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Name: Jennifer Morales Date of Visit: Quarter 2

College/University Visited: Salve Regina University Campus Location: Newport, RI

With whom did you attend this event? Saturday Academy

College Visit Reflection

1. What are three things that stood out to you on your visit?
The campus location
The buildings
The aura of being in that University

2. What is one new thing you learned about this particular college/university or life beyond high school in general,
that you did not know before?

One new thing I learn about this college and life is that people will judge due to your race and where you come
from. Also I learned that the Universitys can have all different kind of locations. Slave Regina, has a different
kind of transportation and you don't need cars to get you around the campus.

3. What did you not do that you wish you could have while on this campus?

During this college visit we didn't get to see the dorms. I would like to see them because if I choose to go to this
college I would havr to live in a dorm. Also I would like to see the classes because I would like to see the sizes
and how they are runned differently or the same as Blackstone.

4. Reflecting on this visit, what is one question you didn't ask but will ask on a future visit to a different

I wish I would have asked what is the GPA adverage? And if SATs are mandatory in order to get accepted?

5. After seeing what this college/university has to offer, do you think you would be happy here? Why or why not?

I do think I would be happy, although it would be a hard adjustment because not so many minorites go to that
college. But I think I would get used to being a minortiy in that college. I would like going to that college
because it is a beautiful campus and location, also they have good majors/courses that I would be interseted in


6. How did you truly feel about this campus? What did you like the most? The least?

I truly felt like an outsider but I felt because of the majority of people that attend that University. What I liked
the most was the transportation, I didn't need a car to get around because I could take the bus for free. Also the
buildings where very vintage and looked old school so I thought that was nice to see. What I liked the least was
the tour gudie he didn't really show us any buildings in the inside only outsidne and really didn't answer our

7. What seemed different or special about this school to you?
What was different to me about this school is the location, the main buildings where near the cliff walk and the breeze
of the ocean felt wonderful in the cold and warm wheather.

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