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Hammer and Sickle

The symbol I am gonna explain is The Hammer and sickle the reason why I chose this symbol is I want to
know what does this means and what actually makes the symbol named hammer and sickle and now I
am gonna know. Hammer and sickle is a part of the communist symbol, its use is communism,
communist, or communist countries and represents the connection. This symbol is equipped with a
hammer and sickle overlapping each other. Both tools are industrial work of the unity of two people.
This emblem was conceived during the Russian Revolution. Some symbolsx, such as flags and symbols of
the many symbols associated with the area and the more integrated.
The hammer and sickle were originally a hammer on a plough, with the same meaning (unity of peasants
and workers) as the better known hammer and sickle. The hammer and sickle, though in d plough
insignia was used by the Red Army and the Red Guard on uniforms, medals, caps, etc. In Ireland,
the symbol of the plough remains in use and may have shared roots with the hause since 1917/18,
were not the official symbol until 1922, before which the original hammer anmmer and plough. The
Starry Plough (flag) banner was originally used by the Irish Citizen Army, a socialist, Republican
movement. James Connolly, co-founder of the Irish Citizen Army with Jack White, said the
significance of the banner was that a free Ireland would control its own destiny from the plough to
the stars. A sword is forged into the plough to symbolise the end of war with the establishment of a
Socialist International. This was unveiled in 1914 and flown by the Irish Citizen Army during the 1916
Easter Rising.

Later, the hammer and sickle symbol was featured on the flag of the Soviet Union, adopted in 1923
and finalized in the 1924 Soviet Constitution, and flags of the republics of
the Soviet Union after 1924. Before this, the flags of Soviet republics tended
to be a plain red field, with the golden text of the name of the respective
republic superimposed on it, as written in Article 6 of the 1918 Soviet

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