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Unit 6

The Cold War and the Middle East

Test Review

The Cold War
-The Soviet Bloc
-The Truman Doctrine
-Policy of Containment
-Berlin Airlift
-Warsaw Pact
-Brinkmanship (policy)
-Space Race
-The United Nations
-UN Security Council
-Fidel Castro (Cuba)
-Bay of Pigs
-Cuban Missile Crisis
-Dtente (President Nixon)
-SALT talks

Korean War
-North Korea invades South Korea 1950
-South Korea as for UN help (USA says okay)
-Douglas MacArthur Leads USA troops
-MacArthur wanted to use nuclear force
-China enters the war and fights on North
Koreas side
-1953 cease fire was signed

Vietnam War
-Ho Chi Minh (Communist Leader in North)
-French attempt to reclaim Vietnam as a French
-The Vietnamese resist
-War lasted from 1957-1973
-Operation Rolling Thunder
-Agent Orange and other Defoliants used
-Ngo Dinh Diem (anti-Communist Leader in
-Vietcong (South Vietnamese Communist
guerilla fighters who fought against Diem)
-US fought against North Vietnamese and
against Vietcong in South Vietnam
-Vietcong are supported by Ho Chi Minh, China
and Russia

Communist China
-Mao Zedong (communist) vs Jiang Jieshi
-1949 Communists Win civil war and create the
Peoples Republic of China
-Communism is the new mandate of heaven
-The Great Leap Forward
-Red Guards
-Cultural Revolution (destroy the 4 Olds)

The Middle East
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
-The Sykes Picot Agreement
-The 6 Mandates (Lebanon, Syria, Palestine,
Iraq, Kuwait, Transjordan)
-Balfour Declaration 1917
-Israel proclaimed itself a country in May 1948
-The Day after Israel declared itself an
independent nation Israel was invaded by
Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon and Iraq
-Egyptian leader Gamal Abd al-Nasser (pan
-6 Day War (occupied territories taken)
-Occupied Territories
-Camp David Accords

-Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (Shah of Iran)
-Mohammad Mossadegh (Nationalist leader)
-CIA helped Pahlavi overthrow Mossadegh 1953
-Pahlavi spent lots of money on US Weapons
-Attempt to westernize Iran
-Ayatollah Khomeini
-Iranian Revolution 1979
-CIA hostage rescue and Tony Mendez
-Iranian Hostage Crisis
-Iran-Iraq War
-Political Islam
-Atomic Weapons? Israel?

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