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Strategic Dimensions August 2004

Recruitment Process

The following table sets out a simple checklist of questions to consider before embarking
on an external recruitment campaign. It is not designed to be a definitive list, but is a
useful starting point.

Identify needs

Why is the job needed?
Can the role be redefined?
Can responsibilities be incorporated elsewhere?
What happens if the job isnt replaced?
What are the consequences of non-appointment?
Review whether now is the right time to recruit i.e. is there a
major reorganisation pending?

Consider internal

Are there individuals on the succession plan?
Could hi-pos be moved sideways for development purposes?
Should some be seen out of courtesy?
Consider whether there are candidates within the wider
organisation, e.g. in sister companies

Select headhunter

Are they recognised selection experts?
Do they have a defined methodology?
Do they have expertise in this recruitment area?
Have they done similar work before?
Have you obtained references?
What success assurances do they offer?
How will they represent you in the market?
Costs what will you pay them?
What recruitment team will work on the assignment?
What written progress reports will you receive?
What project timings do they suggest?
Do their style and values fit with your organisation?
What are the resources they will assign to your project?
Do they work for your competitors?

Draw up job
description and
person profile

Define key purpose of job
Define key result areas
Define critical objectives
Define role metrics
Define reporting lines
Identify key reports
What is the remit of the job in terms of geography and
customer base?
Where will the job be based?

Strategic Dimensions August 2004
What are the competencies?
What is the budget?
What qualifications are required?
What is the personal profile of the ideal candidate?
What would be contra indications
Identify key values and vision of organisation
Identify Chief Executives hot buttons
What are the likely promotion opportunities for this role?

Define interview
and decision
making process

Define client interview processes i.e. stages, key personnel,
format, and formalities
Define sequence of interviews, psychometrics, if required,
and additional assessment processes
Define what weight will be given to each interviewer/exercise
in terms of making final

Define project

Agree timings for presentation of initial shortlist
Agree timings of first round interviews
Agree feedback mechanisms

Define search

Define criteria which identify relevant organisations
Develop research teams list of relevant companies
Develop client list of relevant companies
Delete those organisations which should not be on the
consolidated list
Identify consultants, academics, etc. who may give referrals
Identify established networks which should be searched
Use established consultant networks to identify viable

Additional sourcing

Conduct web posting
Analysis of head hunter/consultancy database
Assessment of head hunter/consultancy network

candidates for

Screen CVs against key role requirements
Assess content and style of candidate covering letters
Check out obvious reference points
Ensure interview courtesies
Provide detailed overview of role, terms and conditions and
company to candidates

Conduct head
hunter / consultant

Check for knowledge of topic
Check for knowledge of client organisation
Check for knowledge of business
Check for interpersonal compatibility
Check Continuous Professional Development

Strategic Dimensions August 2004
Authenticate qualifications
Obtain names of potential referees
Check external networks
Verify current package, notice period and salary expectations
Ascertain candidates longer term ambitions/aspirations
Evidence of external reputation
Confirm, where relocation may be an issue, that candidate
will relocate
Provide feedback to candidates on interview performance

Head hunter /
consultant shortlist

Produce written reports on each candidate with strengths,
weaknesses and synopsis of the details outlined above
Discuss each candidate with client
Confirm final details of client interview process
Confirm date for first stage interviews
Advise clients on any aspect of the interview process or
design as necessary

Client interviews

Advise candidates of interview time, location and process
Advise candidates to take examples of good work
Advise clients on interview questions and etiquette
Client to confirm HRs role?
Client to confirm the line managers role?
Client to confirm the line managers role?
Dinner with preferred candidate and their partner

Psychometrics and

Identify appropriate ability and/or personality testing
Arrange testing
Provide feedback to candidates and clients
Consider development recommendations on the basis of the
Ensure coverage of other assessment processes e.g.
presentation or case study
Consultant can advise on in-depth psychological analysis if
Consultant to advise if independent psychological
assessment required

References &

Ensure thorough pre-employment medical is undertaken
References taken by consultant or client but should be with
two previous line managers, not necessarily those nominated
by the candidate

Offer Letter

This should include the following:
Basic terms and conditions
Salary information

Strategic Dimensions August 2004
Salary review
Performance criteria
Stock options
Notice period
Relocation Policy
Non-disclosure clause
Restrictive Covenants
Start date
Pension Arrangements
Reporting relationships
Mode of acceptance
Expiration of offer


Keep candidate abreast of key developments within
Arrange for candidates attendance at critical meetings
Deal with candidates equipment and office requirements
Brief team of intended start date
Brief organisation on new-hire details
Dont assume that acceptance of offer means candidate will
start! Keep them warm

The first 90 days

Basic induction orientation
Basic induction products and processes
Meeting the Board
Candidate to produce a formal output plan for first 12 months
Meeting the team
Initial work plan
Priorities to address
Regular compatibility discussions with client
Compatibility discussion with client
Arrange meetings with key customers
Reinforce key objectives, vision and values
Appointment of mentor or buddy
Fulfil any promises made during interview process
Check the domestics
Check performance against set objectives
Get candidates feedback on progress to date, and on wider
issues as appropriate

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