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CHENNAI - 600 036
Updated up to January 31, 2014
Important Dates
Registration of Application forms
will be open on
ast date for Registration of
application t!roug! on"line
## 06.04.2014
$nter%iew and or &est 'on or
## 19.05.2014 to
*elected +andidates to ,oin on 14.07.2014
* Intimation on interview and/or test indicating the date of interview will be given by
the respective Departments.
-age 1 of 40
The Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) is established as an autonomous
institute of national importance in 1959 by the Government of India with an initial
technical and financial support from Germany IIT Madras with a number of well
e!uipped laboratories" advanced research facilities" sophisticated services and
computing and networ#ing capabilities" is recogni$ed to have done e%ceedingly well
in the fields of higher technical education" research and industrial consultancy
IIT Madras conducts academic programmes of &Tech" 'ual 'egree (&Tech and
MTech)" Integrated M(" MTech" M&(" M)c" M) and *h' in various disciplines
+ocated in about ,,5 hectares of natural flora and fauna" with 1- student.s hostels
and about 1/// faculty0staff !uarters" IIT Madras is one of the greenest residential
campuses in the country 1aculties of international repute" a brilliant student
community" e%cellent technical and supporting staff and an effective administration
have all contributed to the pre2eminent status of IITM
The IITM is internationally renowned for the !uality and diversity of its
research" with over 35/ academic staff and ,4// post2graduate students (mple
opportunities are provided for research2minded students to hone their research s#ills
and participate actively in pioneering research studies through *h' and M) (by
research) programmes The faculties of engineering" science" 5umanities and
Management departments" along with their scholars do active research in frontier
areas" which often results in highly acclaimed publications in International and
6ational 7ournals and patents Most of the research wor# is also presented in
International and 6ational conferences ( large number of sponsored research
pro8ects are funded by agencies such as the 'epartment of )cience 9Technology"
(eronautical :esearch 9 'evelopment &oard" Indian )pace :esearch ;rganisation"
Ministry of 6on2<onventional =nergy )ources and 'efence

-age 2 of 40
:esearch 9 'evelopment ;rganisation" 6aval :esearch &oard" 'epartment of
=lectronics" IG<(:" (tomic energy agencies and other ;rganisations for tac#ling the
challenging research issues of national interest ;ur faculty also underta#es several
application2oriented industrial consultancy pro8ects with industries in India and
abroad and collaborative research pro8ects with foreign universities ;pportunities
are available for interested students to participate in such sponsored research"
industrial consultancy or collaborative research pro8ects The =ngineering" )cience"
5umanities and Management 'epartments of our Institute are e!uipped with
e%cellent laboratories" facilities with state2of2the2art e!uipment :esearch is being
carried out on many areas of topical interest world wide 1or e%ample" research is
carried out in areas such as +aser diagnostic applications" 6on2destructive
techni!ues" 6M: spectroscopy" solid state physics and micro2electronic devices"
6ano2materials technology" &io2technology" &io2medical research" &io2chemistry"
>ireless +ocal +oop technology" (lternative =nergy sources and =mission <ontrol"
<omposite materials" 1inite =lement modeling" *hoto elasticity" )tructural (nalysis"
<omputational 1luid 'ynamics" ;cean =ngineering" ?ibration 9 (coustics" :arefied
Gas 'ynamics" to name a few The details of areas of research in the departments
and research centres are given in this brochure More detailed description of the
research wor# underta#en in each department is available in the Institute website
wwwiitmacin )trong e%pertise e%ists among the faculty on both theoretical and
e%perimental methods of research
;pportunities e%ist for candidates to do 7oint *h' in =ngineering 9 )ciences
offered by IIT Madras 9 6ational @niversity of )ingapore 7oint *h' programme is
also offered by IIT Madras" )ree <hitra Tirunal Institute for Medical )ciences 9
Technology" Trivandrum and <hristian Medical <ollege" ?ellore in the area of
&iomedical 'evices and Technology
:esearch wor#s are carried out in the interdisciplinary areas among the
'epartments which may be pursued by the research scholars for the *h' degree (
list of interdisciplinary areas is given in section 414
>hile the ;ffice of the 'ean" (cademic :esearch administers the academic
research activities" the Industrial <onsultancy 9 )ponsored :esearch (I< 9 ):) wing
of the Institute coordinates the sponsored research and consultancy activities
-age 3 of 40
3.1 Fnan!a" Assstan!e#
)cholars admitted to *h' and M) programmes under regular scheme (fulltime) are
eligible for the following 5alf2time Teaching0:esearch (ssistantship (5T:() for whichA
(a) They should wor# for 4 hours per wee# in the 'epartments to earn this
(b) :enewal of assistantship every semester will be contingent on enrolment"
satisfactory progress in research wor# and good performance during the
preceding semester in the discharge of responsibility as teaching0 research
a. $n /ngineering and 0anagement for t!ose wit!
0asters 1egree in /ngineering
Rs#12,0003" p#m# for first 2 years 4
Rs#20,0003" p#m# for ne5t 2 years
b. $n /ngineering for t!ose admitted directly wit!
6#/ 3 6#&ec! degrees wit! 7A&/38/&
Rs#19,0003" p#m# for first 2 years 4
Rs#12,0003" p#m# for ne5t 3 years
c. $n *ciences 3 :umanities 4 *ocial *ciences
Rs#19,0003" p#m# for first 2 years 4
Rs#12,0003" p#m# for ne5t 3 years
$n /ngineering 3 0anagement Rs#2,0003" p#m# for first 3 years
;t!er sc!olars!ips li<e U7+"JR=, +*$R"JR=, $+0R, $+AR, 1A/"J/*& 4 A$+&/ etc# may also be
a%ailable for t!ose w!o !ad >ualified for t!ese sc!emes and get admission and t!e amount of fellows!ip
will be as per t!e norms of t!e funding agency#
3.2 A$msson %t&o't Assstants&p#
( few candidates may also be considered for admission to the *h'0M) programme
without assistantship also (6on25T:() under full time (regular) category
The eligible !ualifications are the same as for the :egular (fulltime) 5T:( candidates
)uch candidates have to enclose a letter along with the (pplication 1orm stating that
they may be considered for admission even without assistantship (6on25T:()
(Students selected from HTRA list can move to N-HTRA and revert back to HTRA later Students selected
from N-HTRA list cannot move to HTRA cate!or"#
3.3 Se"e!ton Pro!e$'re#
=ligible candidates possessing the minimum educational !ualifications (as given in
section 5" eligible degree as given in section B) and satisfying additional and stiffer
criteria set by the departments from time to time" will be called for an interview
and0or test by the )election <ommittees of the respective departments
-age 4 of 40
1or candidates who have obtained *G degree 1/ years earlier as on the last date
prescribed for receipt of the completed application" a departmental test will be
The applications of foreign nationals may be considered without a personal
interview 0 test (details vide section 4)
&ased on the academic record and the performance of the candidates in the
interview and0or test" the 'epartmental )election <ommittee will recommend to the
<hairman" )enate the names of candidates found suitable for admission to the *h'
3.( Reser)aton o* Seats
:eservations are applicable to )<0)T0;&<0*ersons with 'isability (*') candidates as
per Govt of India rules
3.+ Fees an$ Deposts#
Fees *or t&e In$an st'$ents,s!&o"ars to -e a$mtte$ n t&e
a!a$em! .ear 2/1(01+
"#o$ %&' - No( 2014)
S.No It*+, o# F**, - D*.o,/t, M.S. !.D.
I. I0,t/t&t* F**,
A. O0* t/+* F**,1
1. Admission fee 150 150
2. Grade card/Thesis fee 450 950
3. Provisional certificate 100 100
4. Medical Exam fee 100 100
5. Student welfare fund 500 500
. Modernisation fee 500 500
!. Alumni Life Membership Fee !S" 500 500
".. Publication fee !S" 250 250
- -
Tot2' A 2550 3050
3. S*+*,t*$ F**,1
-age $ of 40
1. Tuition fee #$ 2500 2500
2. Examination fee 300 300
3. %e&istration'Enrolment fee 300 300
4. G(m)hana 1000 1000
5. Medical fee 300 300
. *+ostel Seat %ent 2250 2250
!. *Fan, Elec- . /ater 0har&es 750 750
". Student /ellness fee 100 100
M*4/52' I0,&$205* $*+/&+ "..2.) ",&67*5t to $*(/,/o0)
927 927
Tot2' 3 8427 8427
C. D*.o,/t, "R*#&0426'*)1
Instit$te Deposit and %ibrary Deposit
?eac! Rs 1000. 2000 2000
I0,t/t&t* #**, .2926'* 2t t!* t/+* o#
24+/,,/o0 t!$o&:! DD
4$2;0 /0 #2(o&$ o#
<R*:/,t$2$= IIT M24$2,>
.2926'* 2t <C!*002/>
12977 13477
Day scholars
'A@?6"). @+@ $$?3.(
14977 15477
II. Hostel Fees & Mess Charges per semester
1. +ostel Admission fee 100 100
2. +ostel 1eposit !S"' refundable" 2000 2000
3. E,tt.?A? 5!2$:*, 5000 5000
4. E,tt @3? 5!2$:*, 1000 1000
5. Advance 1inin& char&es 12000 12000
. S/1 char&es 50 50
Ho,t*' F**, .2926'* t!$o&:! DD 4$2;0 /0 #2(o&$ o# <C!2/$+20= Co&05/'
o# A2$4*0,= IIT M24$2,> .2926'* 2t <C!*002/>
20150 20150
NS ( Non-Statutor" fees
) *or Hostellers onl"
+ S',ST students, sc-olars are e.em/ted from /a"ment of tuition fee
% (for one "ear #Sub0ect to '-an!e
:ostel rooms are allotted depending on a%ailability on s!aring basis# I# 9o& ;/,! to 6* 2
429 ,5!o'2$= 9o& ,!o&'4 $*:/,t*$ 9o&$ 02+* /0 t!* O##/5* o# t!* D*20 St&4*0t, 204
o6t2/0 429 ,5!o'2$ 5*$t/#/52t* /++*4/2t*'9 2#t*$ 24+/,,/o0#
3.1 TA *or atten$n2 Inter)e% *or P&.D pro2ramme#
<andidates called for *h' interview under the regular (full time) category will be
paid second class single to 9 fro rail fare from their place of residence to <hennai by
the shortest route ( candidate is entitled for a single T( as above even as he0she
may attend interview in more than one department in the same trip
3.3 Comp"etn2 t&e 4'a"*.n2 De2ree an$ pro$'!ton o* Pro)sona"
<andidates 8oining *h'0M) programme in 7uly2'ecember07anuary27une session have
to submit their original mar#0grade sheets along with provisional certificates at the
time of admission They should also produce their re!uired degree certificate for
having passed the !ualifying e%amination within three months from the date of
registration ie on or -e*ore 3/
Septem-er *or 5'". a$msson , 31
Mar!& *or
5an'ar. a$msson
3.6 Do!'ments to -e s'-mtte$ at t&e tme o* nter)e%,A$msson
At t&e tme o* Inter)e%#
-age 1 of 40
(a# 2rinted co/" of a//lication mailed to t-e candidates after online re!istration
(b# 'o/ies of all 3ark s-eets , !rade cards4 de!ree certificates be!innin! from first
de!ree to5ards /roof of 6ualification 5it- 7ri!inal certificates
(c# 'o/" of 'ommunit" 'ertificate in t-e case of S',ST,7&' candidates issued b" t-e
res/ective State 8overnment
(d# Aut-orised 9octor:s 'ertificate 5it- disabilit" descri/tions in t-e case of 2erson 5it-
9isabled (29# candidates
(e# 'o/" of 8AT; score or N;T (<8'-=R*,>ectures-i/,'S?R, 9A;-=;ST# or ot-er
fello5s-i/ a5ard
(f# 2ro0ect 'o-ordinator:s certificate in t-e /rescribed format and a co/" of /ro0ect
a//ointment letter from 9ean ?' @ SR of ??T3 in t-e case of 2ro0ect Associate if
alread" a//ointed
At t&e tme o* A$msson#
a7 Attested co/" of t-e first /a!e of "our SS>',SS',3atriculation certificate (if not alread"
sent# alon! 5it- a//lication form
b 7ri!inal 8AT; Score 'ard,N;T (<8'-=R*,>ectures-i/,'S?R,9A;-=;ST# a5ard letter for
admission to 2-9 and 3S /ro!ramme as t-e case ma" be
c 7ne set of 2-otostat co/ies of 9e!ree certificate4 if available and 8rade 'ards,3ark s-eets of
all t-e semesters of de!ree /ro!ramme (if not alread" sent# 5it- ori!inals
d S',ST,7&' communit" certificate ori!inal 5it- an attested co/"4 if t-e candidate belon!s to
S',ST,7&' cate!or" 7&' candidates s-ould submit t-e communit" certificate (Non
cream" la"er certificate #in t-e /rescribed format
e ;.ternal candidates s-ould brin! t-e attested co/" of de!ree certificate of t-e 8uide if not
alread" sent to!et-er 5it- relievin! order from t-e em/lo"er in t-e enclosed /roforma
f Relievin! order,Resi!nation acce/tance letter from t-e em/lo"er in t-e case of re!ular
candidates (HTRA , NHTRA , 2R7=;'T , 'S?R , <8'#4 if em/lo"ed e.ce/t candidates
selected under ??T3 Staff sc-eme as /er enclosed format
(.1 Cate2ores o* a$msson n P&.D pro2ramme#
a) Re2'"ar full2time scholars with or without Institute fellowship or with pro8ect
Students selected from HTRA list can move to N-HTRA and revert back to HTRA later Students
selected from N-HTRA list cannot move to HTRA cate!or"
b) :esearch scholars sponsored under the 4'a"t. Impro)ement Pro2ramme
c) :esearch scholars who are sta** mem-ers of the Institute
-age A of 40
d) :esearch scholars under the e9terna" re2straton programme sponsored by
and employed in industry0orgainsation having : 9 ' facilities and recognised by
')T or IIT Madras" national laboratories" reputed universities0colleges or
employed in research0analysis 8obs in public sector0private sector0government in
the case of management area
(( research scholar under the e%ternal registration programme will normally carry out part
or all of his 0 her research wor# in the industry0organi$ation0national
laboratories0universities emp"o.n2 the scholar under the supervision of a co2guide also
employed in the same organi$ation and a guide at IIT Madras)
The candidate must have at least t%o .ears e%perience in the case of registration in
=ngineering0)ciences0)ocial )ciences0 Management
e) :esearch scholars wor#ing on a part0tme basis from a reputed
@niversity0Institution0 ;rganisation They should have t%o .ears e%perience for
registration in =ngineering" )ciences and 5umanities 9 )ocial )ciences
(( research scholar wor#ing on a part time basis shall normally carry out the research wor#
at IIT Madras under the supervision of a guide at IIT Madras The feasibility of doing this
with sufficient intensity will be an important consideration in admitting the scholar in this
f. +andidates applying for admission in t!e /5ternal3-art"time categoriesA
i. *!ould submit a relief certificate at t!e time of admission
ii. *!ould submit one page write"up about t!e researc! topic#
iii. 0ust belong to any one of t!e following categoryA
a. $ndustry3organiBation !a%ing R4 1 facilities and recogniBed by 1*&, 7o$ or $$&
b. 8ational aboratories
c. Reputed Uni%ersities 3 +olleges
d. -ublic sector 3 -ri%ate sector 3 7o%ernment 1epartments engaged in
researc!3analysis ,obs of t!eir e5ecuti%es in t!e case of management area#
!# T-e minimum residential re6uirement for t-e 2-9 sc-olar under e.ternal re!istration
and 2-9 researc- sc-olars 5orkin! on /art-time basis not em/lo"ed in t-e ?nstitute
is one semester
-# *c!olars will be permitted to do course wor< wit!out t!e residential re>uirement wit! t!e
permission of t!eir institution sub,ect to fulfilling t!e course re>uirement#

$. -art time sc!olar residing wit!in t!e commutable distance from $$& 0adras may use t!is
ii. &!e sc!olar to complete t!e course and compre!ensi%e re>uirement wit!in t!e time limit#
iii. ea%e not re>uired for attending t!e courses#
-age B of 40
(.2 Cate2ores o* a$msson n M.S pro2ramme#
a) Re2'"ar full time scholars with or without Institute fellowship or with pro8ect
'(erson employed on a pro)ect can apply for admission to *.+. programme with a minim$m
pro)ect e,perience of si, months witho$t valid -./0 score s$b)ect to 1$alifying in selection
proced$re 'interview / written e,amination2 of the concerned department. /hey will not be
eligible for &/3. $ntil they 1$alify in the -./0 e,amination. /he scholars may see4
conversion from pro)ect to &/3. provided they 1$alify in -./0 with the minim$m c$t5off
prescribed for the selection of scholars admitted in his/her batches.2
b) :esearch scholars who are sta** mem-ers of the Institute
c) :esearch scholars under the e9terna" re2straton programme sponsored by
and employed in industry0organisation having : 9 ' facilities and recogni$ed by
')T or IIT Madras" national laboratories" reputed universities0colleges or
employed in research0analysis 8obs in public sector0private sector0government in
the case of Management area
(( research scholar under the e%ternal registration programme will normally carry out part
or all of his0her research wor# in the industry0organi$ation0national laboratories0
universities employing the scholar under the supervision of a co2guide employed in the
same organi$ation and a guide at IIT Madras The candidate must have at least t%o
.ears e%perience)
d) :esearch scholars wor#ing on a part0tme basis from a reputed @niversity0
Institution0;rgani$ation They should have t%o .ears e%perience
(( research scholar wor#ing on a part2time basis shall normally carry out research wor# at
IIT Madras under the supervision of a guide at IIT Madras The feasibility of doing this with
sufficient intensity will be an important consideration in admitting the scholar in this
e. +andidates applying for admission in t!e /5ternal3-art"time categoriesA
1# *!ould submit a relief certificate at t!e time of admission
2# *!ould submit one page write"up about t!e researc! topic#
3# 0ust belong to any one of t!e following categoryA
$ndustry3organiBation !a%ing R4 1 facilities and recogniBed by 1*&, 7o$ or
$$& 0adras
8ational aboratories
Reputed Uni%ersities 3 +olleges
-ublic sector 3 -ri%ate sector 3 7o%ernment 1epartments engaged in
researc!3analysis ,obs of t!eir e5ecuti%es in t!e case of management area#
f. &!e minimum residential re>uirement for t!e 0* sc!olar under e5ternal registration and 0*
researc! sc!olars wor<ing on part"time basis not employed in t!e $nstitute is one semester#
-age C of 40
+.1 Mnm'm E$'!atona" 4'a"*!atons *or P&.D#
+.1.1 For Re2'"ar 8*'"" tme7 Resear!& S!&o"ars#
P&.D. n En2neern2#
a) <andidates with a MasterCs degree in =ngineering0Technology with a good
academic record or a MasterCs degree by :esearch in =ngineering0Technology
with a good academic record
b) <andidates with MasterCs degree in )ciences with a good academic record and of
e%ceptional merit where eligible" for the relevant =ngineering discipline and with
a valid G(T= score or @G<0<)I: 6=T06&5M or e!uivalent !ualification in the
relevant area tenable for the year of registration
In the case of candidates with more than 5 years relevant e%perience after the
MasterCs degree" the re!uirement of a test score may be waived by the )election
c) <andidates who have !ualified for the award of &achelorCs degree in
=ngineering0Technology with e%ceptionally good academic record in an eligible
discipline will be considered for $re!t a$msson to P&.D. Pro2ramme as a
regular full time scholar sub8ect to the following conditionsA
a 6#&ec!# degree !older of +entrally =unded &ec!nical $nstitute wit! a minimum +7-A of
2#0 on a 10#0 point scale or wit! a %alid 7A&/ score
a 6ac!elorCs degree !older in /ngineering3&ec!nology wit! 2 +7-A or e>ui%alent from any
ot!er Uni%ersity and !a%ing a %alid 7A&/ score#
a 6ac!elorCs degree !older in /ngineering3&ec!nology from a reputed R 4 1 organiBation
and !a%ing a pro%en researc! record#
P&.D. n S!en!es#
1 MasterCs degree in )ciences with a good academic record and having a valid G(T=
score or @G<0<)I: 6=T06&5M or e!uivalent !ualification tenable for the current year
in the relevant area
, MasterCs degree in =ngineering0Technology are eligible with a good academic record
3 &Tech degree holder of an IIT are eligible with a minimum of <G*( of 4/ on a 1//
point scale or with a valid G(T= )core
4# 6#&ec! 3 6#/ degree of any recogniBed Uni%ersity in $ndia wit! a minimum +7-A of 2#0 on a 10#0
point scale or e>ui%alent wit! %alid 7A&/ score#
D# *tudents w!o get more t!an 2#0 +7-A in 0#*c# in *cience 1epartments of $$& 0adras can be
admitted directly to t!eir -!#1 programme in *ciences wit! inter%iew at departmental le%elE
sanction of :&RA to t!ese candidates is sub,ect to t!e clearance of 0:R1#
P&.D. n H'mantes an$ So!a" S!en!es#
MasterCs degree in an eligible discipline with a good academic record or e!uivalent
and having a valid G(T= score or @G<0<)I: 6=T06&5M or e!uivalent !ualification
tenable for the current year in the relevant area
-age 10 of 40
P&.D n Mana2ement#
0asters degree or e>ui%alent -7 1iploma or Associates!ip in a rele%ant discipline, and a
6ac!elorCs degree wit! a good academic record ;R =i%e year integrated masters degree 3 dual
degree or e>ui%alent in a rele%ant discipline wit! a good academic record
Fualifying in national le%el e5aminations suc! as +A& 3GA& 30A& 3A&0A 37A&/ 3U7+ or +*$R
3 8/& 3 JR= or ectures!ip or e>ui%alent or international le%el post graduate admission
e5amination suc! as 70A& 3 7R/ or e>ui%alent#
At least 5 9*2$, of managerial e5perience in lieu of t!e abo%e e5amination# ?&!is clause is only
for 8on":&RA candidates.
0asterCs degree in /ngineering 3 &ec!nology wit! a good academic record or a 0asterCs degree
by Researc! in /ngineering 3 &ec!nology in a rele%ant discipline are e5empted from >ualifying in
8ational le%el e5aminations#
+.1.2 For Instt'te sta** mem-ers , Resear!& S!&o"ars 'n$er 4IP , Resear!&
S!&o"ars 'n$er E9terna" Re2straton , Resear!& S!&o"ars %or;n2 on part0
tme -ass#
1or :esearch )cholars in the above categories" the minimum educational
!ualifications are the same as prescribed for :egular (full time) :esearch )cholars in
511 for admission to the *h' *rogramme in the respective categories
5owever" valid G(T= score or <)I:0@G< 6=T06&5M0<(T0(IM(07:1 or +ectureship or
e!uivalent !ualification as applicable for regular (full time) research scholars ma.
not -e re<'re$ in these cases
1urther the residential re!uirement is treated as fulfilled for M)0*h' scholars
admitted from among the employees of the organi$ations posted to IITM :esearch
+.2 M/0/+&+ E4&52t/o02' B&2'/#/52t/o0, #o$ M.S1
5.2.1 Fo$ R*:&'2$ "#&'' t/+*) R*,*2$5! S5!o'2$,1
M.S. n En2neern2 #
a) <andidates with a &achelorCs degree in =ngineering 0 Technology with valid G(T=
score or a MasterCs degree in appropriate )ciences Management05umanities and
)ocial )ciences where eligible with a good academic record and a valid G(T=
score or <)I:0@G< 6=T06&5M0<(T0(IM( or e!uivalent !ualification tenable for the
current year in the relevant areas
b) <andidates having (ssociate Membership of the following professional bodies will
also be eligible for admission to the M) programme of their parent discipline
provided they have a valid G(T= score and have passed both part ( and part & of
the Membership e%aminations with a good academic record
The Institution of =ngineers (India) (<ivil" Mechanical" =lectrical and =lectronics"
=lectronics and <ommunications)" the (eronautical society of India" the Indian
Institute of Metals" the Indian Institute of <hemical =ngineers" the Institute of
=lectronics and Tele2 communication =ngineering and other professional bodies
approved by the )enate from time to time
c. +andidates !a%ing >ualified in 0=& ?0a,or =ield &est. will also be eligible for admission to t!e
0#*# programme if t!e concerned department opt for it#
d. $$& 6#&ec! candidates wit! a +7-A score of 2#0 or abo%e on a scale of 10 '*+3*&A H#D +7-A(
-age 11 of 40
are eligible to apply for 0#*# -rogramme
5.2.2. M.S. /0 E0t$*.$*0*&$,!/.CM202:*+*0t
A. 6ac!elors degree or e>ui%alent in any professional discipline of minimum four years duration or
0asters degree or e>ui%alent in a rele%ant discipline, wit! a good academic record,
6. A good score or pass inA
a. national le%el post graduate admission >ualifying e5aminations suc! as
+A&3GA&30A&3A&0A37A&/3 U7+ or +*$R 8/& JR= or ectures!ip or e>ui%alent, or
b. $nternational le%el post graduate admission >ualifying e5amination suc! as 70A&37R/ or
c. at least 3 years of managerial e5perience in lieu of t!e >ualifying test# ?&!is clause is only for
non":&RA candidates.
+. +andidates !a%ing >ualified in 0=& ?0a,or =ield &est. will also be eligible for admission to t!e 0#*#
programme if t!e concerned department opt for it#
5,3 For Instt'te sta** mem-ers,Resear!& S!&o"ars 'n$er E9terna" Re2straton ,
Resear!& s!&o"ars %or;n2 on part0tme -ass#
&achelorCs degree in =ngineering0Technology or a MasterCs degree in appropriate
)ciences0Management05umanities and )ocial )ciences where eligible with a good
academic record
5owever" valid G(T= score or <)I:0@G< 6=T06&5M0<(T0(IM( or e!uivalent
!ualification as applicable for regular (full time) research scholars ma. not -e
re<'re$ in these cases
( list of eligible discipline in which the minimum educational !ualifications have to be
obtained by the candidate is given in section B
A$$tona" an$ st**er criteria than the minimum educational !ualifications given in
51(*h') and 5, (M)) may be set by the 'epartment0)election <ommittee from time to
time for short listing candidates to be called for interview and or test
/he Department +election 6ommittee may find fit to consider meritorio$s candidates from disciplines
other than listed in the 3esearch .dmission 7roch$re if there is a good match between the ed$cational/
research bac4gro$nd of the candidate and the proposed area of research.
:esearch wor#s are carried out in the interdisciplinary areas among the 'epartments which
may be pursued by the research scholars for the *h' degree ( list of interdisciplinary
areas is given in section 414
-age 12 of 40
1.1 E"2-"e De2rees *or A$msson to P&.D. pro2ramme
S".No. Department E"2-"e De2ree *or P&.D
1 (erospace =ngineering MasterCs degree or its e!uivalent in (erospace 0 <ivil 0 (pplied
Mechanics 0 Mechanical 0 =lectrical =ngg or MasterCs degree in
Mathematics 0 *hysics and aptitude for research
)cience *ost2graduates should have e%ceptional merit and
research or industrial e%perience in the appropriate field
<andidates with Master.s degree in other allied engineering
specialisations can also be considered provided they have either
basic degree in (erospace =ngineering ;: at least five years
e%perience in (erospace industry0:esearch ;rganisation
, (pplied Mechanics En2neern2 Me!&an!s an$ So"$ Me!&an!s areasA Master.s
degree in <ivil0(erospace0Mechanical06aval (rchitecture
=ngineering with an aptitude for research in )olid Mechanics
F"'$ Me!&an!s areaA Master.s degree in =ngineering
Mechanics0<ivil =ngineering0Mechanical =ngineering0(erospace
=ngineering0<hemical =ngineering
Bome$!a" En2neern2 areaA Master.s degree in
<ivil0Mechanical0 =lectrical0&iomedical =ngineering0 <omputer
3 &iotechnology Masters 'egree in =ngineering 0 *harmacy 0 )cience
D <hemical =ngineering MasterCs degree in <hemical =ngineering or any other discipline
of =ngg or Technology or e!uivalent

)cience0Mathematics postgraduates to be considered should have
e%ceptional merit and0or :esearch 0 Industrial e%perience in the
appropriate field
&Tech0&= in <hemical =ngineering" allied disciplines (eg
petrochemical" pharmaceutical" environmental" polymer"
biotechnology" electrochemical" instrumentation) and other
of engineering0technology with e%ceptional merit can also be
for direct *h' admissions
5 <hemistry MasterCs degree in )ciences (in areas such as chemistry"
applied chemistry" biochemistry" chemical physics" physics"
material sciences" mathematics" pharmacy" or similar such
area) with a good academic record and having avalid G(T=
score or @G<0<)I:26=T27:1
E')T2I6)*I:= 1ellowship is treated as eligible criteria for
admission to *h' programme in all the departments wherever
MasterCs degree in =ngineering0Technology (in areas such as
electrical engineering" computer sciences" chemical engineering"
-age 13 of 40
materials engineering" biotechnology or similar such area) with a
good academic record
&Tech degree holder of an IIT with a minimum of <G*( of 4/ on a
1// point scale or with a valid G(T= score
B <ivil =ngineering Master.s degree in <ivil =ngineering or ;cean =ngineering
(including integrated MTech 0 M= degree) with 1irst <lass or
e!uivalent grade for specialisation in <ivil =ngineering
In addition" the following non2<ivil =ngineering degrees
!ualification are also eligible for different speciali$ationsA
B'"$n2 Te!&no"o2. an$ Constr'!ton Mana2ementA
Master.s degree in Industrial =ngineering 0 Industrial Management 0
M&( after obtaining a basic degree in <ivil =ngineering with first
class 1irst class &achelor.s and Master.s degree in (rchitecture"
Town and <ountry *lanning
Geote!&n!a" En2neern2A Master.s degree in =ngineering
Mechanics0Master.s degree in Mining =ngineering with , years
relevant e%perience
=nvironmental and >ater :esources =ngineeringA MTech or M)
or e!uivalent degree in =ngineering Mechanics0(erospace
=ngineering 0 (gricultural =ngineering 0 =nvironmental =ngineering
MTech or M) or e!uivalent degree in =nvironmental )cience 9
=ngineering0<hemical =ngineering0&iotechnology0(pplied Geology
=nvironmental and >ater :esources =ngineeringA MTech or M)
or e!uivalent degree in =ngineering Mechanics0(erospace
=ngineering 0 (gricultural =ngineering 0 =nvironmental =ngineering
MTech or M) or e!uivalent degree in =nvironmental )cience 9
=ngineering0<hemical =ngineering0&iotechnology0(pplied Geology
)tructural =ngineeringA Master.s degree in =ngineering
Mechanics 0 (erospace =ngineering 0 6aval (rchitecture 0
Mechanical0(rchitectural0;cean =ngineering0Master.s degree in
<omputer )cience 9 =ngineering with basic degree in <ivil
=ngineering Transportation =ngineeringA
Master.s degree in (rchitecture0 Master.s degree in Town and
<ountry *lanning0:egional *lanning0<ity *lanning0@rban
=ngineering or , years full time *ostgraduate 'iploma in Town and
<ountry *lanning with speciali$ation in Traffic and Transportation
*lanning of the )chool of *lanning and (rchitecture" 6ew 'elhi 0
M&( after obtaining a basic degree in <ivil =ngineering with first
- <omputer )cience and Master.s degree in =ngineering0Technology *reference will be
given to
=ngineering those with MTech0M) degree in <omputer )cience 9 =ngineering
4 =lectrical =ngineering Master.s degree in =lectrical =ngineering (=lectrical and =lectronics
=ngineering)0 =lectronics =ngineering (=lectronics and
<ommunication =ngineering) 0 Instrumentation =ngineering or
Master.s degree in *hysics followed by a Master.s degree in
=ngineering in an area of relevance to the area of research
<andidates not having Master.s degree in =lectrical0=lectronics
=ngineering should !ualify in a written test to be eligible for
-age 14 of 40
9 =ngineering 'esign MasterCs degree in (erospace" (utomobile" &iomedical" <ivil"
<omputer )cience" =lectrical" =lectronics" =ngineering *hysics"
Instrumentation" Mechanical" Metallurgical" 6aval (rchitecture"
*roduction 0 Manufacturing =ngineering" or MasterCs degree in
'esign (M'es) or MTech (Industrial Mathematics)
1/ 5umanities 9 )ocial Master.s degree or e!uivalent with a 1irst <lass or a minimum of
)ciences <G*( on a 1/2point scale or B/G aggregate mar#s in <ommerce or
a minimum of 55G aggregate mar#s in 5umanities and )ocial
)ciences and allied areas
11 Management )tudies Masters degree or e!uivalent *G 'iploma or (ssociateship in a
relevant discipline" and a &achelorCs degree with a good academic
record ;: 1ive year integrated masters degree 0 dual degree or
e!uivalent in a relevant discipline with a good academic record
Hualifying in national level e%aminations such as <(T 0I(T
0M(T 0(TM( 0G(T= 0@G< or <)I: 0 6=T 0 7:1 or +ectureship or
e!uivalent or international level post graduate admission
e%amination such as GM(T 0 G:= or e!uivalent
(t least 5 years of managerial e%perience in lieu of the above
e%amination (This clause is only for 6on25T:( candidates)
MasterCs degree in =ngineering 0 Technology with a good
academic record or a MasterCs degree by :esearch in
=ngineering 0 Technology in a relevant discipline are e%empted
from !ualifying in 6ational level e%aminations
1, Mathematics Master.s 'egree in Mathematics0)tatistics0*hysics0<omputer
)cience with G(T=0@G<0<)I:06&5M or MTech (Industrial
Mathematics 9 )cientific <omputing) or any MTech degree with
Master.s degree in Mathematics0*hysics0)tatistics0 <omputer
13 Mechanical =ngineering Master.s degree in Mechanical =ngineering" (erospace
=ngineering" (utomobile =ngineering" (utomotive =ngine Tech"
&io2Medical =ngineering" <hemical =ngineering" <omputer )cience"
=lectrical =ngineering" =lectronics" =nergy =ngineering" Industrial
=ngineering" Instrumentation" Maintenance Management"
Metallurgical =ngineering" *roduction0 Manufacturing
=ngineering0(gricultural =ngineering and in related areas
depending on the research topics
1D Metallurgical 9 Materials Master.s degree or e!uivalent in Metallurgical =ngineering or
=ngineering other appropriate branch of =ngineering0Technology )cience
postgraduates to be considered should have e%ceptional merit and
research or industrial e%perience in the appropriate field
15 ;cean =ngineering Master.s degree in =ngineering0Technology and preference to
those with Master.s degree in ;cean =ngineering
M)c degree in *hysics" Mathematics" ;ceanography" Geology
and 0 or Geophysics and )tatistics and having valid G(T= score
1or *etroleum =ngineering MasterCs degree in =ngineering 0 Technology in any area relevant
to research in *etroleum =ngineeringJ
M)c degree in *hysics" Mathematics" ;ceanography" Geology and
0 or Geophysics and )tatistics and having valid G(T= score
1B *hysics M)c0M)c (Tech) in *hysics" (pplied *hysics" Materials
)cience0MTech ()olid )tate Technology)0MTech (Materials
)cience) or e!uivalent
-age 1$ of 40
)tudents who get <G*( of 4/ and above in M)c degree
from IIT Madras are also eligible for admission to *h'
programme in )ciences
6oteA ')T2I6)*I:= 1ellowship is treated as eligible criteria for admission
to *h'
programme in all the departments wherever applicable
-age 11 of 40
1.2 E"2-"e De2rees *or A$msson to M.S pro2ramme
S".No. Department E"2-"e De2ree
1 (erospace =ngineering &achelor.s degree in (erospace0<ivil0<hemical0<omputer
)cience0=lectrical0Mechanical0Metallurgical06aval (rchitecture ;:
Master.s degree in *hysics0Mathematics0<hemistry and aptitude for
research <andidates with degree in other branches of =ngineering
can also be considered if they have three years relevant
e%perience in (erospace industry0:esearch ;rganisation
, (pplied Mechanics En2neern2 Me!&an!s an$ So"$ Me!&an!s areasA
&achelor.s degree in <ivil0(erospace0 Mechanical06aval
(rchitecture =ngineering
F"'$ Me!&an!s areaA &achelor.s degree in <ivil 0 Mechanical 0
(erospace 0 <hemical =ngineering
Bome$!a" En2neern2 areaA &achelor.s degree in =ngineering
or Master.s degree in )cience with Mathematics as optional sub8ect
and aptitude for research M&&) candidates with Mathematics in
K, and having , years research0teaching e%perience may also
apply for M) sponsored programme in the area of &iomedical
3 &iotechnology &achelors 'egree in =ngineering or *harmacy or M&&) or &')
)election *rocessA The candidate should have a valid G(T= score
or !ualified for 7:1 through <)I: or I<M: e%ams or all India *G
admission test or e!uivalent in order to be called for the interview
The final selection process will be based on performance in the
'epartmental written test and interview
D <hemical =ngineering &achelorCs degree in <hemical =ngineering" allied disciplines such
polymer" petroleum" petrochemical" pharmaceutical"
biochemical" biotechnology" electrochemical" instrumentation etc
other disciplines of engineering0technology
)cience0&iochemistry0&iology etc) with aptitude for research
5 <ivil =ngineering &achelor.s degree in <ivil =ngineering from any recognised
@niversity for all specialisations in <ivil =ngineering
In addition" the following non2<ivil =ngineering 'egree
Hualifications are also eligible for different specialisations but M)c
degree holders in )cience with two years e%perience admitted to
the M) programme should ta#e additional =ngineering <ourses to
ac!uire enough engineering bac#ground
&uilding Technology and <onstruction ManagementA &achelor.s
degree in (rchitecture or 1irst <lass M)c degree in *hysics0
(pplied )cience0Material )cience with , years e%perience in <ivil
=ngineering area
Geotechnical =ngineeringA M)c degree in Mathematics0
*hysics0<hemistry0(pplied Geology with , years e%perience in <ivil
=ngineering area &achelor.s degree in Mining =ngineering with
one year relevant e%perience
-age 1A of 40
=nvironmental and >ater :esources =ngineeringA &achelor.s
degree in (gricultural =ngineering or Master.s degree in (pplied
Mathematics0(pplied Geology0 Geophysics with , years
e%perience in <ivil =ngineering area

&achelor.s degree in =nvironmental =ngineering0 <hemical
=ngineering0&iotechnology or Master.s degree in =nvironmental
)cience0Microbiology0&io2<hemistry with , years e%perience in <ivil
)tructural =ngineeringA &achelor.s degree in (erospace
=ngineering06aval (rchitecture0Mechanical0 (rchitectural
=ngineering or 1irst <lass M)c degree in (pplied Mathematics0
<hemistry0Materials )cience0 *hysics with , years e%perience in
<ivil =ngineering area
Transportation =ngineeringA &achelor.s degree in (rchitecture or
1irst <lass &=0&Tech (Mechanical) wor#ing in Transportation 1ield
B <omputer )cience and &achelor.s degree or e!uivalent in any branch of =ngineering 0
=ngineering Technology or Master.s 'egree in Mathematics0 )tatistics0
*hysics0<omputer )cience0M<( with Mathematics0 *hysics0
)tatistics basic degree
- =lectrical =ngineering &achelor.s degree in =lectrical =ngineering (=lectrical and
=lectronics =ngineering)0 =lectronics =ngineering (=lectronics and
<ommunication =ngineering) 0 Instrumentation =ngineering or
Master.s degree in *hysics
4 =ngineering 'esign &achelorCs degree in (erospace" (utomobile" &iomedical" <ivil"
<omputer )cience" =lectrical" =lectronics" =ngineering *hysics"
Instrumentation" Mechanical" Metallurgical" 6aval (rchitecture"
*roduction 0 Manufacturing =ngineering" or &achelorCs degree in
'esign (&'es) or MasterCs degree in *hysics
9 Management )tudies Hualifying Test A 6ational2level entrance0eligibility test such as
+A&3GA&30A&3A&0A37A&/3 U7+ or +*$R 8/& JR= or ectures!ip
or e>ui%alent
$nternational le%el post graduate admission >ualifying e5amination
suc! as 70A&37R/ or e>ui%alent
+andidates !a%ing >ualified in 0=& ?0a,or =ield &est. will also be
eligible for admission to t!e 0#*# programme
Minimum =ducational Hualifications A &=0&Tech or e!uivalent
with 1irst class or B/G mar#s in aggregate or 1our2year
professional degree (li#e (MI=) or e!uivalent programmes in a
relevant discipline with 1irst class or B/G mar#s in aggregate
( Master.s degree in any discipline with 55G mar#s in aggregate
from a recogni$ed Institution or @niversity
Minimum >or# =%perience A
1 6I+ for those fulfilling the above conditions for Hualifying Test
and Minimum =ducational Hualifications
, T5:== years. managerial e%perience for those who fulfill the
Minimum =ducational Hualifications condition but have not
ta#en or are ineligible to ta#e the Hualifying Test )uch
applicants will be administered by a 'epartmental test to
evaluate their eligibility These candidates are not eligible for
-age 1B of 40
<andidates with M&( or e!uivalent from universities0institutions
other than IIMs" I+:I" I:M(" IITs should have either a @G<0<)I:
6=T 7:1 or +ecturership or a G(T= score for admission to *h' or
M) programmes in Management with 5T:(
S".No. Department E"2-"e De2ree
1/ Mechanical =ngineering &achelor.s degree in Mechanical =ngineering" (erospace
=ngineering" (gricultural =ngineering" (rchitectural =ngineering"
(utomobile =ngineering" <hemical =ngineering" <omputer )cience"
=lectrical =ngineering" =lectronics" =nergy =ngineering" Industrial
=ngineering" Instrumentation" Metallurgical =ngineering" Mining
=ngineering" 6aval (rchitecture" Marine =ngineering" *roduction0
Manufacturing =ngineering and in related areas depending on the
research topics
11 Metallurgical 9 Materials &achelor.s degree or e!uivalent in Metallurgical =ngineering or
=ngineering appropriate branch of =ngineering0 Technology or Mater.s degree
in *hysics0<hemistry0Materials )cience or allied fields with G(T=
with .I=. Master.s 'egree in Mathematics with G(T= with
1, ;cean =ngineering &achelor.s degree or its e!uivalent in <ivil0Mechanical0
(erospace06aval (rchitecture or Master.s degree in
;ceanography0(pplied Mathematics0*hysics
1or *etroleum =ngineering &achelorCs degree in <ivil 0 Mechanical 0 <hemical 0 6aval
(rchitecture 0 ;cean 0 (erospace 0 Metallurgical 0 Materials 0
=lectrical and =lectronics 0 Marine 0 Mining 0 (erospace or its
MasterCs degree in ;ceanography 0 =arth )ciences 0 (pplied
*hysics 0 (pplied Mathematics 0 Geology 0 Geophysics 0 :emote
)ensing or its e!uivalent
-age 1C of 40
=oreign nationals can only register as regular full"time sc!olars# =oreign nationals wit! degree from
$ndian Uni%ersities will be treated on par wit! $ndian nationals for admission purposes# =oreign nationals
wit! foreign degrees must meet t!e minimum educational re>uirements as gi%en in R.2.1 e>ui%alent to a
$ndian 0asterCs degree in t!e rele%ant disciplines# $n addition, t!ey s!ould !a%e a %alid 7R/3 70A& 3
7A&/ 3+A&3GA&30A&3A&0A3U7+ or +*$R 38/& 3JR= or an e>ui%alent e5amination in t!e rele%ant
discipline and s!ould !a%e cleared &;/= score# $nternational students are e5pected to !a%e a wor<ing
<nowledge of /nglis!# ;nce admitted, $$& 0adras will apply for necessary clearance from t!e
7o%ernment of $ndia for study in $ndia#
S'.No. I0,t/t&t* #**, !.D. M.S.
1# ;ne time fee ?at t!e time of admission. U* I 100 U* I 100
2a *emester feesA a. &uition =ees
?for *AAR+ +ountries U* I 1000.
U* I 2000 U* I 2000
2b ;t!er fees U* I 9D U* I 9D
4 :ostel =ees Rs# 201D0 Rs# 201D0
D $nstitute3ibrary caution 1eposit Rs# 2000 Rs# 2000
-age 20 of 40
6.1 Aerospa!e En2neern2 Department #
(erodynamicsA )ubsonic" Transonic" )upersonic" 5ypersonic" :arefied Gas flows
(Theoretical and =%perimental)" &oundary +ayers and )tability of 1lows"
Turbulent 1lows" )hoc# Tubes and :elated *roblems" 'evelopment of
(lgorithms and <ode for 6umerical Methods in Gas 'ynamics and
<omputational 1luid 'ynamics" ?orte% 'ynamics" )upersonic Mi%ing and
<ombustion" ;ptical 1low 'iagnostics
(ircraft )tructuresA 1inite =lement Methods" 6umerical Methods" *hoto
=lasticity" Moire and 5olographic Methods of )tructural (nalysis <omposite
)tructures" 1atigue and 1racture Mechanics" <ontact Mechanics" ?ibrations and
Impact Mechanics
(erospace *ropulsionA :oc#et *ropulsion and )olid *ropellant <ombustion"
(irbreathing *ropulsion and <ombustion" <ascade 1lows" Multiphase 1low
)imulation" <ombustion Instability" ;ptical 1low0<ombustion 'iagnostics
'ynamics and <ontrol A 6onlinear 'ynamics in (erospace (pplications"
<omputational Methods in 6onlinear 'ynamics" 6onlinear <ontrol Theory and
(pplications" 1light )imulations and <ontroller 'evelopment" 'esign 'evelopment of
(utonomous 1lying ?ehicles
6.2 App"e$ Me!&an!s Department #
*lates and )hells" 1inite and &oundary =lement Techni!ues" =%perimental )tress
(nalysis including 5olography" Image processing techni!ues" 'igital *hoto
Mechanics" 1atigue of Materials" 1racture Mechanics" :eliability of )tructures"
5igh Temperature 'esign" <omposite )tructures" *lasticity" )mart Materials and
)tructures" <onstitutive Modelling" Granular Materials" &iomaterials" 1luid
Mechanics" (erodynamics" )tability" Transition" Turbulence" Turbulence
Modelling" Turbulent <onvection" <omputational 1luid 'ynamics (<1')" &luff
body and Industrial (erodynamics" 1luid )tructure interaction" <ardiovascular
)ystem studies" Image and )ignal *rocessing" )peech )ignal *rocessing"
@ltrasound and +aser instrumentation in Medicine" &iomechanics" :ehabilitation
=ngineering" =vo#ed :esponse and 1unctional =lectrical )timulation
6.3 Bote!&no"o2. Department #
<ellular" Molecular and )tructural &iology relating to )ignal transduction" +ipid
Traffic#ing" )tem cell proliferation etc" *rotein crystallography and structure
-age 21 of 40
predictionL 'rug design and H)(: &ioorganic <hemistryL &iotransformationsL
=n$ymes in ;rganic synthesisL &iosensorsL =nvironmental &iotechnology
&ioremediationL Green <hemistryL
&iochemical =ngineering" &ioreactor ModellingL :eactive ;%ygen species in
&ioreactorsL :ecombinant )ystems <loning of Therapatic *roteins and +arge
scale *roductionL Industrial Microbial *rocessesL *lant tissue and (nimal cell
<ultureL 'ownstream *rocessingL *rotein :efolding
&ioinformatics and <omputational &iologyL &iomedical =ngineering
&iomechanicsL &iomaterialsL <omputational 6euroscienceL Molecular Genetics of
*lant 'evelopment
6.( C&em!a" En2neern2 Department#
<hemical reaction engineering and thermodynamics" transport processes"
process design and control" environmental engineering" polymer science and
technology" semi2conductor materials processing" and particle technology
1undamental studiesA Mathematical modeling of physico2chemical phenomena
(pplied statistical mechanics" thermodynamic property estimation" phase
e!uilibria 1low visualisation using lasers" Microwave assisted thawing 'rying"
multicomponent boiling and condensation )imultaneous heat and mass
transfer processes
Modeling of processes and e!uipmentsA 5ydrodynamic and #inetic studies of
turbulent bed contactors" tric#le beds" slurry reactors" fast and inverse bed
fluidi$ed beds <1' analysis of process e!uipments (dvanced separation
processes such as reactive and a$eotropic distillation" membrane processes
Modeling of rotary #ilns" crushing and grinding e!uipments" fluid energy mills of
Microelectronic fabrication techni!ues
'evelopment" characteri$ation and processing of materialsA 'evelopment of
polymer blends and composites" polymer based nano2composites :heology of
polymers and colloidsL damping and vibration isolation using polymers =n$yme
design and engineering" protein engineering and production of recombinant
*rocess design and control" systems engineeringA (dvanced control design such
as adaptive control" intelligent control" non2linear control" fault diagnosis and
fault tolerant control )ynthesis and optimi$ation of process systemsL statistical
data processing )imulation and optimi$ation of crushing and grinding circuits
=nvironmental engineering and waste reductionA +i!uid and solid waste
treatment" air pollution monitoring and control" to%ic and ha$ardous waste
management" environmental ris# assessment" colour removal from waste
water :ecycling of mi%ed plastic waste
-age 22 of 40
6.+ C&emstr. Department#
(nalytical <hemistry" &ioinorganic <hemistry" <hemistry of Main Group
=lements" Inorganic 5eterocycles" Materials )cience" )ynthetic and )tructural
)olid )tate <hemistry" 6anomaterials" <age and <luster <hemistry" )ynthetic
;rganometallic <hemistry" Metalloboranes and Metallocarboranes"
)upramolecular <hemistry
;rganic )ynthesis" 6atural *roduct )ynthesis" ;rganometallics" (symmetric
<atalysis" )ynthetic and )tructural <arbohydrate <hemistry" &ioorganic
<hemistry" =n$ymes in ;rganic )ynthesis" Medicinal <hemistry" *hysical
;rganic <hemistry" ;rganic *hotochemistry
5omogeneous and 5eterogeneous <atalysis" )urface <hemistry" Theoretical
and =%perimental =lectrochemistry" *hotochemistry" *olymer <hemistry and
(pplications" Gas2phase Minetics" Monolayers and <lusters" Green <hemistry"
5ost2Guest <hemistry" :eaction Mechanisms" =%cited )tate *hotophysics"
=nergy )ystems" )uperconductors" 6anoclusters and 6anophases" <olloid and
Interface )cience <hemical *hysics" Huantum and Theoretical <hemistry"
<hemical :eaction 'ynamics" Theoretical and =%perimental )pectroscopy"
Magnetic :esonance )pectroscopy and Imaging (especially 6M: based)"
1luorescence )pectroscopy" 6uclear )pectroscopy" )tatistical Mechanics"
Molecular 'ynamics
6.1 C)" En2neern2 Department #
B'"$n2 Te!&no"o2. > Constr'!ton Mana2ement D)son# Technology
of <onstruction Materials" 5igh *erformance <oncrete" :epair and :ehabilitation
of <onstructed 1acilities" (ccelerated and unreinforced 0 reinforced Masonry"
'iaster2:esistant <onstruction 1unctional *erformance of &uildings" =nergy
=fficiency of &uildings" 6oise <ontrol in &uildings" (coustical Modelling"
=nvironmental 6oise <ontrol <onstruction *ro8ect Management" *ro8ect
)cheduling and <ontrol" :esource Management" Huality Management"
<ontracts" *roductivity" <onstructability" )chedule <ompression" :is# Modelling
in *ro8ects" *** for Infrastructure 'evelopment" <omputer (pplications in
<onstruction" Geographic Information )ystems
Geote!&n!a" En2neern2 D)son# )trength and 'eformation &ehaviour of
)oils" =%pansive )oils" )oil 'ynamics and =arth!ua#e =ngineering" *ile
1oundations" )oil )tabili$ation" )tone <olumns" :einforced =arth" Geosynthetics"
-age 23 of 40
Geotechnics and >aste 'isposal" <omputer Methods in Geotechnical
=ngineering" )oil )tructure Interaction" :eliability Methods
En)ronmenta" an$ ?ater Reso'r!es En2neern2 D)sonA >ater
:esources )ystems (nalysis" 'esign and Management for >ater )upply"
Irrigation" 'rainage" 5ydropower" 1lood <ontrol" 'roughts )urface and
Ground >ater 5ydrology" )tochastic 5ydrology" *hysical and 6umerical
Modelling @se of 1inite 'ifference" 1inite =lement and &oundary =lement
Methods Instrumentation and Monitoring of 5ydraulic )ystems" <omputer
)imulation and ;ptimi$ation of 5ydrosystems =volutionary <omputing
(pplications" <('" 'ecision )upport and =%pert )ystems in >ater :esources
=ngineering =nvironmental 5ydraulics" >ater Huality Modelling" Industrial
>aste >ater Treatment" 5a$ardous >aste Management" =nvironmental
)ystems (nalysis" =nvironmental Micro2&iology" &ioremediation" (ir !uality and
)olid >aste Management" =nvironmental &iotechnology" >ater and >astewater
Str'!t'ra" En2neern2 D)son# =%perimental and Theoretical )tudy of
:einforced <oncrete" *restressed <oncrete and Metal )tructures" *lates 9
)hells" Thin >alled Members" (dvanced 1ibre <omposite Members" )tructural
'ynamics and Impact &ehaviour" )tructural )tability" )tructural :eliability"
)mart )tructures" =arth!ua#e :esistant 'esign and :etrofit of :einforced
<oncrete )tructures" &ridges" Tall )tructures" )tructures for *ower *lants" 1inite
=lement (nalysis of +inear and 6on2+inear )tructural )ystems" )tructural
;ptimi$ation" <omputer (ided )tructural (nalysis and 'esign" =%pert )ystems
and (rtificial Intelligence (pplications in )tructural =ngineering
Transportaton En2neern2 D)son# Inter2<ity and :egional
Transportation" @rban Transportation *lanning" Travel 'emand (nalysis" Traffic
Management" ;perations and )afetyL *ublic Transportation *lanning"
;perations and ManagementL *lanning of *edestrian and &icycle 1acilities"
Intelligent Transportation )ystems (IT))" (pplications of GI)" )imulation Tools"
(dvanced Techni!ues and 'ecision )upport )ystem" ;ptimi$ation"
Transportation =conomicsL <onstitutive Modelling of (sphalt" Modified (sphalt
and (sphalt Mi%turesL 6ew and Innovating Materials in *avement <onstructionL
(nalysis of +ayered )tructures" 'esign of 1le%ible and :igid *avementsL Geo2
synthetics in *avements and *avement ;verlaysL *avement Management
)ystemsL :ural :oads *lanning" 'esign" *erformance =valuation and
Maintenance ManagementL +ow <ost :oad <onstruction" )ocio2economic
&enefits =valuation of :ural :oad *ro8ects
-age 24 of 40
6.3 Comp'ter S!en!e an$ En2neern2
Department #
(utomata theory and 1ormal languages" (nalysis of algorithms" Graph theory"
@nconventional Methods of <omputing" <ryptography
)oftware =ngineering" ;b8ect ;riented )ystems" *arallel and 'istributed
systems" Mobile <omputing" *rogramming languages" *erformance evaluation
)oftware for ?+)I design" <omputer architecture" <omputer graphics and
<omputer <ommunication and networ#s" 6etwor# *rotocols and security" :eal2
time systems" >ireless )ensor 6etwor#s
'ata bases" Mnowledge based systems" 'ata mining" (rtificial intelligence"
Machine learning" Indian language systems" )peech and vision systems"
(rtificial neural networ#s
6.6 E"e!tr!a" En2neern2 Department #
Comm'n!aton S.stemsA Multi2access >ireless <ommunication 6etwor#s"
Modulation and <oding" 'igital )ignal *rocessing" (udio and ?ideo )ignal
<ompression" Image *rocessing and <omputer ?ision" )peech *rocessing"
<omputer 6etwor#s" ;ptical <ommunication" ;ptical 6etwor#s" ;ptical )ensors
and <omponents" ;ptical metrology <omputational =lectromagnetics
Contro"A <ontrol Theory N +inear and 6onlinear" :obotics" ?ision" )ensing"
'igital <ontrol of )ystems" )imulation of )ystems" <ontrol )ystems 'esign"
)ervomechanisms and Micromachines" =lectronic and <ontrol Instrumentation
E"e!tr!a" Dr)es an$ Po%er E"e!tron!sA *ower =lectronic <onverters"
?ector <ontrol0'irect control 0Tor!ue <ontrol of Motors" )imulation of *=
systems" ')* (pplications" *ermanent Magnet Machines and )pecial Machines
Instr'mentatonA *ower )ystems Instrumentation 2 *artial discharge
measurements 2 Modeling and )imulation2Transducers2)ignal conditioning2
;ptical methods for &io2Medical Instrumentation 2 ?irtual Instrumentation
)ignal *rocessing applications in Instrumentation 2 Telemetry
M!roe"e!tron!s# Modeling" )imulation" 1abrication and <haracteri$ation of
)ilicon2on2Insulator ();I) based 'evices" *ower M;)1=T)" 5=MT)" <ompound
semiconductor 'evices" *olysilicon and (morphous )ilicon Thin 1ilm TransistorsA
ultra2thin and high2# gate dielectric and small geometry devices M=M) based
sensors and actuators" &io)ensors"photonics
Po%er S.stems an$ H2& @o"ta2eA *ower )ystem ;ptimi$ation and
=conomics" =nergy Management )ystems" *ower system automation" 1le%ible
-age 2$ of 40
(< Transmission )ystems (1(<T))" :estructured *ower )ystem ;peration"
*ower Huality
5igh ?oltage =ngineering" Insulation <oordination"Treeing and Trac#ing
*henomena in insulation material" <ondition Monitoring of *ower (pparauts
@sing Multi21usion )ensors" *roduction of 6anoparticles" )terili$ation of +i!uid
@:SI Des2nA (nalog and :1 circuit design" 'igital )ystems including
(rchitectures for Image *rocessing and ?ision" <(' for 'igital and (nalog
<ircuits" :econfigurable <omputing
6.A En2neern2 Des2n#
Automoti%e /ngineering A Je!icle 1ynamics, &yre 0ec!anics, Automoti%e *ystems and
+ontrol 4 =ault 1iagnosis
RoboticsA -arallel manupulators, Underwater Robots, -at! -lanning, *ystem 1ynamics
and +ontrol
K +A13+A0A 7eometric and *olid 0odeling, +omputational 7eometry, *!ape *earc!,
*!ape ;ptimiBation, Re%erse /ngineering and $mage based Reconstruction, *olid =ree
=orm =abrication
K=inite /lement Analysis K 6iomedical 1esignA 0edical $maging, 6iomec!anical 0odeling,
*oft issue 0ec!anics, 6iofluid 0ec!anics, -rost!etic and *caffold 1esign
K /rgonomics
K 1esign &!eory, Reliability, =atigue and =racture
6.1/ H'mantes > So!a" S!en!es Department # P&.D
&ritish" (merican" <ommon >ealth +iteraturesL 6ew +iteratures in =nglishL
+inguisticsL )ocio2linguisticsL *hilosophy of +anguage and <ontinental
*hilosophyL =nglish +anguage Teaching (=+T)L German )tudiesL German
+anguage and +iterature" German and =uropean )tudies" <omparative )tudies"
*olitical *hilosophyL Modern Indian 5istory (5istory of )cience" :eligion 9
Modern )cience" )ocio2=conomic and <ultural 'evelopments)L =conomics
(Macro2monetary =conomics" International Trade and 1inance" (pplied
=conomics0=conometrics" 'evelopment =conomics" 5ealth <are =conomics"
=nvironment and 5ealth)L )ociologyL )cience and Technology *olicy )tudiesL
=nvironment and 6atural :esources *olicyL 'evelopment )tudies
6.11 Department o* Mana2ement St'$es #

*roduction and ;perations ManagementL )upply <hain ManagementL +ogistics
ManagementL 1inancial ManagementL 1inancial =ngineeringL &usiness
*olicy0)trategic ManagementL Mar#eting ManagementL ;rganisational
-age 21 of 40
&ehaviourL *ersonnel Management and Industrial :elationsL *ublic )ystems
ManagementL Information )ystems and Interdisciplinary :esearch
6.12 Mat&emat!s Department#
1unctional (nalysis" ;perator =!uations" Inverse problems" 1i%ed *oint Theory"
'ifferential =!uations" )pecial 1unctions" <omple% (nalysis" 6on2linear (nalysis"
5armonic (nalysis and >avelets" 1ractols 1u$$y sets Theory and (pplications"
)ummability Theory" (lgebra" <ommunication and <oding Theory" 6umerical
(nalysis" 6umerical +inear (lgebra" 1luid Mechanics" <omputational 1luid
'ynamics" Mathematical *hysics" Mathematical Modelling" (pplied *robability
and )tochastic *rocesses" Hueuing Theory" Inventory <ontrol" :eliability"
<omputer Modelling and )imulation" Theoretical <omputer )cience <omple%
Theory" (lgorithms" 'atabase" Theory of *rogramming
6.13 Me!&an!a" En2neern2 Department#
87 Des2n En2neern2#
Machine =lementsA design development" analysis and performance improvementsL
6ew materials and designA composites" nano composites" bio materials" surface
engineering" contact mechanics" tribology" tyre mechanics" biomechanics" fatigue
and failure analysisA computational and e%perimental fracture mechanics" fatigue
crac# closure 2 environment interaction studies" alternate0small specimen test
methods" small crac# propagation under bia%ial0multia%ial loading" multi crac#
interaction studies" fatigue damage in composites" failure mechanics of biomaterials
6on linear finite element analysis" design process" design optimi$ation" finite
element applications including coupled problems" 6on destructive evaluation"
structural health monitoring" Materials constitutive modeling and <haracterisation"
Measurements of Material *roperties and &ehaviour" 6?5" machinery signal
processing" <ondition monitoring of structures0 machines" machinery diagnosis"
combustion0flame noise" (coustics and 6oise <ontrol
87 Man'*a!t'rn2 En2neern2 #
Manufacturing *rocesses" <onventional and @nconventional *rocesses" <('0<(M"
:obotics" <6< Machining" Metrology" )urface =ngineering" <omputer Integrated
Manufacturing" Manufacturing Methods in *recision =ngineeringL Microsystems
technologyA Micro2sensors and actuators" =mbedded systems" ?ehicle controlsL
:oboticsA )eries and parallel configuration" 6etwor#ed robots" @nder water" space
and medical applicationsL 1luid power technologyA =lectro2hydraulic servo2valves"
5ybrid hydraulics" )ystem )imulation and ModelingL *recision manufacturingL 'esign"
'evelopment" Modeling and )imulation of @nconventional" Micro and 6ano Machining
-age 2A of 40
87 T&erma" En2neern2#
5eat Transfer in 6ano2fluids" 5eat Transfer in Multi2*hase 1lows" 5eat =%changers"
transition to turbulence" 5eat and Mass Transfer in 1uel <ells" &iomass combustion"
1luidi$ed &ed <ombustion" (dvanced <oal *ower *lants" )olar *ower )ystems"
;ptimi$ation of )olar I<s )ystems" <oncentrating )olar *ower" Thermal *hotovoltaic
systems The 5eat Transfer in *hase <hange Material &ased <omposite 5eat )in#s"
=%perimental and 6umerical Methods in *orous Media" &io2thermo fluids" numerical
modeling of heat transfer in biological systems" <on8ugate heat transfer in low and
high speed flows" ;ptimi$ation of heat transfer systems" Inverse heat transfer"
)atellite Meteorology" 6umerical weather prediction" :adiance (ssimilation in
Mesoscale >eather ModelsL *ico" micro and mini hydropower L =conomic choice and
use of pumpsL Two phase flow in pumps and turbinesL <avitation in pumps" turbines
and flow devices L *umps using solar powerL <ontrol of hydrodynamic cavitation" and
'esign and development of micropumpsL 1low )tructure Interaction in 5igh )peed
Turbo machinery )eals"L Turbine rotor stator interaction" *erformance improvement
of centrifugal compressor by tip modification" subsonic cascade studies"
Investigations on counter rotating turbines" volute casing and mi%ed flow
compressors" active and passive control of turbomachinery flows" Gas turbine blade
coolingL I< =ngine <ombustion and =missionsL (lternative fuelsL Multi2component
1uelsL *henomenology and <1' of I< =ngines and Gas Turbine *rocesses" =ngine
1low and <ombustion 'iagnosticsL engine management" (dvanced I< =ngine
TechnologiesL ?apour compression refrigerators operating with new generation 51;"
refrigerants and refrigerant mi%tures" mi%ed refrigerant cascade" refrigerators"
)imulation and optimi$ation of mi%ed refrigerant processes" li!uefaction of natural
gas0bio gas" magnetic and acoustic refrigeration systems" high effectiveness compact
heat e%changers used in refrigerators" air conditioners" and li!uefiers" vapour
absorption refrigerators operating with ionic fluids desalination systems" solar
cooling systems" I(H (indoor air !uality)" 8et refrigeration systems" heat pipes" heat
pumps" micro2miniature and small cryogenic refrigerators" )imulation and
optimi$ation of air separation cycles" solid state hydrogen storage" sorption heating
and cooling systems" 'esiccant 0 evaporative cooling" air2conditioning and
?entilation " <1' for air distributionL (coustics of )upersonic 7ets" (ctive and *assive
<ontrol of 5igh speed flows" <ombustion noise" =missions" <ombustion of solid" li!uid
and gaseous fuel" *ropulsion" <1' of high speed reacting flows" Microfluidics" &io2
M=M)" Micro2scale flows
6.1( Meta""'r2!a" > Matera"s En2neern2
Metal casting" Matel forming" Matel 8oining" Materials Technology" *hysical and
)tructural Metallurgy" Mechanical Metallurgy" <hemical Metallurgy"
Thermodynamics of Metallurgical )ystems" *owder Metallurgy" <eramics and
-age 2B of 40
<omposites" <orrosion" )urface =ngineering" &iomaterials" )imulation and
Modelling of Materials *rocessing" 6anostructured Materials" Magnetic Materials"
(morphous (lloys" 6on2e!uilibrium *rocessing" 5ydrogen )torage Materials"
)mart Materials" 1uel <ells" Metallic 1oams" <hemical )ensors" <arbon
6anotubes" )pecial )teels" )uperalloys" Intermetallics" Materials for
;ptoelectronic (pplications" )hape Memory (lloys" 1atigues and 1racture
Mechanics" 5igh Temperature &ehaviour of Materials and <reep" )uperplasticity
and )uperplastic 1orming
6.1+ O!ean En2neern2 Department #
*etroleum =ngineering ";cean 5ydrodynamics" )hip hydrodynamics" 'ynamics
of 1loating systems" ;cean )tructures" <oastal processes" Marine Geotechnical
=ngineering" Materials for marine =nvironment" ;cean =nergy
6.11 P&.s!s Department #
(pplied ;ptics" Huantum ;ptics" *hotonics and nonlinear optics" (tomic and
Molecular *hysics" <omple% fluids" 'ynamical systems" )tatistical physics and
field theory" +ow temperature physics and superconductivity" Magnetism and
Magnetic materials" 5ydrogen )torage Materials" Microwaves and 'ielectrics"
)emiconductor *hysics" *hotovoltaics" )olid )tate Ionics and molecular
electronics" Thin film phenomena" I2ray diffraction and (morphous systems"
)pintroni% and 'iluted Magnetic )emiconductors" <ondensed Matter
*hysics0Magnetism in ;%ides0Magnetic Materials" =lectronic structure of
solids0<omputational material science" 6onlinear 'ynamics" Huantum <haos"
Huantum Information" Metal2o%ide Thin films" 6anostructured thin films and
heterostructures by *+'
6.13 Sop&st!ate$ Ana".t!a" Instr'ment Fa!"t. 8SAIF7 #
6anomaterials" <lusters" )elf (ssembled Monolayers" <hemistry of Ions" )urface
<hemistry" and <hemistry of ice surfaces &ioactive ceramics" )urface science
-age 2C of 40
aspects of biomaterials host interface" nano composites" <rystal Twinning"
Molecular structure of natural products and biomolecules *hotophysical
<hemistry" 1luorescence )pectroscopy
6.16 Inter$s!p"nar. Resear!& Areas#
S'.No A$*2, o# R*,*2$5! E'/:/6'* D*:$**
1# Co+6&,t/o0 6#&ec!#3 0#&ec!# in A/, A0, +:, 0/, //, $/
or 0#*c# in -!ys#, +!em# and allied disciplines
2# E2$t! ,5/*05*,
?a. Atmosp!eric and oceanic sciences and
?ii. +limate science and climate c!ange
?iii. ;cean optics, imaging and satellite
?b. /n%ironmental science and engineering
?i. Air and water >uality
?ii. 8uclear waste management
?iii. +arbon dio5ide se>uestration
?i%. Aerosol science
Undergraduate and post graduate degrees in
all branc!es of science3engineering
3# S5/*05* o# t!* ,+2''
?a. 8anoscience and nanotec!nologyA
0aterials, biology and de%ices
?b. 0/0* and 8/0*
a# ab on a c!ip
b# 0icrofluidics and applications
c# 8o%el met!ods to understand p!ysics,
c!emistry and biology
6#&ec!#3 0#&ec!# in all disciplines or 0#*c# in
-!ys#, +!em#, 6& or 6#-!arm#30#-!arm# or
4# S&,t2/026/'/t9
?a. /nergy tec!nologies including new and
?b. LaterA Resources, distribution and
?c. &ransportation tec!nologies including
guidance, control and safety
?d. 0aterials and tec!nology for sustainable
li%ing ?biopolymers, green tec!nologies.
6#&ec!#3 0#&ec!# in all disciplines or
6#Arc!30#Arc!# or 0#*c# in -!ys#, +!em#,
0at!, *tat#, 6io#, $nstrumentation, -!yc!ology
and allied disciplines
D# So#t +2tt*$ 6#&ec!#3 0#&ec!# in A/, +:, 0/, // or 0#*c#
in -!ys#, +!em#, 0at! and allied disciplines
9# T*5!0o'o:9 204 .o'/59
?a. /ducation and $+&
?b. /nergy policy and sustainability
?c. &ec!nology and et!ics
?d. &ec!nology management
?e. />uity
*ame as 4 and 0A in sociology, de%elopment
studies, economics or 630
H# Co+.&t2t/o02' ,5/*05*
?a. Understanding p!ysical, c!emical and
biological systems and associated
?b. Fuantum computing
?c. Analytics, simulation and optimiBation
Undergraduate and post graduate degrees in
all branc!es of science3engineering3medicine
-age 30 of 40
2# S9,t*+, ,5/*05* Undergraduate and post graduate degrees in
all branc!es of science3engineering and 0A in
sociology, de%elopment studies and
M# 3/o-*0:/0**$/0:
?a. 6iomec!anics
?b. Re!abilitation
?c. $nstrumentation and de%ices
?d. &issue engineering
Undergraduate and post graduate degrees in
all branc!es of science3engineering3medicine
or post graduate degree in p!ysiot!erapy
10 S*0,o$,
(a) *ensors forA
?i. 8ational security
?ii. -ersonal !ealt!
(b) 8ew met!ods of imaging
Undergraduate and post graduate degrees in
all branc!es of science3engineering3medicine
0inimum educational >ualifications as gi%en in *ection D will apply# /ligibility norms refer also to
e>ui%alent degrees# 0* degree will be preferred for -!1 admission# 7A&/ in appropriate discipline or
+*$R3U7+ JR= is necessary for fellows!ip as per 0:R1 norms#
A.1 A!!ommo$aton#
IIT Madras is a residential institute and provides on2campus accommodation to all students"
faculty and staff 1or the students" there are 1- 5ostels (ccommodation in the 5ostels is
provided by the <hairman" <ouncil of >ardens The hostel rooms are furnished with a cot" a
chair and a writing table )tudents are e%pected to bring their own bedding =stablishment
fees covers the rent for hostel accommodation (vide section 35 for fees and deposits)
)tudents residing in the hostels are provided with e%clusive dining facility This covers"
brea#fast" lunch" evening coffee0tea and dinner The menu for these is decided by an
elected student body
=ach hostel has
(i) ( small library for the e%clusive use of the students of that hostel The hostel library
is normally stac#ed with boo#s for general reading and story boo#s The hostel
library is maintained by the student body of the hostel
(ii) ( common room for recreation The common room is provided with a Television"
6ews papers and selected maga$ines (decided by the student body)
(iii) +imited sports facility such as table tennis" volley ball 0 ball2batmiton courts etc"
( Guest 5ouse provides accommodation for visitors to the Institute faculty" staff and
A.2 Transport#
<ampus wide transport is provided by battery operated mini2buses
-age 31 of 40
A.3 S&oppn2#
The campus has two shopping centres catering to the needs of the students" faculty and
staff The shopping centre in the hostel $one hosts a %ero% shop" a stationery shop"
patisserie shop" gift articles shop and a telecom centre The shopping centre in the
residential $one hosts grocery shops" vegetable 0 fruit stalls" stationery shop and a
A.( Sports Fa!"t.#
The Institute has play fields for football" hoc#ey" cric#et" volleyball" tennis and a s#ating ring
( modern Gymnasium" indoor courts for shuttle and volleyball and a beautiful swimming
pool are the pride of Institute sports facility
A.+ Me$!a" Fa!"t.#
( full2fledged hospital with ,/ beds ta#es care of the medical needs of the students" faculty
and staff (ll students of Institute are registered with the hospital and are also covered by a
Medical Insurance scheme (part from general practitioners" services of leading specialists
(on part2time basis) are provided by the hospital
A.1 Ban;s#
Two ban#s" namely )tate &an# of India and <anara &an# operate branches within the
campus (TMCs of )&I and I<I<I are housed near the hostels
A.3 Ot&er Amentes#
( post office and a &)6+ telecom centre are also available on campus
There are four restaurants" two in the Institute $one and two in the hostel $one" catering to
the needs of all iitians
-age 32 of 40
[To be submitted at the time of the Interview]
(Please put a ti! (. mar<.
". Na#e
(I$ the %&'es p(&)i*e* a(e +&t su$$iie+t,
Sh&(te+ -&u( +a#e)
.. Cate/&(- Applie* $&(
0. Depa(t#e+t
1. A/e as &$ last *ate &$ the (eeipt
&$ Appliati&+ $&(# i+ IITM
2. E#ail ID 3 444444444444444444444444444
5. B.Teh./B.E/B.S.(E+//)/M.A./ M.C&#./ M.S./AMIE. Et.,
(a) 6+i)e(sit-
(Sh&(te+ the +a#e i$ %&'es
a(e +&t su$$iie+t)
(%) Yea( &$ passi+/
() A//(e/ate Ma(!s
(P(&)i*e &+e B&' als& $&( p&i+t)
(*) 7ATE S&(e
(P(&)i*e &+e B&' als& $&( p&i+t)
(e) 67C89RF8Letu(eship/CSIR Fell&:ship
h&l*e( (state )ali*it- *ate)

;. Cate/&(- SC / ST/ 7N / PH SC ST 7N PH
<. M.Teh/M.S.(E+//.)/M.E/M.S./M.S./M.A./M.C&#./M.B.A
(a) 6+i)e(sit-
(Sh&(te+ the +a#e i$ %&'es
a(e +&t su$$iie+t)
(%) Yea( &$ passi+/
() A//(e/ate Ma(!s
(P(&)i*e &+e B&' als& $&( p&i+t)
(*) I$ (esult a:aite* $ill up the %&'es as R A
"=. E'pe(ie+e i+ -ea(s as &$ Ap(il /Ot.
"". N&. &$ Pu%liati&+s
T& %e $ille* i+ %- &$$ie 3 Re/. N&3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>. Ph.D M.S
-age 33 of 40
E'te(+al P(&?et Sta$$ Sp&+s&(e* CSIR
@. Date &$ Bi(th
[To be submitted at the time of Interview]
A4+/,,/o0 to !.DCM.S .$o:$2++* &04*$
EDt*$02' C 2$t E t/+* R*:/,t$2t/o0 S5!*+* 2t IIT M24$2,
$o#o$+2 #o$ R*'/*# C*$t/#/52t*
employed as 888888888888888888888888. is granted
leave for 29 wee4s '149 days2 commencing from 8888888 to
888888 and is relieved of his/her d$ties with effect from 88888888
to 888888..8 to enable him/her to p$rs$e *.+/(h.D. 3esearch programme
$nder 0,ternal / (art : time 3egistration +cheme in ;$ly / ;an.888.. semester
at the Indian Instit$te of /echnology *adras< 6hennai 5 9993 as per their offer
of admission letter =o88888888888. dated 8888888888..
1ate A *ignature of t!e ;fficer wit! name
and address of t!e ;rganisation
;ffice *eal
-age 34 of 40
[To be submitted at the time of Interview]
<ertificate from the =mploying ;rganisation
Fo$ *Dt*$02' $*:/,t$2t/o0 o# t!*/$ *+.'o9**, /0 !.D C M.S .$o:$2++* o# IIT M24$2,
T&e app"!aton o* B..BBBB..BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. %or;n2 as ..
re!ommen$e$ an$ *or%ar$e$ *or a$msson 'n$er E9terna"
Re2straton S!&eme o* t&e In$an Instt'te o* Te!&no"o2. Ma$ras *or
P&.D,M.S Resear!& pro2ramme n t&e Department o*
1# &!is organiBation !as ade>uate facilities for carrying out t!e researc! indicated by
t!e applicant and if !e3s!e is selected, t!ese will be made a%ailable to !im3!er during
regular wor<ing !ours till t!e completion of t!e programme#
2 &!e applicant will be deputed3gi%en lea%e for duration of !is3!er residence period at
$$& 0adras# &!e applicant is wor<ing wit! in t!e commutable distance from $$&
madras and !e3s!e will be gi%en permission to attend t!e re>uired class for
completing course wor<# (strike out what ever not applicable2
3# =acilities will be made a%ailable to t!e +o"guide to super%ise t!e wor< of t!e
applicant and to attend t!e meetings at $$& 0adras w!en necessary#
4# &ill t!e completion of !is3!er researc! programme, t!e applicant will not ordinarily be
transferred to anot!er unit or place w!ic! may impede !is3!er wor< under t!e
sc!eme# $f suc! a transfer is necessary, $$& 0adras will be informed wit!in a mont!
of suc! transfer# Le understand t!at continuing of registration will depend on $$&Cs
decision in t!is regard, ta<ing into account all rele%ant factors#
D# Le note t!at t!e facilities of t!e $nstitute will be made a%ailable to !im3!er for
carrying out t!e wor< and t!at t!ere will be no separate c!arge ?ot!er t!an tuition
fees payable by t!e candidate. for t!e use of laboratory, library and ot!er facilities#
9# 8o part of t!e wor< carried out in fulfillment of t!e Researc! programme will be
utiliBed commercially or for applying for a -atent wit!out t!e appro%al of $ndian
$nstitute of &ec!nology 0adras and ot!er t!an on terms mutually agreed to by $$&
0adras and t!is organiBation#
'ateA )ignature of the ;fficer A
*eal of t!e organiBation3 8ame and 1esignation A
-age 3$ of 40
-ostal address of t!e ;rganisation A
CTo -e s'-mtte$ at t&e tme o* Inter)e%D
<ertificate from the reputed @niversity 0 Institution0 ;rgani$ation sponsoring
their employees 1or *h' 0 M) programme of IIT Madras2*art2time scheme
The application of OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wor#ing as
recommended and forwarded for admission under =%ternal :egistration
)cheme of the Indian Institute of Technology Madras for *h'0M) :esearch
programme in the 'epartment of OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
1# &!e applicant !as 2 year 3 D year?in t!e case of management area. e5perience in
t!e organiBation#

2# Le note t!at facilities of t!e $$&0 will be made a%ailable to !im3 !er for carrying out
t!e researc! wor< under t!e super%ision of a guide and !e3 s!e !as to pay full fees
e%ery semester for t!e use of laboratory, library and ot!er facilities of t!e $nstitute#

3# &!is organiBation facility will also be made a%ailable to !im3 !er in t!e case of

4# &!e applicant will be deputed3gi%en lea%e for duration of !is3!er residence period at
$$& 0adras# &!e applicant is wor<ing wit! in t!e commutable distance from $$& madras
and !e3s!e will be gi%en permission to attend t!e re>uired class for completing
course wor<# (strike out what ever not applicable2

D# &ill t!e completion of !is3!er researc! programme, t!e applicant will not ordinarily be
transferred to anot!er unit or place w!ic! may impede !is3!er wor< under t!e
sc!eme# $f suc! a transfer is necessary, $$& 0adras will be informed wit!in a mont! of
suc! transfer# Le understand t!at continuing of registration will depend on $$&0Cs
decision in t!is regard, ta<ing into account all rele%ant factors#

9# 8o part of t!e wor< carried out fulfillment of t!e Researc! programme will be utiliBed
commercially or for applying for a -atent wit!out t!e appro%al of $ndian $nstitute of
&ec!nology 0adras and ot!er t!an on terms mutually agreed to by $$& 0adras and
t!is organiBation#

1ateA *ignature of t!e ;fficer A

*eal of t!e organiBation3 8ame and 1esignation A
-age 31 of 40
(ostal address of the >rganisation
[To be submitted at the time of Interview]
2$t/5&'2$, o# Co-:&/4* #o$ *Dt*$02' R*:/,t$2t/o0 S5!*+*
In addition to being in a position to ensure technical and logistic support to the
scholar in his0her research wor# in the organi$ation" the <o2guide must have a
minimum academic !ualification of a MasterCs degree in
=ngineering0Management or *h' in )cience and ade!uate professional
e%perience in the relevant field The <o2guide should not himself be a scholar
wor#ing for any higher degree of any university 5e will be an invitee to the
'octoral <ommittee0General Test <ommittee meetings at IIT Madras
?1. 8ame of proposed +o"guide A
?in bloc< letters.
?2. Academic >ualifications of +o"guide A

?3. 0embers!ip of -rofessional *ocieties of A
?4. 1esignation of +o"guide A
C*$t/#/52t* o# Co-:&/4*
&!is is to state t!at in t!e e%ent of
selected for -!#1 3 0#* programme in t!e 1epartment of
*c!eme of $$& 0adras, $ agree to be !is3!er +o"guide and s!all e5tend all possible
facilities to enable !im to carry out !is researc! programme towards t!e submission of
-age 3A of 40
'ateA )ignature of
-age 3B of 40
[To be submitted at the time of Interview]
A4+/,,/o0 to !.D C M.S .$o:$2++* &04*$ $o7*5t S5!*+* 2t IIT M24$2,
C*$t/#/52t* #$o+ t!* $o7*5t Co- o$4/02to$
I have noted the conditions stated below concerning the registration of pro8ect staff
for *h' 0 M) programme
T-is is to certif" t-at Sri,Smt,Dum EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE is 5orkin! in
eli!ible to continue in t-e /ro0ect for a minimum /eriod of one more "ear from t-e date of
-is,-er 0oinin! t-e researc- /ro!ramme (2-9 , 3S# even t-ou!- -is,-er a//ointment is
u/to EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE as /er -is,-er a//ointment order T-e actual duration of t-e
Co04/t/o0, A
1# =or a person employed on a pro,ect to be eligible for -!#130#* registration, t!ere s!ould be a
minimum residual period of one yearCs ser%ice in t!e pro,ect from t!e date of registration#
2# -erson employed on a pro,ect can apply for admission to 0#*# programme wit! a minimum
pro,ect e5perience of si5 mont!s wit!out %alid 7A&/ score sub,ect to >ualifying in selection
procedure ?inter%iew 3 written e5amination. of t!e concerned department# &!ey will not be eligible
for :&RA until t!ey >ualify in t!e 7A&/ e5amination# &!e sc!olars may see< con%ersion from
pro,ect to :&RA pro%ided t!ey >ualify in 7A&/ wit! t!e minimum cut"off prescribed for t!e
selection of sc!olars admitted in !is3!er batc!es#
1ateA *ignature and name of t!e -ro,ect +oordinator
1ateA :ead of t!e 1epartment of NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
-age 3C of 40
-age 40 of 40

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