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Course Syllabus

Business English II (0115482)

Semester 2/2006
Course itle!
1.1 Thai: 2
1.2 English : Business English II
2" Course Cre#it! 2(2-0-4)
$" %rere&uisite! 0115$81 Business English I
4" 'e(artment! he )estern *anguages
5" *e+el! ,n#ergra#uate
6" Course 'es-ri(tion!
6.1 Thai: 2
HHH r H n1 F
6.2 English: Business English II: The study and practice o !riting "arious types o
co##unicati"e $usiness correspondence% including: $usiness letters% reports% #e#os%
tele&% telegraph% etc.
." Course /utline!
."1 /b0e-ti+es! 1t the en# o2 the -ourse3 stu#ents are e4(e-te# to be able to
e22e-ti+ely use all 2our s5ills" he main em(hasis 6ill be (la-e# on 6riting"
'.1.1 telephoning% ta(ing #essages.
'.1.2 #eetings% ta(ing notes.
'.1.) cultural a!areness.
."2 Course Content
This course !ill ollo! the $oo(% *in co#pany% Inter#ediate+ $y ,ar( -o!ell%
,ac#illan Education% 2002. .or indi"idual topics and additional inor#ation% see
*/uggested 0ourse 0alendar 1 0ontent+% page ).
."$ ea-hing 7etho#s an# 1-ti+ities
'.).1 Teacher2s -resentations
'.).2 /tudents2 -resentations--indi"iduals% pairs% s#all groups
'.).) 0lassroo# participation in "arious acti"ities
'.).4 /haring inor#ation !ith peers
."4 1ssessment
he -ourse assessment -om(rises!
'.4.1 3o#e!or(% -articipation%4.44....444444444205
'.4.2 ,id-ter# E&a#44.444444444..44444..)05
'.4.) 0lassroo# and 6ui77es 44.4444...44..4..4.......205
'.4.4 .inal E&a# 8ritten 4444......4..44444444..)05
."5 E+aluation! 1lthough metho#s to test an# e+aluate all 2our s5ills 6ill be
im(lemente# throughout the -ourse3 the main 2o-us 6ill be on 6riting s5ills"
8" Suggeste# )ebsites 2or 0115$813 Business English I
9.1 Business E#poriu#%
9.2 Business English <in(s or E/<%
9.) The English 0lu$% =arious E/< >cti"ities%
9.4 English-to-go% /el /tudy <essons in E/<%
9.? Business English ro# BB0%
9.6 Business English% >re you loo(ing or a @o$A%
9.' Ba"e2s E/< 0aC% /uggest Business English <in(s%
9.9 Business English <in(s or E/<%
9.E Business English 0ourse%
9.10 0o#prehensi"e <ist o Business English 8e$sites%
9.11 The Internet TE/F< Gournal% Business English <in(s%<:BusinessDEnglish:
9.12 6uestion Ban(% Business Ed%
9.1) E.<. Easton% Business English Fnline%$
9.14 -roessional 8riting Iesources and 3andouts%
8" S(e-ial 9emar5s about the Course
E.1. 1tten#an-e: >ttendance is #andatory. >$sences and tardiness !ill relect in a lo!er
grade or the student. /tudents !ho #iss #ore than 1?5 o the classroo# study periods !ill
not $e a$le to co#plete the class as outlined $y the uni"ersity2s attendance policy.
E.2. %un-tuality: 0lass starts pro#ptly on ti#e. /tudents should $e on ti#e.
E.). %hones: ,o$ile phones are not allo!ed and #ust $e turned o during class.
E.4. Co(ying/Cheating: E"ery student is e&pected to do his:her o!n !or(.
E.? %lagiarism is a serious oence and !ill lead to a lo!er grade and #ay result in the
student ha"ing to drop the course
E.6 *ate 1ssignments: It is essential that assign#ents $e handed in on ti#e. <ate
assign#ents #ay lead to a lo!er grade.

10" Instru-tor! Ga#es /taley (roo# 1)41)% Tel. 0'4-)1199? e&tension no. 141'%
Suggeste# Course Calen#ar : Content
(to(i-s may +ary 6ithout (rior noti-e)
8( Topic: Knit ro# Boo( Targeted acti"ities
1 Intro#u-tion to the -ourse 8ar#-up te&ts. Ta(ing notes.
2 E;mail3 )riting e;mail Luidelines or !riting e-#ail. 8riting e-#ail
eHui"alents o or#al te&ts. /i#pliying
lengthy e-#ails.
) %resenting3 7eetings Biscussing Hualities o a good presentation.
-ausing% pacing and sentence stress. Beli"ering
a presentation
4 a5ing notes o2 %resentation /tudents !ill present a topic. Fther students
!ill ta(e notes a$out the presentation.
? e-hnologi-al )orl# Biscussing the pros and cons o technology.
,a(ing predictions a$out uture.
6 Being hear# Biscussing attitudes to #eetings. 0o#pleting a
Huestionnaire on asserti"eness in #eetings.
' Snail 7ail Types o paper docu#entation. 0orrecting a
or#al letter. 8riting co#plaints and
9 )riting other ty(es o2 business
<etters to $e selected and proposed in ad"ance.
/tudents !rite in class.
E )ritten 7i#;term E4am
10 9e+ie6 o2 7i#term E4am
Sol+ing %roblems
Biscussing solutions to pro$le#s. ,a(ing
suggestions. -rocedure or sol"ing a pro$le#.
11 <lobal =illage Biscussing opinions on glo$alisaton.
12 Eating out Bescri$ing restaurants. Bescri$ing dishes.
1) 7essaging Biscussing attitude to electronic
co##unications. Ie"ie! o !ee( 2.
14 >egotiating /ounding #ore diplo#atic. E&pressions or
negotiating. 0o#pleting notes
1? )riting a((li-ations /elected @o$s ro# English language
ne!spapers or online searches.
16 1((lying 2or a 0ob" /tudents !ill ta(e turns as applicant and
inter"ie!er (panel) or selected @o$s. They !ill
$e encouraged to present the#sel"es in a good
#anner in order to get the @o$M
19 ?inal E4am

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