Dear Future Child of Mine Psychology 1100 Class Assignment ch15

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Dear Future Child"

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Psychology 1100 CH 15
Leo the zodiac Lion son of mine, Oh My
Picture of a lion is in this spot
Leo the zodiac lion son of mine, Oh My
While looking up into the stars
I feel your majestic power fill the sky
Empowering all the planets even mars
Ruler over the heavens and earth
Patiently waiting to protect us
Grateful for the gods have given you birth
A true leader they know and trust
Your power and strengths come from the sun
Passionate kindness with loving flair fills the nights air
many respectfully care for you and wish they were your son
some despise and loathe you while they gawk and stare
Leo the zodiac lion son of mine, oh my
After seeing your courage we all know why
Youre the strongest and bravest guy
Very handsome and definitely not shy
Leo the zodiac lion son of mine, oh my
How you have caught my eye
I know I will never let you die
Leo the zodiac lion son of mine, oh my, my, my, my
As I give a Soft Sigh
I'm proud to be you Father
and your life will be of great worth
giving knowledge to others that need
your strength and wisdom
thank you
my son!!!
This poem was written for my son Andrew. he is 24yrs old now going on 25 yrs old this year on his brithday, 8-1-2014:
1) I had my so out of wedlock, with a young woman whom already had a baby girl. I took custity from his mother and raised him with the help of my wife.
2) The qualities a good parent should possess, and why? I have been a good Father to my son, everyone who knows him and meets me tells me how good of a
person he is, that makes me happy and very proud, knowing I did the best I could when it comes to teaching my son the major and minor things of life that has and
will help him in his life. He Gratuated from high school, whitch I never, and he was in the Army for 2 yreas, "I couldn't join, for I was to short." I feel, working daily,
tought him relyabiliy / stability / and self-confidence, by showing him that these things can and do happen daily for the greater good or our lives.
3) Being flexible, allowing change to happen without crying about it, I do not and have not and will not show my child that when unexpected things arrise, poor
attitude about it, instead I always take a breath (a slight Sigh) and think of the best way to deal with this new issue. I take my time to think about every asspects of
the issue and who, what when,were,why and how will this effect me and my family? showing him (my son) that everything is controlable even the unexspected
4) Anger management issuse's... is one of my major qualities defects it has on me and my family exspecialy my son. Allowing my anger to get the better of me has
and always will slow down interaction with my son.
5) Good work ethics, Great personality, Honorable, trustworthy, and brave. all these Qualities give and show intelegence, and respect for yourself as well as
others. I wish for these to be instealled in my son and they were. He is a good person who cares and who is accountable and will always give help to others in
6) Cognitive: (teach him to read write and arthimatic, allow his greativity to grow and explore. Social: I feel that being self-aware and happy being who you are,
having a good selfestem allows us to communicate to others and grow Socially... Emotional: Teaching someone how to stay in controll of their emotions can be
tough, however it is important, so the best thing to do is to allow your child to be them-selves and guide them in the right direction when you see a possible
problem...Personality: having a good personality is going to come from daily interaction with your child, so showing them how to deal with lifes daily activitys in a
possitive way, will install a good strong personality... Gnder Roles: Our son knows how mom and dad is and the difference between gender's, as far as who does
what and why, such as mom cooks and clean, and other old normal exspected roles from mom and dad, we did not raise our children like that because I cook and
clean and I'm male, she his mother (our son) see's his mother work in the yard on the car, or even build things with lumber, Iron, metal, ect: ect: however we tought
our children Mom's do everything dad's can do but they can do one thing dads can not, whitch is develope and grow a person in her body... Moral: Standards a
norm of how we feel, think, and behave about things. I tought him ( my son ) to be modest, have pride of his body, just don't behave in a nasty manner, give and
show people respect even if they don't do the same to you, maybe they were not tought good Moral's...
7) Well I hope he stay's both healthy first of all, but happy as well... I feel and think that being happy daily is key to living the type of life you wish to live, but you
need to take care of your health or you will not be able to do anything at all but lay on a bed wishing you could get up and do something.
8) I've have always told my children to do the things they like. Do what you love, and love what you do, and
the rest will follow through. Find what it is that you are good at: Build
computers, fix cars, build houses, whatever it is, find it and do it, then
you will be happy doing it, and it will not be as hard to deal with...

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