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BEL Placement Paper May 2008

(Objective and Electronics)

Part IObjective questions (40 with 1.5 ar!s each) with 50" #ve ar!in$.
1. %uerical &roble based on odulation inde' (c) (***. ((orula based direct queston).
+. Poles , -eroes are at .01)1)+0)100** (ind &hase ar$$le at (/500-. ans #10(23 drawin$ bode
4. In n#t3&e enhanceent ode 5O67E8 drain current9 o&tions are# increase.decrease with
inc.dec in drain.$ate volta$e. ans(d)
4. :ain o( an directional antenna ;db P/1w (ind transitted &ower***(use Ptr/ : < P.)
5. 5ulti&lication o( two nos 10101010 , 10010011 in +=s co&leent (or..
;. > c!t is $iven su&&&lied with 15v with a series o( resistance o( 1! and a &arallel cobination o( 1+?
-ener diode and +! resistance. 7Ind current throu$h +! resistance.
>ns@ ;>
A.> 5P has 1; line data bus , 1+ line addr bus (ind eor3 ran$e***.>ns..4B(4<10+4b3tes)
C.Divide b3 1+ counter require iniu *.. no o( (li& (lo&s >ns. 4
1.6tora$e tie in &#n junction.
10.6uccesive a&&ro'. use in *. >ns >DE(analo$ to di$ital)
11.Pre#e&hasis require in *** low (req.hi$h (req si$nal.
1+.0andsha!e in 5P ***.. >ns to counicate with slower &eri&herals.
14. 2inar3 equivalent o( 0.0;+5 >ns. 0.0001
14.Fhich code is sel( co&leent o( itsel(
15.E'cess three code o( an $iven binar3 no.
1;.Fhen we add ; in 2ED o&erations**. >ns. i( result e'ceed valid 2ED nos.
1A.6hott!3 diode has better switchin$ ca&abilit3 because it switch between**.
1C.7i$ure o( 5erit is sae as**
11.6withcin$ in diode ha&&ens when*.
+0.Durin$ (orward bias ajorit3 char$e conc. in de&letion la3ers inc.decrease*..
+1.Ehannel ca&acit3 de&end on**. >ns. Gsable (requenc3 or bandwidth
++.> +!0- si$nal is &assed throu$h an How &ass (ilter havin$ cut#o(( (req C000- o.& will be
+4. Earrier a&litude 1v) &ea! to &ea! essa$e si$nal 4v (ind odulation inde'.
+4.> 1+? si$nal is quanti-ed into two ?.14 , ; equal ?.A deterine quanti-ation error.
Part II 8rue , (alse*...(10 1 ar! each) with 50" #ve ar!in$
1.Power dissi&ation in EEH is iniu***. 7alse
+.7ourier 8rans(or o( a s3etric conju$ate (unction is alwa3s real *. 8rue
4.Divide b3 1+ counter requires a iniu o( 4 (li& (lo&s**.8rue
4.2oron can be use as i&urit3 to anal3se base o( a n&n transistor**.8rue

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