Update Your Registration: Lower Tier Registrations

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You must register as a waste carrier, broker or dealer if you do any of the following as part of

your business:
transport your own waste regularly (from January 2014)
transport construction or demolition waste (even if its a one off)
transport or dispose of waste for someone else
buy or sell waste
act as a waste broker (arrange for someone to handle other peoples waste)
2. Update your registration
You must update your registration details within 28 days if you:
change your address or phone number
make changes to your organisations management
want to change whats covered by your registration
The Environment Agency may remove you from the register if you dont update your details.
You cant transfer your registration to someone else.
Lower tier registrations
You can update your details online if youre registered in the lower tier.
You cant change a lower tier registration to an upper tier registration (youll need to make a new
registration instead).
Upper tier registrations
Email your new details to nccc-carrierbroker@environment-agency.gov.uk or write to the
Environment Agency.
Environment Agency
Quadrant 2
99 Parkway Avenue
S9 4WF
Always quote your registration number. Youll find it on your registration letter or email - it
starts with CB.
Changes to your management
When you tell the Environment Agency that your organisation has a new director, partner or
manager, you must include their:
date of birth
position in company
New managers or directors with convictions for environmental offences
You must also include details of unspent convictions for offences under:
regulation 42 of the Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011
section 1, 5 or 7(3) of the Control of Pollution (Amendment) Act 1989
regulation 38 of the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2007
regulation 38 of the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2010
section 33 or 34 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990
Hazardous Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2005
Hazardous Waste (Wales) Regulations 2005
Transfrontier Shipment of Waste Regulations 2007
section 110(2) of the Environment Act 1995
If the new director, partner or manager has an unspent conviction for any of these offences, you
must tell the Environment Agency:
the name and date of the conviction
the name of the court where they were convicted
what penalty was imposed
Changes to whats covered by your registration
To change whats covered by an upper tier registration, complete a new upper tier registration
form and tick the relevant boxes. Youll have to pay a fee of 40.
3. Renew your registration
Youll be registered in either the lower tier or upper tier, depending on what you plan to do.
Lower tier registrations
You dont need to renew if youre registered in the lower tier - your registration will just
continue automatically.
Upper tier registrations
You can renew your upper tier registration online.
You can also complete a new upper tier registration form to renew by post.
Download Upper tier registration form (PDF, 180KB)
You can renew your upper tier registration at any time in the 6 months before its due to expire.
It costs 105.
Waste carriers, brokers and dealers
Registration and responsibilities
This document will help you work out if you need to register as a waste carrier, broker or dealer.
If you need to register, we tell you how.
It also tells you how to renew your registration or change your registration details and explains your
responsibilities as a waste carrier, broker or dealer
De ce trebuie s v nregistrai?
nregistrarea este o cerin legal i ai se comite o infraciune dac nu v nregistrai atunci
cnd este necesar.
Operator de transport de deeuri, broker sau nregistrare dealer ajut companiile s
ndeplineasc datoria lor de ingrijire pentru a se asigura c deeurile controlate sunt
transportate i eliminate n mod legal i n condiii de siguran. Aceasta include transportul
deeurilor n timp ce cltoresc de la locuri de munc pentru locuri de munc, ntr-un loc de
depozitare pentru eliminarea mai trziu, sau la o societate de eliminare a deeurilor sau site-ul
de deeuri. Deeuri controlate nseamn deeuri menajere comercial, industrial sau. Pentru
simplitate, vom folosi deeurile termen n acest document.
nregistrare, de asemenea, ne ajut s ne combatere a fly-basculare de ctre operatorii ilegali
care duneaz sntii umane i a mediului de subcotare, de asemenea, afaceri legitime.

Cine trebuie s se nregistreze?
De nregistrare nu se aplic doar ntreprinderilor care transport deeuri produse de alte
persoane, de exemplu skip companiile sau operatorii de eliminare a deeurilor. Modificrile
recente ale reglementrilor nseamn c oricine care transport deeuri n timp ce merge cu
privire la activitatile lor normale de afaceri va trebui s fie nregistrat ca un operator de
transport de deeuri pn n ianuarie 2014. Multe companii ar trebui s fie nregistrate acum.
Dac v aranja pentru deeuri de la alte companii sau organizaii s fie transportate, eliminate
sau recuperate, trebuie s v nregistrai ca un broker de deeuri acum.
Dac ai cumpra i vinde deeuri, sau de a folosi un agent de a face acest lucru, trebuie s v
nregistrai ca un dealer de deeuri acum.
Dac nu suntei sigur dac avei nevoie pentru a v nregistra acum sau de ianuarie 2014,
informaiile de la paginile 2-4 va ajuta s decidei

Nu trebuie s v nregistrai ?
Nu avei nevoie s v nregistrai dac se ncadreaz n una din categoriile de mai jos :
Eti un gospodar care ( transport ) deeurile produse la domiciliu i nu ca rezultat al
oricrei activiti de afaceri .
Putei transporta doar deeuri ntre diferite locuri n acelai sediu .
Putei transporta doar deeuri pe calea aerului sau pe mare dintr-un loc n Marea
Britanie ( Anglia , Scoia sau ara Galilor ), la orice loc n afara Marii Britanii .
Putei transporta doar deeuri dintr-o ar din afara Marii Britanii la primul punct de
sosire .
Putei transporta deeuri pentru o operaiune maritim a precizat c , fie necesit o
licen marin , sau poate fi efectuat sub o scutire marin .
Nu transporta deeuri ca parte a activitilor de afaceri . Acest lucru nseamn orice tip
de activiti la care se face , sau ncercarea de a face , un profit ( inclusiv ridicarea de
bani ca o organizaie de caritate sau o organizaie de voluntariat ) .
Dac nu se ncadreaz n una din categoriile scutite , poate fi necesar s inregistreaza-
te acum sau pn n ianuarie 2014. Utilizai diagrama de mai jos pentru a lucra la ceea
ce trebuie s faci .

1 . Ai efectua oricare din aceste activiti de mai jos ?
Deeuri activiti de transport : Ai transport deeuri n cursul desfurrii activitilor de afaceri
de la care se fac , sau ncercarea de a face , un profit . Transportul deeurilor include lua-o de
la locuri de munc pentru locuri de munc , ntr-un loc de depozitare pentru eliminarea mai
trziu , sau de a lua-o la cineva care dispune de ea pentru tine . Exemple de oameni care
transport deeuri ca parte a activitii lor ar putea fi instalatori covor care transport covoare
vechi le-au scos , instalatori care transport bi vechi sau chiuvete le-au scos , grdinari peisaj
care transport copaci sau arbuti , constructori care transport moloz i ipsos .
Activiti de brokeraj de deeuri : Ai aranja pentru deeuri alte ntreprinderi de a fi manipulate ,
transportate , eliminate sau recuperate . Acest lucru este indiferent dac sunt sau nu te descurci
deeurile singur . Aceasta include ageniile permindu sau manageri de centre comerciale care
aranja pentru ndeprtarea deeuri de cazare nchiriate sau sediul .
Activiti dealer deeuri : Cumperi deeuri de la alte companii pentru a vinde pe , sau de a folosi
un agent pentru a face acest lucru . Din nou , aceasta este indiferent dac sunt sau nu te
descurci deeurile tine .

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