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BIO 3350: Biological Basis of Health and Disease


1. Physiology is
A. Science of body structure and their relationships
B. Science of how body parts function
C. Science of human behavior
D. None of the above
. Nosocomial infections are characteri!ed as infections that"
A. spread from the mother to the infant during gestation
B. develop in hospitali!ed patients
C. are passed from animals to humans
D. spread through physical contact with arthropods
#. $he correct se%uence of levels forming the structural hierarchy in an additive form is"
A. &rgan' &rgan system' cellular' Chemical' tissue' organismal
B. Chemical' cellular' tissue' organismal' &rgan' &rgan system
C. Chemical' cellular' tissue' &rgan' &rgan system' organismal
D. &rganismal' &rgan system' &rgan' tissue' cellular' Chemical
(. &ogenesis or generation of the primordial ova by mitotic division occurs during"
A. fetal life
B. early childhood
C. menarche
D. each monthly cycle
). $he cul*de*sac is formed by which one of the following uterine layers+
A. Perimetrium
B. ,yometrium
C. -ndometrium
.. $his structure secretes a fluid which serves as a buffer and prolongs the life of
spermato!oa once they reach the vagina. /hat is the name of this structure+
A. Seminal vesicles
B. Prostate gland
C. $estes
D. 0as deferens
1. $he early stages of obstruction to urine outflow from the bladder is manifested by"
A. frequency and urgency
B. temporary interruption in voiding before complete emptying can be accomplished
C. secondary infection due to urine stasis
D. complete retention of urine
2. 3ailure to store urine is caused by conditions that"
A. cause refle4 bladder spasm
B. interfere with the motor innervation of the bladder
C. decrease bladder volume
D. A and C
E. A, B, and
5. /hich of the following is N!" an e4ample of a non*specific defense+
A. ,ucous membrane
B. S6in
C. Antigen tagging
D. Phagocytes
17. $he macrophages"
A. act as 6iller cells to destroy cancer cells
B. capture and process antigen and present it to the lymphocytes
C. produce immunoglobulin8s
11. Cyto6ines can be described as"
A. intercellular protein messenger molecules that regulate the movement'
proliferation' and differentiation of immune and other cells
B. plasma proteins that combine with antigen and participate in the immune response
C. cell surface molecules that participate in self*recognition
1. /hich infection may progress without treatment to damage the aorta' liver' and CNS+
A. #y$%ilis
B. 9onorrhea
C. Chlamydia
D. $richomoniasis
1#. $he cardiac cycle is used to describe"
A. t%e different $%ases of cardiac filling and e&ection of 'lood
B. the changes in blood pressure that occur as the heart e:ects blood into the aorta
C. the changes in heart rate that occur during cardiac systole and diastole
1(. Cigarette smo6ing and hypertension are thought to enhance atherosclerosis by"
A. increasing stress
B. causing hyperlipidemia
. disru$ting t%e endot%elial layer of arteries
D. reducing vasoconstriction
1). Administering a high concentration of o4ygen to a person with chronic hypo4ia can
be harmful because"
A. high concentrations are irritating to mucous membranes
B. %ig% concentrations su$$ress t%e !
c%emorece$tors, )%ic% $ro*ide t%e
main stimulus for *entilation
C. in high concentration' the viscosity of o4ygen increases airway resistance
D. a high concentration of o4ygen can cause bronchospasm
1.. Compensatory mechanisms that come into play in heart failure include"
A. myocardial hypertrophy
B. increased sympathetic stimulation
C. renin*angiotensin*aldosterone mechanism
+. all of t%e a'o*e
11. $he largest amount of reabsorption occurs in the"
A. Distal tubule
B. ;u4taglomerular apparatus
. Pro,imal tu'ule
D. Collecting duct
12. &ne of the early signs of renal failure is"
A. an increase in nitrogenous )astes in t%e 'lood
B. metabolic acidosis
C. hyper6alemia
D. edema
15. Aspirin is not recommended for pain relief in persons with gouty arthritis because it"
A. causes uric acid to precipitate in the urine
B. decreases t%e secretion of uric acid into t%e renal tu'ules
C. increases uric acid synthesis by the 6idneys
D. decreases the filtration of uric acid in the glomeruli
7. $esticular torsion involves"
A. the development of fluid in the scrotal sac
B. t)isting of t%e s$ermatic cord t%at sus$ends t%e testes
C. varicosities of the paminiform ple4us
1. 9ram staining is used as an identification process on"
A. fungi
B. yeast
C. bacteria
D. all microorganisms
. /hich one of the following would be included as a prevention measure for all types
of 6idney stones+
A. Acidification of urine
B. Decrease dietary inta6e of calcium
C. Prevention or treatment of urinary tract infections
+. Increased fluid inta-e
#. $he preload wor6 of the heart represents the"
A. amount of 'lood in t%e *entricles at t%e end of diastole t%e %eart $um$s, or
t%e *olume )or- of t%e %eart
B. the pressure that the heart must generate to pump blood into the pulmonary or
systemic circulations or the the pressure wor6 of the heart
(. $he effects of hypertension on the heart are largely manifested in terms of"
A. cardiac dysrhythmias
B. aortic valve dysfunction
. left *enticular %y$ertro$%y
). $he most common causes of vaginitis in the women of childbearing age are"
A. Candida albicans
B. Trichomonas vaginalis
C. bacterial vaginosis
D. A and C
E. A, B, and
.. $he local tissue buildup of <
' >=' and nitric o4ide promote"
A. vasoconstriction
B. *asodilation
C. smooth muscle contraction
D. bronchoconstriction
1. /hat are symptoms of a lower ?$@+
A. Frequency, su$ra$u'ic discomfort, $ainful urination, enuresis
B. 3re%uency' suprapubic discomfort' trauma and shoc6
C. 3re%uency' urgency' red blood cells in the urine
D. 3re%uency' urgency' uremia A6idney failureB
2. /hich cell in the immune system is considered the Cmaster switchD+
A. B cells
B. ,acrophage and other antigen*presenting cells
C. CD(
helper $ cells
D. CD2
cytoto4ic $ cells
5. Prolonged fever can result in dehydration by"
A. increasing the amount of water that is removed from the air each time it moves
through the conducting airways
B. increasing the respiratory rate and the fre%uency with which the air needs to be
. A and B
#7. $he right lung consists of how many lobes+
B. (
C. 1
+. .
#1. ,ature sperm are normally stored in the"
A. epididymis
B. *as deferens
C. seminal vesicle
D. prostatic urethra
#. An e4ample of a disease or disease state caused by an e4oto4in is"
A. diphtheria
B. endoto4ic shoc6
C. gonorrhea
D. measles
##. /hich one of the following diagnostic measures is used to assess the ability of the
6idneys to concentrate urine+
A. ?rine albumin
B. ?rine p<
. /rine s$ecific gra*ity
D. ?rine output
#(. Compared to cortical nephrons' :u4tomedullary nephrons are characteri!ed as"
A. $enetrating t%e entire lengt% of t%e medulla
B. shorter' thic6er loops of <enle
C. none4istent in the corte4 of the 6idney
D. ma6ing up 2)E of all nephrons
#). $he location of the S6enes glands is"
A. between the hymenal opening and posterior labia minora
B. at t%e uret%ral o$ening
C. at the anterior labia minora
D. in the vagina between the hymenal opening and the cervi4
#.. <@0"
A. infects the neutrophils and CD2
B. infects by the attachment of a surface protein on the viral envelope of <@0 to a
special CD(
$*cell receptor
C. infection involves the transcription of viral DNA into the host FNA using reverse
D. incites the production of antibiodies that can be detected by laboratory methods
and are protective against the virus
#1. <@0 is transmitted through all of the following -GC-P$"
A. mucous membrane contact with <@0 in semen
B. blood transfusions containing <@0
C. mucous membrane e4posure to vaginal or cervical secretions of someone infected
by <@0
D. insect vectors in crowded living conditions in which people have <@0
#2. /hat is the most common respiratory opportunistic disease in persons with A@DS+
A. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
B. Toxoplasma gondii
C. Legionella pneumophilia
D. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
#5. $he cremaster muscles and the pampiniform ple4us of the testes have the function of"
A. maintaining t%e tem$erature of t%e testes
B. closure of the inguinal canal
C. maintaining testicular torsion
D. protection of the testes
(7. $he functional unit of the 6idney is the"
A. ne$%ron
B. glomerulus
C. the pro4imal tubule
D. the ascending and descending limb of <enle
-. the collecting duct
(1. -rection involves shunting of blood into the sinusoids of the corpus cavernosum.
/hich of the following mediators is responsible for rela4ation of vascular smooth muscle
that shunts blood into the sinusoids+
A. Norepinephrine
B. Acetylcholine
. Nitric o,ide
D. <istamine
(. /hich of the following is not a ma:or component of a negative feedbac6 system+
A. repressor
B. stimulus
C. effector
D. receptor
(#. $he bul6 of the energy used by the 6idney is used"
A. for acti*e trans$ort sodium and cotrans$ort of electrolyte and ot%er
B. to meet nutritional needs of the 6idney cells
((. Aldosterone8s main effect increases HHHHHHHHHHH reabsorption while antidiuretic
hormone8s main effect increases HHHHHHHHHHHHH reabsorption"
A. potassiumI sodium
B. waterI potassium
. sodium0 )ater
D. glucoseI potassium
(). People who eat high*protein meals or who have high glucose levels in their blood
have this renal response"
A. reduction in urine output
B. increase in renal 'lood flo) and 1F2
C. reabsorption of abnormally high amounts of water
D. decrease in 93F and renal blood flow
(.. $he source of estrogens is"
A. o*aries and adi$ose tissue
B. ovaries and the anterior pituitary gland
C. the ovaries only
(1. Jimiting salt inta6e is recommended as an initial nonpharmacological treatment for
hypertension because it"
A. helps a person lose weight
B. reduces )ater retention and decreases *ascular *olume
C. reduces sympathetic nervous system activity
D. increases cardiac output and reduces renal blood flow
(2. -C9 graph paper"
A. runs at a paper speed of ) mmKs
B. consists of small bloc6s which translate to .7( seconds
C. consists of large bloc6s which translate into .7( seconds
+. Bot% and A and B
-. All of the above
(5. Jong*term regulation of blood pressure depends on function of the"
A. arterial baroreceptors
B. chemoreceptors
C. autonomic nervous system
+. -idneys in terms of regulating 'ody le*els of salt and )ater
)7. /hy is the right primary bronchus more prone to obstruction+
A. @t is the first branch off the trachea.
B. It is )ider t%an t%e left $rimary 'ronc%us.
C. @t is longer than the left primary bronchus.
D. @t continues off the trachea at more of an acute angle than the left primary
)1. $he openings of the coronary arteries are located in the"
A. Pulmonary artery
B. Jeft ventricle under mitral valve
. Aorta a'o*e t%e aortic *al*e
D. ne4t to the coronary sinus in the right atrium
). $he cardiac conduction system consists of"
A. nerve fibers that are innervated by the autonomic nervous system
B. s$eciali3ed ty$es of myocardial cells, ca$a'le of initiation of and ra$id
conduction of im$ulses
C. special nerve fibers with pacema6er properties attached to myocardial cell capable
of rapid conduction of impulses
)#. $he signs and symptoms of myocardial infarction include"
A. chest pain that is affected by breathing and is relieved by nitroglycerin
B. se*ere crus%ing c%est $ain and sensation of nausea and indigestion
C. an4iety and chest pain that is affected by movement
D. pain in the left arm that occurs on arising and is accompanied by tingling and
wea6ness in the hand
)(. /hich one of the following e4erts the greatest effect on blood flow+
A. 4essel radius
B. 0essel length
C. Change in blood pressure
D. Blood viscosity
)). A gradual cessation of ovarian function and diminished estrogen levels during
perimenopause and menopause may lead to "
A. 4asomotor insta'ility
B. @ncrease in s6in elasticity
C. @ncrease in breast tissue
D. &varies and vagina increases in si!e
).. $he greatest danger associated with tubal pregnancy is"
A. abortion
B. fetal abnormalities
. tu'al ru$ture
)1. /hat is thought to be responsible for the fluid retention in P,S+
A. Cerebral irritability due to estrogen e4cess
B. Increased aldosterone secretion
C. Congestion of reproductive organs' which puts pressure on venous return from legs
D. 0ascular instability related to decrease in estrogen
)2. $he main levels of neurologic control for bladder function include all of the following
A. spinal refle4 center
B. pontine micturition center
C. cerebral corte4
+. %y$ot%alamus
)5. /hat group of medications for hypertension act by decreasing angiotension @@ and its
multiple effects on blood pressure+
A. Diuretics
B. Beta*adrenergic bloc6ers
. AE5in%i'itors
D. Calcium channel bloc6ers
.7. Causes of hypovolemic shoc6 include"
A. *omiting and loss of 'ody fluids
B. allergic reactions to drugs
C. cardiac failure
D. hypoglycemia
.1. 9onadotrophin*stimulated production of testosterone normally begins about age"
A. to ( years
B. ( to . years
. 67 to 6( years
D. 12 to 1 years
.. @n spermatogenesis' one spermatognium produces how many spermato!oa"
B. 8
C. 2
D. (77 to ()7 thousand
.#. @n rapid tachycardia' the cardiac output may fall due to"
A. negative inotropic effect of hypo4ia
B. reduction in time for diastolic filling
C. reduction in venous return
D. all of the above
.(. @n a hydrocele involves"
A. e,cess fluid in t%e tunica *aginalis
B. herniation of the tunica vaginalis
C. herniation of the bladder into the vagina
D. bulging of the uterus into the vagina
.). A cystocele involves"
A. e4cess fluid in the tunica vaginalis
B. herniation of the tunica vaginalis
. %erniation of t%e 'ladder into t%e *agina
D. bulging of the uterus into the vagina
... $he most common cause of pneumonia is"
A. -. coli
B. #. $neumoniae
C. Neisseria meningitis
D. histoplasmosis
.1. <omeostasis can be defined as a"
A. System of regulated body functions that occur by chance
B. ,aintenance of a dynamic e%uilibrium in a biological system that opposes internal
or e4ternal disturbances
C. Constancy of the internal environment that results from effective ways of dealing
with stress
D. Stable environment or L milieu interieur8 from which body cells receive
nourishment and into which they e4crete their wastes
.2. $he <@0 virus directly infects the"
A. neutrophils
B. CD(
C. CD2
D. B lymphocytes
.5. &pportunistic infections are"
A. infections involving normally harmless microorganisms that develop in persons
with compromised immune function
B. hospital*ac%uired infections
C. infections that develop in persons who have not been immuni!ed against or
previously e4posed to a particular microorganism
D. hypersensitivity reactions that develop in persons who are predisposed to allergies
17. /hich of these structures regulates the function of the nephron and is located
between the afferent and efferent arterioles and the distal convoluted tubule+
A. Distal tubule
B. 9u,taglomerular a$$aratus
C. Pro4imal tubule
D. Collecting duct
11. $he antidiuretic hormone acts at the level of which one of the following 6idney
structures to increase urine concentration+
A. 9lomerulus
B. Pro4imal tubule
C. Joop of henle
+.+istal and ollecting tu'ule
1. @n males with hypospadias' the termination of the urethra is on the"
A. *entral surface of t%e $enis
B. dorsal surface of the penis
C. lateral surface of the penis
1#. Speciali!ed pacema6er cells in the heart generate impulses at a faster rate than other
cardiac cells. Normally' the pacema6er is located in the"
A. Pur6in:e system
B. #A node
C. 0entricular muscle
D. A0 node
1(. Autoregulation of blood flow in the microcirculation is primarily controlled by"
A. t%e meta'olic needs of t%e tissues
B. the blood pressure
C. autonomic nervous system
D. cardiac output
1). Blood is supplied to the conducting airways and supporting structures of the lungs by
A. 'ronc%ial circulation
B. pulmonary circulation
1.. $he mycobacterium that cause tuberculosis have all the following characteristics
A. they are slender' rod*shaped bacteria
B. they do not form spores
C. they possess an outer wa4y coat that causes the organism to retain red dye treated
with acid in acid*fast staining
+. t%ey can 'e classified as anaero'es
11. Atelectasis refers to"
A. collapse of an entire lung
B. fluid in the pleural space
C. inflammation of the pleura
+. incom$lete e,$ansion of a $ortion of t%e lung
12. $ension pneumothora4 is characteri!ed by"
A. the outflow of air from the lung
B. deflation of the unaffected lung
. a s%ift of t%e mediastinum to t%e o$$osite side
D. impairment of microcirculation
15. @n tension pneumothora4' you would e4pect signs and symptoms to arise because
intrapleural pressure becomes"
A. greater t%an atmos$%eric
B. less than atmospheric
C. e%ual to atmospheric
27. ,ost of the o4ygen carried in the blood is transported"
A. in the dissolved form in the plasma
B. attac%ed to %emoglo'in
21. ,ost of the carbon dio4ide that is produced as a result of tissue metabolism is carried
in the blood in the form of"
A. dissolved carbon dio4ide
B. carbo4ihemoglobin
. 'icar'onate
2. $he most common vehicle for transmission of the common cold is"
A. air droplets that contain the virus
B. contaminated dishes and silverware
. t%e fingers
D. contaminated towels and facial tissues
2#. /hat are the self*components that the immune system uses to distinguish self
antigens from nonself antigens+
A. Antibodies
B. ,a:or histocompatibility molecules
C. Cyto6ines
D. Jymphocytes
2(. $he impaired synthesis of erythropoietin and the effects of uremia in chronic renal
failure cause"
A. bleeding tendencies
B. polycythemia
. anemia
D. e4cessive clotting
2). /hich one of the following types of medication is fre%uently prescribed to reduce the
ris6 of coronary thrombosis Ain the absence of anginaB+
A. Nitroglycerin
B. Beta*adrenergic bloc6ing drugs
. Anti$latelet drugs suc% as as$irin
D. Calcium*channel*bloc6ing drugs
2.. 0entricular repolari!ation is represented by the HHHHHHHH wave while atrial
depolari!ation is represented by the HHHHHHHH wave.
A. " : P
B. P " $
C. $ " MFS
D. $ " ?
21. 3ungi that reproduce by the budding process are classified as"
A. yeasts
B. molds
22. $he rate of gas diffusion in the lung is directly proportional to"
A. t%e surface area of t%e al*eoli
B. the thic6ness of the alveolar*capillary membrane
C. the radius of the bronchioles
D. water vapor pressure
25. $he vocal folds of the laryn4 and the opening between them are collectively referred
to as the"
A. glottis
B. epiglottis
57. -mphysema is characteri!ed as all of the following -GC-P$"
A. abnormal enlargement of the air spaces distal to terminal bronchioles with
destruction of the alveolar walls
B. air)ay o'struction caused 'y formation of a %yaline mem'rane
C. a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease AC&PDB characteri!ed by airflow
D. All of the above are true
51. $he viruses responsible for the common cold include"
A. rhinoviruses
B. parainfluen!a viruses
C. respiratory syncytial virus
D. adenoviruses
E. all of t%e a'o*e
5. $he function of the seminal vesicles is to"
A. secrete fluid for the semen
B. store spermato!oa
C. provides fluid that supplies energy for sperm motility
D. assist in e:aculation
E. A and
5#. Ade%uate ventilation depends on"
A. patent airways
B. compliant lungs
C. pressure differences between atmosphere and lungs
+. all of t%e a'o*e
5(. /hat is the most common opportunistic infection in children with A@DS+
A. Pseudomonas
B. Pneumocystis carinii
C. -. coli
D. Chlamydia
5). /hich one of the following blood tests is used as a measure of glomerular filtration
rate and renal function+
A. Serum magnesia
B. #erum creatinine
C. Serum potassium
D. Serum ammonia
5.. /hen a person is born with only one 6idney A6idney agenesisB' many complications'
such as renal failure' occur.
A. true
B. false
51. $he immunoglobulins are produced by"
A. B cells
B. $ cells
C. macrophages
D. prostaglandins
52. /hich of these terms describes the synthesis of biologically important compounds
such as proteins and other cell constituents+
A. Catabolism
B. Anabolism
C. @nhibition
D. None of the above
55. A pleural effusion in which pus fills the pleural cavity is called"
A. chylothora4
B. hemothora4
. em$yema
D. hydrothora4
177. $he function of the scrotum is to"
A. produce sperm
B. produce testosterone
. enclose and regulate t%e tem$erature of t%e testes
D. transport sperm

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