Workplan and Budget

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Evaluation Standards
WFWO is committed to evaluation as a primary tool for institutional learning and OT development, and
standards have been established at both the program and project levels. Program Level Evaluation
All programs are to plan for, and carry out, program evaluations at least every five years.
The Operation Team (OT) should ensure that specific plans for program evaluations are built into their
strategic plans.
The resource mobilizations Team and financial partners must ensure that budget allocations are made
support periodic program evaluation. Project Level Evaluation Standards:
The Operation Team (OT), Project Executive Coordinator (PEC) must ensure that all projects have
evaluation plans built into their work program and budget at inception.
Project plans must include evaluation criteria (objectively verifiable indicators). A summary of project
evaluations should be included in the relevant text field in WFWOs Project Database.
The Operation Team (OT) and Project Executive Coordinator (EPC) concerned should ensure that all
are evaluated on a timely basis. In the case at projects that have a planned duration of over three years,
both a mid-term and final evaluation should be planned for.
20. A Results-Based Workplan and Budget
One of the great strengths of the log-frame method, is that the operational aspects of the project its
work plan,
management responsibilities, and budget can be planned in detail based directly on the activities
specified in the
logical framework. The activity schedule or work plan is derived from the log-frame, it makes a direct
link between
project operations and the project targets and objectives.
The procedure for developing a results-based work plan from the logical framework is quite
Once the detailed work plan is complete, the project budget can be prepared based on the list of
activities and
their timelines (person-months for each sub-activity), as well as equipment and materials that will be

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