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King Lir lived long time ago in Ireland. He had for children, two boys and two girls, whow
he loved dearly. However, their stepmother was jealous. She wove a spell that turned the children
into swans.
Lir was hearthbroken. His hair and beard turned white with grief as searched for his
children. ne day, he saw four swans. He didn!t reali"ed who they were, although they recogni"ed
him as thir father.
#he spell could only be broken if the mountain in the north was joined the one in the south.
#his seemed impossible, but after many years all the birds flew into the air and formed an arch
between the mountains. #he swans were transformed and Lir saw his children once more. #hey wer
no longer young, but had grown old, with hair as white as thir fathers.
Part : Enrichment
Reading Comprehension
$. %hat do you think about story & It is''..
a. sharing with the readers
b. e(citing the readers
c. persuading the readers
d. describing the readers
e. entertaining the readers
). *His beard and hair turned white with grief as he'!.
#he underlined word has the same meaning with'
a. took into
b. relied on
c. gave in
d. changed into
e. ran into
+. %hy did Lir,s hair turn into white &
a. because of the sadness in missing his children
b. because of the bleaching
c. because the wife is so rude
d. because he has too many children
e. because he saw the swans
ns!ered the "#estion
$. c
). d
+. a
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