A Freudian Reading of Poe

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A Freudian (Lacanian) Reading of Poes The Fall of the House of Usher?

Worksho !uestions
Along which lines could you attempt a psychological/psychoanalytical reading?
Some clues:
1. House
2. Line
. Si!lings
". #ames: $sher% &oderic'% (adeline
). Lil Sister: *lood
+. ,orture -ham!er
.. ,arn
/. ,e0t/Su!te0t
1. Art: the 2ainting
13. 4pium
11. $shers -hin Line
12. Signs
1. &epetition
1". #arrator and Story
1). ,e0t: ,he 2oem5 &eading o6 Story within the Story
1+. ,e0t within ,e0t as 7nitiator o6 &eality
1.. ,e0tuality o6 the &eal?
1/. 8ream
11. $ncanny
23. 9othic

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