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Paint is a drawing tool you can use to create simple or elaborate

drawings. These drawings can be either black-and-white or color, and
can be saved as bitmap files. You can print your drawing, use it for your
desktop background, or paste it into another document. You can even
use Paint to view and edit scanned photos.
Starting MS-Paint:
StartR!"mspaint or pbrush#
Screen Parts of Paint:
The Canvas:
The area above is called the 'anvas. (e will begin to work on the canvas after
introducing the other essential assets of the program. The ne)t section we will
cover is the Toolbar. This is what allows you to make pictures and add te)t to
your canvas.
The Toolbar:
*ach icon on the toolbar represent different modes of the program. +y
default, the pencil mode is active, as you can see it indented on the left. The
pencil button is used to draw free-form lines. You can also draw straight
lines by using the mouse and Shift key together. ,o to the paint program
and try drawing with the pencil.


Color Palette:
-eft click to choose the foreground color, and
right click selects the background color. To
choose more colors, click on colors on the standard toolbar, then select edit
The Line Tool:
The -ine button is used to draw a straight lines. Select the line button from the
toolbo). You will notice that when you select the line button, a line width bo)
will appear .shown below/. You can now select the width you would like your
line to be. You can also pick a line color from the color palette.
Line Width:
You can also choose a different si0e line width by clicking on one of the
line width buttons shown on your left. Practice drawing several different
line widths on your canvas.

The Curve Line Tool:
The curve button is used to draw curved lines. You will notice that when you
select this button you are also given the line width selection. You may also
choose a line color. To draw with this button, draw a straight line by dragging the
mouse pointer. 'lick where you want one arc of the curve to be, and then drag
the mouse pointer to ad1ust the curve.
The Rectangle Tool:
The rectangle button is used to create s2uare cornered s2uares or rectangles.
'lick a color from the color palette for the shape3s outline. %gain you will notice
that you have a choice of fill styles. To fill the shape with color, choose the color
you wish to fill with, then select the paint can from the toolbo) and click
inside the shape.
To draw a rectangle, drag the mouse pointer diagonally in the direction you
To draw a s2uare press and hod down shift while dragging the mouse
Practice drawing rectangle and s2uares with different fill styles and colors. 'lear
your canvas when you are done. Your canvas is now ready for drawing polygons.
The Polygon Tool:
The polygon button is used to draw multi-sided shapes. 'lick the polygon
button in the tool bo), and then click a color for the polygon outline. !otice you
still have your choice of fill styles
The Ellipse Tool:
The ellipse button is used to draw an ellipse or circle. 'lick the ellipse button
in the tool bo). 'lick a color you want for the shapes outline. To fill the shape,
click the color then the paint can. The Rounded
Rectangle Tool:
The rounded rectangle button is used to create a round-cornered s2uare of
rectangular shape. Practice drawing a round-cornered s2uare or rectangle. +e
sure to clear your canvas when you are through.
The ree-or! Select Tool:
The free-form select button is used to select areas of the image for further
processing. You may select part of a picture or an irregularly shaped area by
clicking in the tool bo) and dragging the cursor around the area. To remove the
selection bo), click outside the bo).
The Select Tool:
The select button is used to select rectangular areas of the image for further
processing. To select part of a picture or rectangular area, click in the tool bo) on
the select button, then drag the cursor diagonally across the area.
The Eraser Tool:
The *raser button is used to erase parts or all of an image. !otice that when
you select the eraser button, you have style choices to chose from. 'hose the si0e
eraser you will need, then drag the mouse pointer over the area you want to erase.
The Pic" Color Tool:
The pick color button is used to select a color you have previously used in
your drawing. This lets you select a color 2uickly
The Magnifier Tool:
The magnifier button is used to enlarge any part of a picture. 'lick on the
magnifier button and then click the 4times4 magnification from the bottom of the
tool bo). 5rag the magnifier over the area to be enlarged.
The Paint #rush Tool:
The paint brush button is used to paint ob1ects. To paint, click on the brush
button, pick a color for the color palette, then drag the mouse pointer over area to
be painted.
The $irbrush Tool:
The airbrush button is used to spray paint an area. se the left mouse button to
spray with the foreground color and the right button to spray with the background
The Te%t Tool:
The te)t button is used to add te)t to a graphic image. 'lick this button to
create a te)t frame by dragging the mouse pointer diagonally. You will then
choose the font, si0e and style you want. 'lick inside the te)t frame to begin
The &pa'ue &ption Tool:
The opa2ue option button is used to specify that the selection will cover the
e)isting picture, using the foreground and background colors of the selected
The Transparent &ption Tool:
The transparent option button is used to specify that the e)isting picture will
show through your selection and that the background color of the selected area
will not be displayed.

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