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I, __________________________________S/o_____________________________, and resident of

do hereby solemnly state & affirm as under:-
(1) That I am a resident of above said address.
() That I have !assed ______________ "lass in the year_________ from ___________ S"hool/
#olle$e / Institute/ %niversity.
(&) That I have not 'oined/admitted in any S"hool/#olle$e/Institution due to ________________
______________________________________________________. ((eason)
()) That there is a *+, in my studies from ________________ to ________________.
(-) That durin$ this !eriod I .as not involved in any offen"e or in an ille$al a"tivity and that no
#riminal "ase is !endin$ a$ainst me in any "ourt of la..
(/) That I "ommand a $ood re!utation and res!e"t in $eneral !ubli".
Deponent (Student)
0erified that the "ontents of my above said affidavit are true and "orre"t to the best of my 1no.led$e
and belief and nothin$ has been "on"ealed or misre!resented therein. In "ase the above fa"ts are found
in "orre"t at any sta$e then my admission "an be "an"elled by the %niversity.
Date: _______________ Deponent (Student)
Place: _______________
Parents Sinature: Fat!er: ______________ or "ot!er: ______________
#ote: 1. This format is a!!li"able for admissions 21).
. If you have !assed any e3amination after the 4ualifyin$ e3amination then a !hoto"o!y of the
relevant do"uments / 56# must be atta"hed for the 'ustifi"ation of the *+,.

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