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School: Junior High School

Subject: Geography
Grade/ Semester: VII/1
Standard Competency: Memahami lingkungan kehidupan manusia.
Basic Competency: Mendeskripsikan keragaman bentuk muka bumi.

Describe the diastrophism and volcanism symptoms and the spreads of
volcanic mountain.
Describe the factors causing earthquake and its consequence.
Describe the process of corrosion.
Describe the process of erosion, its cause and consequence.
Give the example of the result of sedimentation process.
Indentify the positive and negative impact of endogen and exogenous for

Time Allocation: 10 x 40 minutes (5 meetings)

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
Describe the diastrophism, volcanism symptoms and the spreads of
volcanic mountain.
Describe the factors causing earthquake and its consequence.
Describe the process of corrosion.
Describe the process of erosion, its cause and consequence.
Give the example of the result of sedimentation process.
Indentify the positive and negative impact of endogen and exogenous for

Meeting 1:
Definition of endogen and exogenous.
Kinds of endogen.

Learning methods:
Question and answer.

Learning Process:
Meeting 1

Motivating Stage:
1. Teacher comes in to the class, greeting the students and checks the
2. Teacher prepares the media (LCD) and shows the picture of earth.
3. Students are asked to observe the picture and also their schools

Main Stage:
1. After observing the picture and schools environment, the teacher tells
about definition of endogen and exogenous.
2. Teacher organizes a question and answer session about the differences of
endogen and exogenous.
3. Teacher shows a picture to make students understand about epirogenetic
and orogenetic movement.

Summing up and Follow up Stage:
1. Teacher gives a summary about what they have learned.
2. Teacher gives students homework.

Source and Media:
Power Point
Picture that is relevant to the material

Students are given homework in a form of writing test (multiple choice).

Semarang, February 2014

Headmaster Teacher

Teaching Media

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