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Specials: Unit Lesson Plan - Spanish

Week of: March24

Apr 2nd2014 Subject: Spanish la familia !escribin" la familia and #amil$ %ree Mini &roject
'rade()lass: K/2
/Middle School 6

Kindergarten 2
MS Elective AM MS Elective PM
La familia La familia La familia La familia La familia
SWBAT demonstrate knowledge of
key vocabulary by designing their
own family tree in Spanish.
SWBAT demonstrate knowledge of
key vocabulary by designing their
own family tree in Spanish.
SWBAT use key vocabulary to
describe and explain their family
tree to the class.
SWBAT demonstrate knowledge of key
vocabulary by designing their own family
tree in Spanish.
SWBAT use key vocabulary to describe
and explain their family tree to the class.
SWBAT compare and contrast families in
Spanish speaking countries with families
in the US.
SWBAT demonstrate knowledge of
key vocabulary by designing their
own family tree in Spanish.
SWBAT use key vocabulary to
describe and explain their family
tree to the class.
SWBAT compare and contrast
families in Spanish speaking
countries with families in the US.
SWBAT discuss the similarities and
differences between families in
Spanish speaking countries and the
SWBAT demonstrate knowledge of
key vocabulary by designing their own
family tree in Spanish.
SWBAT use key vocabulary to
describe and expMiin their family tree
to the class.
SWBAT compare and contrast families
in Spanish speaking countries with
families in the US.
SWBAT discuss the simiMirities and
differences between families in
Spanish speaking countries and the
5.1 Use of Language: Students
use the language both within
and beyond the school setting.
5.1 Use of Language: Students
use the language both within
and beyond the school setting.
1.1 Interpersonal
Communication: Students
engage in conversations,
provide and obtain inor!ation,
e"press eelings and e!otions,
and e"change opinions.
3.1 Knowledge# Students reinorce
and urther their $nowledge o
other disciplines through the world
5.1 Use of Language: Students use
the language both within and
beyond the school setting.
1.1 Interpersonal Communication:
Students engage in conversations,
provide and obtain inor!ation,
e"press eelings and e!otions, and
e"change opinions.
3.1 Knowledge# Students
reinorce and urther their
$nowledge o other disciplines
through the world language.
5.1 Use of Language: Students
use the language both within
and beyond the school setting.
1.1 Interpersonal
Communication: Students
engage in conversations,
provide and obtain inor!ation,
e"press eelings and e!otions,
and e"change opinions.
3.1 Knowledge# Students reinorce
and urther their $nowledge o
other disciplines through the
world language.
5.1 Use of Language: Students use
the language both within and
beyond the school setting.
1.1 Interpersonal Communication:
Students engage in
conversations, provide and
obtain inor!ation, e"press
eelings and e!otions, and
e"change opinions.
Mi familia, la madre, la mam, el
padre, el pap, el hermano, la
hermana, la abuela, el abuelo, la
hia, el hio, el t!o, la t!a, el primo, la
prima. "detivos#
alto$a, bao$a, gordo$a, flaco$a,
bonito$a, moreno$a
Mi familia, la madre, la mam, el
padre, el pap, el hermano, la
hermana, la abuela, el abuelo, la
hia, el hio, el t!o, la t!a, el primo, la
prima ."detivos#
alto$a, bao$a, gordo$a, flaco$a,
bonito$a, moreno$a
Mi familia, la madre, la mam, el padre,
el pap, el hermano, la hermana, la
abuela, el abuelo, la hia, el hio, el t!o, la
t!a, el primo, la prima, la madrastra, el
padrastro, el suegro, la suegra, la nieta,
el nieto.
%&ui'n es( )s el ****. )s la ****.
%+,mo se llama tu ***( Se llama ****.
%+untas personas hay en tu familia(
-ay ****.
%+untos a.os tiene tu ****(
"detivos sobre personalidad y
apariencia f!sica#
Mi familia, la madre, la mam, el
padre, el pap, el hermano, la
hermana, la abuela, el abuelo, la
hia, el hio, el t!o, la t!a, el primo, la
prima, la madrastra, el padrastro, la
sobrina, el sobrino.
%&ui'n es( )s el ****. )s la ****.
%+,mo se llama tu ***( Se llama
%+untas personas hay en tu
familia( -ay ****.
%+untos a.os tiene tu ****(
"detivos sobre personalidad y
apariencia f!sica# reservado$a,
simptico$a, talentoso$a, inteligente,
impaciente, bueno$a, estudioso$a,
gracioso$a, trabaador$a, pere/oso$a,
deportista, sociable, serio$a, alto$a,
bao$a, gordo$a, flaco$a, bonito$a,
pelirroo$a, largo, corto.
Mi familia, la madre, la mam, el
padre, el pap, el hermano, la
hermana, la abuela, el abuelo, la hia,
el hio, el t!o, la t!a, el primo, la prima,
la madrastra, el padrastro, la sobrina,
el sobrino.
%&ui'n es( )s el ****. )s la ****.
%+,mo se llama tu ***( Se llama
%+untas personas hay en tu familia(
-ay ****.
%+untos a.os tiene tu ****(
"detivos sobre personalidad y
apariencia f!sica# reservado$a,
simptico$a, talentoso$a, inteligente,
impaciente, bueno$a, estudioso$a,
gracioso$a, trabaador$a, pere/oso$a,
deportista, sociable, serio$a, alto$a,
bao$a, gordo$a, flaco$a, bonito$a,
+lass activities sheets,
crayons, pencils, glue,
constructions paper, 0ilingual
story books, index cards
1ower1oint activities, music,
songs, 2Mi familia3, listening
comprehension websites,
photographs $pictures
+lass activities sheets, crayons,
pencils, glue, constructions
paper, 0ilingual story books,
index cards 1ower1oint
activities, music, songs, 2Mi
familia3, listening
comprehension websites,
photographs $pictures
+lass activities sheets, crayons,
pencils, glue, constructions paper,
0ilingual story books, 1ower1oint
activities, music, songs, 2Up on the
-ouse top3, computer generated
family sound effects, flashcards,
family websites, photographs $
pictures, Spanish family news
broadcasts, world map
+lass activities sheets, crayons,
pencils, glue, constructions
paper, index cards, 0ilingual
books, 1ower1oint activities,
music, flashcards$vocabulary
websites, family photographs
$pictures, family relationship
pu//les Level 456, digital
camera, +ultural articles 7 origin
of -ispanic people
+lass activities sheets, crayons,
pencils, glue, constructions paper,
index cards, 0ilingual books,
1ower1oint activities, music,
flashcards$vocabulary websites,
family photographs $pictures,
family relationship pu//les Level
456, digital camera, +ultural
articles 7 origin of -ispanic
Do Now/Warm Up
5 8aily topic 9uestion:s;
regarding the family
5 8raw picture of your family
5Sing the family song
Guided Practice
S listens to story about the
family unit.
<ntroduce unit vocabulary
=ecite$pronounce vocabulary
S practice saying and singing
> demonstrate$display photos
of families
Independent Practice
S listens to story about family.
=ecite$pronounce vocabulary
S practice saying and writing
S 2"cting out vocabulary
S color family activity sheets
S family members cut outs
S create$decorate family photo
Do Now/Warm Up
5 8aily topic 9uestion:s;
regarding the family
5 8raw picture of your family
5Sing the family song
Guided Practice
S listens to story about the
family unit.
<ntroduce unit vocabulary
=ecite$pronounce vocabulary
S practice saying and singing
> demonstrate$display photos of
Independent Practice
S listens to story about family.
=ecite$pronounce vocabulary
S practice saying and writing
S 2"cting out vocabulary
S color family activity sheets
S family members cut outs
S create$decorate family photo
Do Now/Warm Up
5 8aily topic 9uestion:s; regarding
the family
5 8raw picture of your family
5Sing the family song
5 -ow are we related( 2?our
mother@s sister@s brother3
5 Aho are you( Using target
language : i.e, madre, hia, prima,
5Masculine o feminine( :La$)l;
5 Bamily relationships pu//le :Level
Guided Practice
S listens to story about the family
<ntroduce unit vocabulary
=ecite$pronounce vocabulary
S practice saying and singing
> demonstrate$display photos of
Independent Practice
S listens to story about family.
=ecite$pronounce vocabulary
S practice saying and writing
S 2"cting out vocabulary
S color family activity sheets
S create$decorate family photo
S read articles answer 9uest.
S practice saying and writing
complete family phrases
Computer Lab !Listenin"
S practice flash cards
Computer Lab # $ Create Photo
%ami&' tree
Do Now/Warm Up
5 8aily topic 9uestion regarding
the family
5 <s family important( Ahy$not(
5 8o we have to like everyone in
our family(
5 -ow are we related( 2?our
mother@s sister@s brother3
5 Aho are you( Using target
language : i.e, madre, hia,
prima, tia,
5Masculine o feminine( :La$)l;
5 Bamily relationships pu//le
:Level 456;
Guided Practice
S listens$ read article:s; about
the family.
<ntroduce unit vocabulary
=ecite$pronounce vocabulary
S identify celebrity family unit
using target language
S indicate family relations
S listening comprehension
> model family tree designs
Independent Practice
S read articles answer 9uest.
S practice saying and writing
complete family phrases
S solve family relation problems
using target language
Computer Lab !Listenin"
S practice flash cards
Computer Lab # $ Create
Photo %ami&' tree
Computer Lab ( $ Photo
%ami&' tree
Do Now/Warm Up
5 8aily topic 9uestion regarding
the family
5 <s family important( Ahy$not(
5 8o we have to like everyone in
our family(
5 -ow are we related( 2?our
mother@s sister@s brother3
5 Aho are you( Using target
language : i.e, madre, hia, prima,
5Masculine o feminine( :La$)l;
5 Bamily relationships pu//le
:Level 456;
Guided Practice
S listens$ read article:s; about the
<ntroduce unit vocabulary
=ecite$pronounce vocabulary
S identify celebrity family unit
using target language
S indicate family relations
S listening comprehension
> model family tree designs
Independent Practice
S read articles answer 9uest.
S practice saying and writing
complete family phrases
S solve family relation problems
using target language
Computer Lab !Listenin"
S practice flash cards
Computer Lab # $ Create Photo
%ami&' tree
Computer Lab ( $ Photo %ami&'
)xit Song 5 Creeting
)xit Song 7 Mi familia
)xit Song 5 Creeting
)xit Song 7 >he family song
>wo word Spanish Bamily
)xit Song 5 Creeting
)xit Song 7 >he family song
>hree 5 Bour word Spanish Bamily
> respond to S 9uestions
>hree 5 Bour word Spanish
La familia phrases
Dne word =ate the class
> respond to S 9uestions
>hree 5 Bour word Spanish Bamily
Dne word =ate the class
#ssessment > observes$listens to S
> uses thematic rubric
> observes$listens to S
> uses thematic rubric
> observes$listens to S
> uses proect rubric
Aritten &ui/ and >ests
Dral assessment
> observes$listens to S
> uses proect rubric
Aritten &ui/ and >ests
Dral $ 1resentational skill
> observes$listens to S
> uses proect rubric
Aritten &ui/ and >ests
Dral $ 1resentational skill
assessment assessment
Core Content
)L", story comprehension,
"rt, science
)L", story comprehension, "rt,
)L", reading in the target
comprehension, "rt, social
studies$geographic, science
Aorld language )L", reading in
the target comprehension, "rt,
social studies$geographic,
)L", reading in the target
comprehension, "rt, social
studies$geographic, science
Einesthetic, Fisual, "uditory,
Einesthetic, Fisual, "uditory,
Einesthetic, Fisual, "uditory, "rtistic Einesthetic, Fisual, "uditory,
Einesthetic, Fisual, "uditory,

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