t give transdermal fentanyl to
myasthenia patients younger than age 12 or those younger than age 18 who
ADVERSE EFFECT: heart failure, cataracts, glaucoma, weightless than 110lls (50kg) or those for postoperative pain.
hypertension, edema, paresthesia ADVERSE EFFECT: Sedation, somnolence, clouded, sensorium,
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Monitor patients weight, blood euphoria, dizziness, headache, confusion, asthenia, chest pain.
pressure, and electrolyte levels. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Monitor circulatory and
> Diabetic pt. may need increased insulin, monitor glucose levels respiratory status and urinary function carefully. Drug may cause
STOCK: Elixir: 0.5mg/5ml respiratory depression, hypotension, urine retention, nausea,
Tablets: 0.25mg, 0.5mg. vomiting ileus, or altered level of consciousness no matter how it
Amp: 5mg/ml is given.
Vial: 4mg/ml STOCK: Injection: 50mcg/ml
Transmucocal: 200mcg, 400mcg, 600mcg, 88mcg, 1,200mcg,

CLASSIFICATION: Antihistamines
CLASSIFICATION: Aminoglycosides
ACTION: Competes w/ histamine for H1 – receptor sites on
ACTION: Inhibits protein synthesis by binding directly to the 30s
effector cells. Prevents but doesn’t reverse, histamine – mediated
ribosomal subunit, bactericidal.
responses particularly those of the smooth muscle of the bronchial
INDICATIONS: Serious infections caused by sensitive strains of
tubes, GI tract, uterus, and blood vessels. Structurally related to
pseudomonas aeruginosa, eschericia coli, proteus, klebsiella, or
local anesthetics, di phenhydramine provides local anesthesia and
suppresses cough reflex.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Used cautiously in pts. hypersensitive
INDICATIONS: Rhinitis, allergy symptoms, motion sickness,
to drugs, use cautiously in neonates, infants, elderly patients w/
parkinson’s disease
impaired renal function or neuromuscular disorders.
> Sedation, nighttime sleep aid, non productive cough
ADVERSE EFFECT: Fever, headache, lethargy, encephalopathy, STOCK: Injection: 20mg/ml
confusion, dizziness, seizures, numbness, peripheral neuropathy, Tablets: 10mg, 25mg, 50mg, 100mg
vertigo, ataxia, tingling.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Weight patient & review renal
function studies before therapy begins.
STOCK: Injection: 40mg/ml, 10mg/ml
I.V Infusion: 40mg, 60mg, 70mg, 80mg, 90mg, 100mg, 120mg, in
CLASSIFICATION: Corticosteriods
normal saline solution.
ACTION: Decreased inflammation, mainly by stabilizing
leukocyte, lysosomal membranes, suppress immune response,
GUAIFENESIN stimulates bone marrow, and influences protein, fat &
(ROBITUSSIN) carbohydrate metabolism.
INDICATIONS: Severe inflammation, adrenal insufficiency
CLASSIFICATION: Expectorant shock, adjunct treatment for ulcerative colitis and proctitis.
ACTION: Enhances the output of respiratory tract fluid by CONTRAINDICATIONS: Use cautiously in patients w/ GI ulcer
reducing adhesiveness and surface tension, facilitating the removal renal dse., hypertension, osteoporosis, diabetes mellitus,
of viscous mucus. hypothyroidism, cirrhosis, diverticulitis, nonspecific ulcerative
INDICATIONS: Symptomatic relief of respiratory conditions colitis, active hepatitis, lactation, recent intestinal anastomoses,
characterized by dry, nonproductive cough and when there is thomboembolic disorders, seizures, myasthenia, gravis, heart
mucus in the respiratory tract. failure, tuberculosis, ocular herpes simplex, emotional instability,
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Contraindicated w/ allergy to and psychotic tendencies.
guaifenesin, use cautiously w/ pregnancy, lactation & persistent ADVERSE EFFECT: Euphoria, insomnia, psychotic behavior,
cough. heart failure, pancreatitis, hypoglycemia.
ADVERSE EFFECT: GI: nausea w/ pregnancy, lactation & NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: For better results and less
vomiting, GI discomfort. toxicity, give a once-daily dose in morning.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Monitor rxn to drug persistent > Inspect patient’s skin for petechiae.
cough for longer than 1 wk., fever, rash/persistent headache may STOCK: Injection: 25mg/ml, 50mg/ml suspension
indicate a more serious conditions.
STOCK: Syrup: 100mg/5ml KETOPROFEN
Tablets: 100, 200, 400mg (RHOVAIL)

CLASSIFICATION: NSAIP, Non opioid analgesic

ACTION: Anti-inflammatory & analgesic activity, inhibits
prostaglandin & leukotriene, synthesis & has anti-bradykinin &
lysosomal membrane stabilizing others action.
INDICATIONS: Relief of mild to moderate pain, treatment of
CLASSIFICATION: Hormonal Drugs, Corticosteroids
dysmenorrheal, reduction of fever (OTC indication), temporary
ACTION: Decreased inflammation, mainly by stabilizing
relief of minor aches & pains.
leukocyte, lysomal membranes, suppresses immune response,
CONTRAINDICATIONS: w/ significant renal impairment,
stimulates bone marrow, and influences protein, fat &
pregnancy, lactation, allergy to ketoprofen, aspirin.
carbohydrate metabolism.
ADVERSE EFFECT: GI: nausea, dyspepsia, pain, diarrhea,
INDICATIONS: Severe inflammation, adrenal insufficiency
vomiting, flatulence, constipation
shock, adjunct treatment for ulcerative colitis proctitis.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Administer drug w/ food / after
CONTRAINDICATIONS: used cautiously in pts. w/ G.I ulcer,
meals if GI upsent occurs.
renal dse., hypertension, osteoporosis, diabetes mellitus,
STOCK: Tablets: 12.5mg
hypothyroidism, cirrhosis, diverticulitis, non-specific ulcerative,
Capsules: 25-50
colitis, psychotic tendencies.
ADVERSE EFFECT: Heart failure, hypertension, edema,
glaucoma, easy bruising, skin eruptions, dizziness, lethargy,
depression, anorexia.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Determine whether pt. is
sensitive to other corticosteroids.
STOCK: Tablets: 5mg, 10mg, 20mg
Oral suspension: 2mg/ml



CLASSIFICATION: Antihypertensives CLASSIFICATION: Opiod Analgesics

ACTION: Unknown. A direct – acting vasodilator that relaxes ACTION: Unknown. Binds w/ opiate receptors in the CNS,
arteriolar smooth muscle. altering perception of and emotional response to pain.
INDICATIONS: Essential hypertension (orally, alone w/ other INDICATIONS: Moderate to severe pain, preoperative analgesia.
antihypertensives), severe essential hypertension (parenterally, to CONTRAINDICATIONS: Contraindicated in pts. hypersensitive
lower blood pressure quickly). to drug and in those who have received MAO inhibitors w/in
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Contraindicated in those w/ coronary 14days.
artery disease or mitral valuular rheumatic heart dse. ADVERSE EFFECT: Physical dependence, sedation, somnolence,
ADVERSE EFFECT: rash, tachycardia, nasal congestion, nausea, clouded, sensorium, euphoria, paradoximal anxiety, tremor,
vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, constipation. dizziness, seizures, headache, hallucinations, syncope, light-
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Monitor pts. blood pressure, headedness.
pulse rate, and body weight frequently, hydralazine may be given NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Active metabolite of meperidine
w/ diuretics and beta blockers to decrease sodium retention and may accumulate in pts. w/ renal dysfunction, causing increased
tachycardia and to prevent angina attacks. adverse CNS rxn’s.
STOCK: Injection: 10mg/ml, 25mg/ml, 50mg/ml, 75mg/ml, (NIDAZOL, PROTOSTAT)
Syrup: 50mg/5ml CLASSIFICATION: Amebicides and Antiprotozoals
Tablets: 500mg, 1000mg ACTION: Direct – acting trichomonacide and amebicide that
works inside and outside the intestines. It’s thought to enter the
cells of microorganisms that contain nitroreductase, forming
unstable compounds that bind to DNA and inhibit synthesis,
causing cell death.
INDICATIONS: Amebic liver abscess, intestinal amebiasis,
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Use cautiously in breast-feeding
ACTION: Increase motor activity of the uterus by direct
patients, its unknown if drug appears in breast milk.
stimulation of the smooth muscle, shortening the 3rd stage of labor,
ADVERSE EFFECT: Fever, vertigo, headache, ataxia, dizziness,
and reducing blood loss
syncope, incoordination, confusion, irritability, sinusitis, nausea,
INDICATIONS: To prevent and treat postpartum hemorrhage
vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea.
caused by uterine atony or subinuolution.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Give oral form w/ meals.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Use cautiously in pts. w/ sepsis,
> Record no. and character of stools when drug is used to treat
oblilerative vascular dse. or hepatic or or renal dse.
amebiasis. Give metronidazole only after trichomonas vaginalis
ADVERSE EFFECT: Dizziness, headache, hypertension, transient
infection is confirmed by wet smear or culture or entameba
chest pain, leg cramps, dyspnea, diaphoresis.
hystolictica is identified.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Monitor and record blood
STOCK: Capsules: 375 mg.
pressure, pulse rate and uterine response, report, sudden change in
Injection: 500mg/100ml ready to use minibags
vital signs, frequent periods of uterine relaxation, and character
and amount of vaginal bleeding.
STOCK: Injection: 0.2mg/ml
Tablets: 0.2mg MANNITOL

ACTION: Increases osmotic pressure of glomerular filtrate,
inhibiting tubular reabsorption of water and electrolytes, drug
elevates plasma osmolality, increasing water flow into
extracellular fluid.
ACTION: Unknown. A benzodiazepine that probably potentiates
INDICATIONS: To prevent oliguria or acute renal failure
the effects of GABA, depresses the CNS, and suppresses the
> To reduce intraocular or intracranial pressure
spread of seizure activity.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Contraindicated in pts. w/ anuria,
INDICATIONS: To induce sleepiness and amnesia and to relieve
severe pulmonary congestion, frank pulmonary edema, severe
apprehension before anesthesia, or before and during procedures in
heart failure, severe dehydration, metabolic edema, progressive
renal dses. Or dysfunction, or active intracranial pressure.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Use cautiously in pts. w/
ADVERSE EFFECT: Seizures, dizziness, headache, fever, edema,
uncompensated acute illness and in elderly or depiliated pts.
blurred vision, rhinitis, nausea, vomiting.
ADVERSE EFFECT: CNS: headache, amnesia, drowsiness,
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Monitor vital signs, including
excitement. GI: nausea, vomiting, apnea, hiccups
central venous pressure and fluid intake and output hourly. Report
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Monitor blood pressure, heart
increasing oliguria, check weight, renal fxn, fluid balance, and
rate and rhythm, respirations, airway integrity, and arterial oxygen
serum and urine sodium & potassium levels daily.
saturation during procedure.
STOCK: Injection: 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%
STOCK: Injection: 1mg/ml, 5m/ml
Syrup: 2mg/ml

CLASSIFICATION: Miscellaneous antagonists & antidotes
ACTION: Unknown. Thought to displace opioid analgesics from
ACTION: Stimulates motility of upper GI tract, increases lower
their receptors (competitive antagonism), drug has no
esophageal sphincter tone, and blocks dopamine receptors at the
pharmacologic actv. Of its own.
chestmoreceptor trigger zone.
INDICATIONS: Known or suspected opioid – induced respiratory
INDICATIONS: To prevent or reduce nausea and vomiting from
depression, including that caused by pentazocine & propoxyphene.
anetogenic cancer chestmotherapy
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Use cautiously in patients w/ cardiac
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Use cautiously in pts. w/ history of
irritability or opioid addiction. Abrupt reversal of opioid – induced
depression, parkinson’s dse. or hypertension.
CNS depression may result in nausea, vomiting, diaphoresis,
ADVERSE EFFECT: restlessness, anxiety, drowsiness, fatigue,
tachycardia, CNS excitement, & increase blood pressure.
lassitude, fever, depression, hallucination, headache, nausea, bowel
ADVERSE EFFECT: Tremors, seizures, tachycardia, hypertensive
disorders, diarrhea, rash, urticaria.
w/ higher than recommended doses, hypotension, nausea,
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Monitor bowel sounds
> When oral sol. Is used dilute in pudding, apple sauce just before
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Monitor respiratory depth &
rate. Be prepared to provide oxygen, ventilation, and other
STOCK: Injection: 5mg/ml
resuscitation measures.
Syrup: 5mg/5ml, 10mg/ml
STOCK: Injection: 0.02mg/ml, 0.4mg/ml
Tablets: 5mg, 10mg

(NUBAIN) CONTRAINDICATIONS: Contraindicated in pts. hypersensitive
to hydantoin and in those w/ sinus bradycardia, SA block, second
CLASSIFICATION: Opiod Analgesics or third degree AV block, or Adams-Strokes Syndrome.
ACTION: Unknown. Binds w/ opiate receptors in the CNS, ADVERSE EFFECT: Gingival hyperplasia, nausea, vomiting,
altering perception of and emotional response to pain. constipation
INDICATIONS: Moderate to severe pain NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Use only clear solution for
Adjunct to balanced anesthesia injection. A slight yellow color is acceptable. Don’t refrigerate.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Use cautiously in patients w/ history of STOCK: Oral Suspension: 125mg/5ml
drug abuse and in those w/ emotional instability, head injury, Tablets: 50mg
increased intracranial pressure, impaired ventilation, MI
encompanied by nausea and vomiting, upcoming biliary, surgery,
and hepatic or renal disease.
ADVERSE EFFECT: Headache, sedation, dizziness, vertigo,
nervousness, depression, hallucination, vomiting, constipation,
urinary, pruritis, burning, asthma.
CLASSIFICATION: Calcium channel modulator, Analgesic,
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Reassess patient’s level of pain
at least 15 and 30mins after parenteral administration.
ACTION: Binds to alpha2 - delta sites on the nerves in the CNS,
> Monitor respiratory and circulatory status of the pt. and bladder
w/c reduces the calcium influx into the cell and decreases the
vowel function.
releases of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft, resulting in
STOCK: Injection: 10mg/ml, 20mg/ml
less stimulating of the nerve.
INDICATIONS: Management of acute pain associated w/ diabetic
peripheral neuropathy, postherpetic neuralgia.
(PROCARDIA) hypersensitivity to pregabalin / any component of the drug
CLASSIFICATION: Antianginals ADVERSE EFFECT: GI: dry mouth, constipation, flatulence
ACTION: Thought to inhibit calcium ion influx across cardiac and NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Provide safety measure if
smooth muscle cells, decreasing contractility and oxygen demand. dizziness, somnolence, changes in thinking occur.
Also may dilate coronary arteries and arterioles. > Monitor weight gain & fluid retention, adjust treatment for
INDICATIONS: Vasospastic angina, classic chronic stable angina diabetes, CHF accordingly.
pectoris. STOCK: Tablets: 50mg, 250mg
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Use cautiously in patients w/ heart Suspension: 250mg/5ml
failure or hypotension and in elderly patients. Use extended –
release tablets cautiously in pts. w/ severe GI narrowing.
ADVERSE EFFECT: Dizziness, light-headedness, somnolence,
headache, weakness, syncope, nervousness, heart failure.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Don’t give immediate – release
form w/in 1 week of acute MI or in acute coronary syndrome.
> Monitor blood pressure regularly, especially in pts. who take
beta blockers or antihypertensives.
STOCK: Capsules: 10mg, 20mg
Tablets: 30mg, 60mg, 90mg

CLASSIFICATION: Anti-ulcer drugs

PENICILLIN 6 POTASSIUM ACTION: Competitively inhibits action of histamine on the H2 at
(PFIZERPEN) receptor sites of parietal cells, decreasing gastric acid secretion.
INDICATIONS: Maintenance therapy for duodenal or gastric
CLASSIFICATION: Anti-infectives ulcer.
ACTION: Inhibits cell-wall synthesis during bacterial CONTRAINDICATIONS: Use cautiously in pts. w/ hepatic
multiplication. dysfunction. Adjust dosage in pts. w/ impaired renal function.
INDICATIONS: Moderate to severe systemic infection ADVERSE EFFECT: Vertigo, malaise, headache, jaundice.
> Anthrax NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Assess pt. for abdominal pain.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Use cautiously in pts. w/ other drug Note presence of blood in emesis, stool or gastric aspirate.
allergies, especially to cephalosporins, because of possible cross- STOCK: Granules: 150mg.
sensitivity. Injection: 25mg/ml
ADVERSE EFFECT: Nausea, vomiting, enterocolitis, seizures, Syrup: 15mg/ml
anxiety, dizziness, fatigue Tablets: 75mg
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Before giving drug, ask the
patients hypersensitive to drug or other penicillins.
STOCK: Injection: 1 million units, 5 million units, 20 million
Tablets: 500,000 units
CLASSIFICATION: Anti-tuberculotics and antileprotics
ACTION: Inhibits DNA - dependent RNA polymerase, w/c
PHENYTOIN SODIUM impairs RNA Synthesis, bactericidal.
(DILANTIN) INDICATIONS: Pulmonary tuberculosis, w/ other anti-
CLASSIFICATION: Anticonvulsants CONTRAINDICATIONS: Use cautiously w/ patient
ACTION: Unknown hypersensitivity to rifampin.
INDICATIONS: To control tonic-clonic (grand mal) & complex > Use cautiously in patient w/ liver disease.
partial (temporal lobe) seizures
ADVERSE EFFECT: Headache, fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness, ADVERSE EFFECT: GI: nausea, diarrhea
numbness, ataxia, shock. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Administer drug 30mins before
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Give drug w/ at least one other pt. is going to bed, encourage no other actv. After patient takes the
antituberculotic. drug.
> Give P.O. doses 1 hr. before or 2 hrs. after meals for optimal STOCK: Tablets: 60mg
absorption, if GI irritation occurs, may give w/ meals.
STOCK: Capsules: 150mg, 300mg
(SOLFOTON) CLASSIFICATION: Antihypertensive, ace inhibitor
ACTION: Blocks Ace ffom converting angiotensin I to angiotensin
CLASSIFICATION: Anticonvulsants II, a powerful vasoconstrictor, leading to decrease BP, decrease
ACTION: As barbiturate, probably depresses CNS, and increases aldosterone secretion
seizure threshold. As sedative, may interfere w/ transmission of INDICATIONS: Treatment of hypertension alone or combination
impulses from thalamus to cortex of brain. w/ thiazide-type diuretics treatment of CHF in stable patients in the
INDICATIONS: Anti-convulsant, febrile seizures, status 1st few days after MI.
epilepticus. CONTRAINDICATIONS: Contraindicated w/ allergy to ranipril
> Sedation, Insomnia, preoperative sedation salt / volume depletion, lactation
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Use cautiously in patients with acute or ADVERSE EFFECT: Gastric irritation, opthous ulcers, dysgeusia,
renal chronic pain, depression, suicidal, tendencies, history of drug hepatocellular, injury, anorexia.
abuse, fever, hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, severe anemia, NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Monitor patient closely or
blood pressure alterations, CV disease, shock, or uremia, and in falling BP 2° to reduction in fluid volume because excessive
elderly or debilitated patients. hypotension may occur.
ADVERSE EFFECT: Drowsiness, lethargy, hangover, STOCK: Capsule: 1.25mg, 2.5mg, 5mg, 10mg
paradoxical, excitement in elderly patients, somnolence, changes in
EEG patterns, physical and psychological dependence.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Give I.M injection deeply into
large muscles. Superficial injection may cause pain, sterile abscess,
and tissue sloughing.
> Don’t stop drug abruptly because this may worsen seizures. Call
prescriber immediately if adverse rxn’s develop.
STOCK: Capsules: 16mg


CLASSIFICATION: Acidifiers and Alkalinizer

PYRAZINAMIDE ACTION: Restore buffering capacity of the body and neutralizes
(TEBRAZID) excess acid
INDICATIONS: Metabolic acidosis, systemic or urinary
CLASSIFICATION: Antituberculotic alkalinization, antacid, cardiac arrest
ACTION: Bacteriostatic or bacteriodical against mycobacterium CONTRAINDICATIONS: Contraindicated in patients losing
tuberculosis mechanism of action is unknown. chloride because of vomiting or continuous GI suction and in those
INDICATIONS: Initial treatment of active TB in adults & children receiving diuretics that produce hypochloremic alkalosis. Oral
when combined w/ other antituberculotics. sodium bicarbonate is contraindicated for acute ingestion of strong
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Contraindicated w/ allergy to mineral acids.
pyrazinamide, acute hepatic dses., lactation, acute gout. ADVERSE EFFECT: Tetany, edema, gastric distention, belching,
ADVERSE EFFECT: GI: Hepatotoxicity, nausea, vomiting, flatulence.
diarrhea, anorexia NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: To avoid risk of alkalosis,
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Administer only in conjunction obtain blood pH, partial pressure of arterial oxygen, partial
w/ other antituberculotics pressure of arterial carbon dioxide and electrolyte levels. Tell
> Administer once a day prescriber laboratory results.
STOCK: Tablets: 500mg STOCK: Injection: 4%, 5%, 1.5%, 8.4%
Tablets: 325mg, 650mg


CLASSIFICATION: Melatonin receptor, agonist, sedative CLASSIFICATION: Antipasmodic, sympatholytic (centrally

hypnotic. acting)
ACTION: Agonist at melatonin receptor sites believed to ACTION: Centrally acting alpha, agonist, antispasmodic effect
contribute to sleep promotion and though to be involved in the thought to be a result of indirect depression of poly synaptic
maintenance of circadian rhythm underlying the normal - wake reflexes by blocking the excretory actions of spinal intraneurons.
cycle. INDICATIONS: Acute & intermittent management of increase
INDICATIONS: Treatment of insomia characterized by difficulty muscle tone associated w/ spasticity.
w/ sleep onset. CONTRAINDICATIONS: Contraindicated w/ hypersensitively to
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Contraindicated w/ known hyper tizanidine.
sensitivity to any component of the drug. ADVERSE EFFECT: GI: dry mouth, constipation, anorexia,
> Severe sleep apnea, severe COPD. malaise, nausea, vomiting.
the clock for the best effect. (DEPAKENE)
> Adjust drug doses slowly, w/c helps to decrease side effects.
> Provide sugarless lozenges / ice chips, as appropriate, if dry CLASSIFICATION: Anticonvulsants
mouth or altered taste occur. ACTION: Probably facilitates the effects of the inhibitory
STOCK: Tablets: 2mg, 4mg neurotransmitter
Capsules: 2mg, 4mg, 6mg INDICATIONS: Simple and complex absence, seizures, mixed
seizure types, complex partial seizures, mania.
> To prevent migraine headache
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Contraindicated in patients
hypersensitive to drug in those w/ hepatic disease or significant
hepatic dysfunction and in patients w/ urea cycle disorder.
ADVERSE EFFECT: Insomnia, nervousness, somnolence,
abnormal thinking, amnesia, emotional upset, depression, tremor,
CLASSIFICATION: Antiemetic, Antivertigo drug
ataxia, headache, dizziness, asthenia, fever
ACTION: Mechanism of Action not fully understood, Acts
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Obtain liver function test
directly on the CTZ and the vomiting center to suppress nausea
results, platelet count, and PT and INR before starting therapy, and
and vomiting.
monitor these values periodically.
INDICATIONS: Relief of nausea and vomiting
> Patients at high risk for heaptotoxicity include those w/
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Contraindicated for IV use, and w/
congenital metabolic disorders, mental retardation, or organic brain
allergy to phenothiazines, comatose, or severely CNS depressed
states, pregnancy.
STOCK: Injection: 100mg/ml
ADVERSE EFFECT: GI: dry mouth, salivation, nausea, vomiting,
Syrup: 250mg/5ml
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Do not administer to pregnant
patients, serious fetal harm can occur.
> Keep the patient recumbent for 30 mins after injection to avoid
orthostatic hypotension.
STOCK: Injection: 5ml/ml


CLASSIFICATION: Analgesic, centrally acting

ACTION: Binds to opioid receptors & inhibits the re up take of
nonephineprine and serotonin, causes many effects similar to the
opioids, dizziness, somnolence, nausea.
INDICATIONS: Relief of moderate to moderately severe pain.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Contraindicated w/ allergy to
tramadol / opioidsor acute intoxication w/ alcohol, opioids or
psychoactive drugs.
ADVERSE EFFECT: GI: nausea, vomiting, dry mouth.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: Limit use in patients w/ past /
present history of addiction to or depence or opioids.
STOCK: Tablets: 50mg


CLASSIFICATION: Vitamins and Minerals

ACTION: Stimulates collagen formation and tissue repair,
involved in oxidation – reduction reactions.
INDICATIONS: RDA, to prevent Vit. C deficiency in pts. w/ poor
nutritional habits or increased requirements.
> To acidify urine
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Contraindicated in pts. w/ an allergy to
tartrazine or sulfites.
> Contraindicated in large doses in pregnant pts.
ADVERSE EFFECT: CNS: Faintness, dizziness, GI: diarrhea,
heartburn, nausea, vomiting
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: When giving for urine
acidification, check urine pH to ensure efficiency.
> Protect solution from light, and refrigerate ampules.
STOCK: Capsules: 250mg, 500mg

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