Learn More About Office Click-to-Run: What Do You Want To Know?

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Learn more about Office Click-to-Run

Microsoft Office Click-to-Run uses Microsoft streaming and virtualization technology to significantly reduce the
time that is required for you to download and begin experiencing the new features of Microsoft Office !"!# $t
this time% only Microsoft Office &ome and 'tudent !"!% Microsoft Office &ome and (usiness !"!% and
Microsoft Office 'tarter !"! are available by using Office Click-to-Run% which include the following Office !"!
programs) Microsoft *ord% +xcel% ,ower,oint% Outlook% One-ote% *ord 'tarter% and +xcel 'tarter#
What do you want to know?
*hy would . use Office Click-to-Run/
*hat operating systems are supported/
*ill my add-in work/
Why would I use Office Click-to-Run?
.f you have decent .nternet speed% you can be using a Microsoft Office program within minutes and have the
whole program in less than a half hour# 0he Click-to-Run $pplication Manager shows you the download
progress# .f you want to start to use an Office program% Office Click-to-Run downloads what it must have to
have you running with the small delay as that is part of the real-time downloads#
'ome advantages of using Office Click-to-Run include the following)
1ou get Office very quickly over the .nternet#
Office Click-to-Run is up to date even from the start# -o need to find service packs or updates#
Office Click-to-Run can coexist with earlier versions of Office# 1ou can try Office Click-to-Run
without changing the Office product you currently have#
0op of ,age
What operating systems are supported?
0he following operating systems are supported#
-O0+ Office 'tarter !"! requires *indows 2 or *indows 3ista 'ervice ,ack " 4',"5% 6-bit version#
*indows 2
*indows 3ista 'ervice ,ack " 4',"5% 6-bit version
*indows 7, with 'ervice ,ack 6 4',65% 6-bit version
0op of ,age
Will my add-ins work?
'ome add-ins might not work with Office Click-to-Run# .f you rely on an add-in that does not work with Office
Click-to-Run% you should install Office !"!#
-O0+ $dd-ins are not available in Office 'tarter !"!#
0op of ,age

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