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Communication Plan
Rough Draft 12/4/13
Project Team: Myself. Melissa Lyn Miller.
Project Name Communication Plan DRAFT
Situation Analysis
This situation analysis provides a brief summary of current situation details that are relevant to
the communications and describes key issues. It provides a brief, informal analysis of the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, from a communication standpoint. In this
section you should include the audiences perspective and a detailed audience analysis.
You may identify your client(s) here, as well. This section may also include your clients goals,
if appropriate.
My client is Macks Family Drive-In. For future reference I will refer to the company as
Macks. Macks egan in 1!"# in a small town of $remonton %tah. It egan as a small restaurant
where patrons or&ere& at the win&ow an& ate outsi&e. $hroughout the years the restaurant has
seen e'pansions( &emolishing fires( an& the &eath of its elo)e& owner Mack. *et the restaurant
remains an& is consi&ere& a staple of the small town community.
+urrently( the restaurant is in a slump. ,ales are at an all-time low an& workers arely make
minimum wage. .orkers &on/t seem to lo)e their 0o( which is un&erstan&ale consi&ering the
low wage. Foo& has taken a turn for the worse( not li)ing up to par as it has in the past.
,trengths for Macks inclu&es location( pre)ious reputation( longe)ity of the usiness( an&
potential to &raw specific au&iences inclu&ing teenagers an& families.
$here are many opportunities an& threats that will affect a Mack/s campaign. Macks is part of a
fairly loyal community that will support a goo&( relati)ely cheap restaurant. $he weaknesses
relate to a relati)ely high rate of similar restaurants( which create competition in the area.
Goals and Objectives
The goals sections provides a succinct description of what you want to accomplish through
communication. The goals must be achievable, measurable and timebound (have a deadline).
!t this point in the planning process, think through your evaluation plan to ensure that results
are measurable.
1ffecti)ely gather sur)ey &ata from roughly #22 in&i)i&uals.
Increase awareness of Macks y 1#3 in surroun&ing areas.
+omplete reno)ations of Macks y Decemer 2214.
Target Audiences
6!"#$% CONF&D'NT&A( "
Project Name Communication Plan DRAFT
Identify all target audiences, internal and e"ternal. Target as closely as possible. #ist these
audiences in priority order to keep activities properly focused. If you have figures, note the si$e
of each audience here, as well.
4rimary 5u&ience6 $eenagers age 1#-1!
,econ&ary 5u&ience6 Families
Final 5u&ience6 1l&erly "#7
%ositioning refers to how our target audiences perceive our product, service or announcement,
in relations to competitive products and services or competitors themselves. It is the place we
hold in their minds. The classic e"ample of positioning is &'p, the 'ncola. It clearly puts the
product in the audiences mind in relation to its competition, colas.
(or marketing and coporate purposes, a positioning statement should include a uni)ue selling
proposition* i.e., what makes our product or service different from competitive products. It may
also include a key benefit. !nd, the positioning statement should be targeted to the audience.
(or media relations or internal communications purposes, the positioning should describe how
we want these audiences to fit the news into their picture of the company and+or the industry.
! positioning statement is not a slogan* its usually a sentence or two. ! slogan, however, may
grow out of the positioning.
)ey *essages
These are the four or five key points you want your audience to remember. These messages
should always be tied to your positioning.
You may have audiencespecific key messages. In this case, simply add the additional key points
by audience. These are supplements to the core messages for all audiences.
Macks is 8uick( reliale( an& has an output of great-8uality foo&.
Macks has een recently reno)ate& with a super layout an& intriguing new menu options.
Macks will now regularly hol& contests with rewar&ing pri9es.
6!"#$% CONF&D'NT&A( +
Project Name Communication Plan DRAFT
Macks will feature an out&oor concert yearly: free to the pulic with won&erful foo& a)ailale.
Macks culti)ates a strong &esire to ser)e an& grow in the $remonton community an& surroun&ing
These are the obstacles or constraints that others will use to downplay the effectiveness of your
campaign. #isting these challenges will help you respond appropriately to negative attacks and
will help you design the campaign to address these issues.
+ompetition from neary usinesses.
$ime constraints. Reno)ation as well as menu impro)ement in a short amount of time.
4re)ious negati)e re)iews of foo& an& estalishment. ;yelp( uran spoon( <oogle re)iews=
Communication -e,icles
,ow will you communicate your message- #ist the communication vehicles you will use such as
posters, radio, T., newspapers, signs, meetings, etc. /e specific and e"plain how many, when,
where, etc.
>ocal a&)ertising- posters( illoar&( newspaper( ra&io a&
.esite- new an& impro)e&
,ocial me&ia presence- $witter( Faceook( Instagram
Researc, *et,ods
#ist the specific research approach you will use to support your campaign. Your manager or
client will want proof that what you advise is based on logic and clear thinking.
6!"#$% CONF&D'NT&A( %
Project Name Communication Plan DRAFT
Focus <roups
?nline Re)iews
In-restaurant inter)iews
Time C,art
0o you have a timetable that specifies when each action will take place-
Strategies and Tactics
1trategies are the methods, plans or approaches used to achieve a goal. 1trategies are 23T
action items or things you do. This section should include the 4media mi",5 a list of the different
communication channels (advertising, direct mail, publicity, trade shows, etc.) that you plan to
use, how they will be used and appro"imately when. !ctual dates will show up in the action
Tactics are the particular actions used to implement strategies. Typically, several tactics will
support one strategy.
trate!y Tactics
,tory in $he >ea&er
4lace& imme&iately efore re-opening
?ut&oor +oncert
@ire well known an& as well as local
an& to open
Design your own shake or other menu item an&
win a pri9e

.eekly coupon through social me&ia
Monthly contests

6!"#$% CONF&D'NT&A( !
Project Name Communication Plan DRAFT
%rovide a detailed summary of estimated and actual costs (if available) for all activities.
Include unit and charge numbers to help track costs and for reference. If applicable, note
whether the money will come from the 3perations and 6aintenance (376) or belowtheline
Item "stimate#
$ctual Cost C%ar!e
5& &e)elopment
5& placement
Direct mail piece &e)elopment
Direct mail-postage
'valuation Plan
The evaluation plan should include the steps to take to measure if the program has met its goals.
This section must actually be completed before beginning communication program
implementation. 8valuation often re)uires pretesting, informal surveying, benchmarking and
other methods to find out attitudes, awareness, market penetration, etc. before communications
begin. Then the final measurements will measure the change from the pretest or benchmark.
Advertising Plan
!dd specific advertising planning information here. This should include9
6edia mi"
!dvertising %lacement
6!"#$% CONF&D'NT&A( 6
Project Name Communication Plan DRAFT
!d specifications
%ertinent deadlines (space reservations and materials)
Ot,er &tems to Consider in a Public Relations Plan
!dd public relations, publicity and media relations plans here. This section should include9
Targeted messages
%:specific collateral materials
%romotions (%: stunts)
6edia contacts (news angle and any e"clusivity agreements)
Internal announcement strategies+vehicles
;ommunity leader contacts and strategies
;ustomer contacts+strategies
:egulatory contacts+strategies
'vents Plan
!dd events planning information here. This section should include9
!ction plan for this portion of the pro<ect
!udiovisual re)uirements
Collateral Plan
!dd collateral planning information here. This section should include9
;ollateral description
0esign implications
Direct *ar/eting Plan
!dd direct marketing plan information here. This section should include9
0atabase information
!ction plan for this portion of the pro<ect
6!"#$% CONF&D'NT&A( 0
Project Name Communication Plan DRAFT
0escription of packet
Action Plan
The action plan includes the minute details to carry out the plan tactics. Tactics should be listed
in bold above the accompanying action items.
6!"#$% CONF&D'NT&A( 1

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