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Griffin Schutte

Edmodo In-Class Assignment
The major difference between an Opinion/Editorial article and a factual article is the
amount of creative license the author has. In editorials and opinion articles, authors have the
opportunity to communicate with the populace, to express emotions and ideas. In factual articles,
authors are bound to the truth. They may construct certain narratives that demonstrate bias, but
they must always document their sources and provide one-hundred percent accurate information.
This leads to an article that tells the reader more but makes them think less. An editorial can
provoke a reader to ponder the ramifications of a complex idea, and can impact someones
outlook on life.
Using the structure of an editorial, the author examines the controversy of college
admissions based on extracurricular activity. The author compared two different styles of activity
that students pursue. One approach includes the approach of well-rounded, high volume
involvement in school and extracurricular activities. The other, in stark contrast, involves a
student dedicating his or her life to the pursuit of a single, specified passion. An example of the
former approach is the authors daughter, an avid learner with good grades and lots of
extracurricular activities including varsity sports, student government and volunteer work. An
example of the latter approach is the authors son, a 15-year old, is a serious musician whose
interests are narrow and consuming. The articles delineates how many colleges put more stock
in the latter approach, believing that students who can readily devote themselves to a singular
purpose will be better suited to success.
The beautiful thing about an opinion article is that is it just that, an opinion. The reader
has the power to disagree, to argue that the author is ignorant of the true ways of the world. In
my opinion, the author is venting in this article, expressing the frustrations of a parent who only
wants the best for his child. In that sense I completely agree with him. It is outrageous that any
student with his daughters resume could be turned away because of such as soft reason as a lack
of ability to specify interests. However, I can understand the reason behind this new entrance
qualification. As students have discovered the importance of extracurricular activities to
admissions boards, the amount of involvement in school government and clubs has skyrocketed.
Colleges need yet another category to separate the best from the best. I believe that the best way
to ensure your acceptance into the college of your choice is to demonstrate your passion in all of
your work. Anything one does should be excellent, otherwise one shouldnt bother trying.
College recruiters have sent this message, the message of reality in America, to the nations

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