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HONSCO Kennels

Have you had trouble training you


ell, in this newsleter well give
you tps on how to train your dog
properly and efciently!

First of all, you have to be
strict. For example, when your dog
does something bad you have to let
it know that what it did was bad by
doing something it doesnt like. You
could put the do in a cage for a
while, or raise you voice at it, but never
hit the dog, physical pain may anger the

The second tp is the opposite
from the frst, you need to reward
the dog when it does
something good.
You could give the
dog a treat or give it
atenton when it com-
pletes a task that you asked it to do.

Thirdly, just never abuse you pet. If
you start abusing your dog it will never
like hu-
Reward your
dog with dog
treats from our
Dog Treats: $4.99
Dog Bed: $19.99
Dog Bone: $3.99
Dog Toys: $4.99
Dog Food Small: $9.99
Dog Food Medium: $14.99
Dog Food Large: $19.99
Dog Collar: $4.99
Dog Halloween Costumes: $9.69
Dog Carrier: $69.69
The Dog Bed Found in our Store

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