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Tiffany Luu
Ryan Tsang
Brendan Tang
Brandon Ko
Who: ancient Chinese
When: over 3,000 years ago during the Shang
Dynasty (1600-1045 BC); 15th day of the
eighth lunar moon
Where: from the tale of Hou Yi and Chang E
How: after the harvest when people
worshipped the Mountain Gods
Why: Guarantee them a successful harvest the
following year; thank heaven and earth for all
the blessings they received; family reunion

Burning incense in honor of gods
Lion and dragon dances
Eating and sharing mooncakes
symbolizes reunion
Moon Gazing
Brightly lit lanterns
carried, lit on towers, or flew
Celebrate marriages
It is said that thousands of years ago, there
were 10 suns in the sky and it was very hot on
Earth. An archer shot down 9 of the suns and
saved the Earth from danger. After this heroic
action, the people made him king. He was also
presented with pills of immortality by a
goddess. His wife, Change, was curious and
could not resist the temptation to become
immortal. She ate all the pills herself and
gained immortality, but she also floated to the
moon to live forever.
originally began with people
worshipping the Mountain Gods after
the harvest
had prayers for children
worship the moon
performances of lion dances
burning incense in reverence to
deities including Change
lanterns and mooncakes
they celebrate this because these
concepts are very important
1. gathering
2. thanksgiving
3. praying
gathering with the family is the
most important concept on this

1. What is the story behind the Mid

Autumn Festival?
2. What are a couple traditions in
celebrating the Mid Autumn Festival?
3. What is the most important concepts
of this holiday?
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