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Answer Key UNIT 6 TEXTBOOK Ex 1-6

Ex. 1
a. T
b. F
c. F
d. T

Ex. 2
a, d, e, f, i, j

Ex. 3
1. Since the studios often took their plots from live theater, the movies
sometimes looked like theater productions.
2. The studios didnt want to offend anyone in their audiences; therefore, they
used stories from British and American novels whose content was acceptable
to a mass audience.
3. The films avoided graphic violence, in that they implied, but didnt show,
violent scenes.
4. As a result of the financial success of Dracula and Frankenstein, other studios
began to make horror movies.
5. Audiences got tired of the same old thing as the studios tended to use the
same techniques and plots again and again.
Ex. 4
1. The special effects were so good that people screamed at what they saw.
2. Talking movies were so realistic that they were far more effective at
scaring people than silent films had been.
3. The films advertising was so dramatic that moviegoers believed that each
new movie would be scarier than the last.
4. Even today, horror films have such a large following that they can not be
Ex. 5
1. These builders made drain spouts at the corners of the cathedrals in order to
keep rainwater away from the walls.
2. The drains were sometimes carved in the shape of gargoyles so that the
buildings would be protected from demons as well as from the rainwater.
3. Gargoyles were carved in many other places as well so as to decorate the
4. Sometimes builders carved the faces of the gargoyles to look like famous
people in order to make a political statement.
Ex. 6
1. get
2. in order
3. let
4. let
5. so that
6. consequently

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