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In tension pneumothorax, you would expect signs and symptoms to arise because
intrapleural pressure becomes:
A. greater than atmospheric
B. less than atmospheric
C. equal to atmospheric

2. Hyperventilation refers to:
A. rapid breathing
B. rapid irregular breathing
C. rapid shallow breathing
D. excessive ventilation as indicated by a decrease in blood carbon dioxide levels

3. A pleural effusion in which pus fills the pleural cavity is called:
A. chylothorax
B. hemothorax
C. empyema
D. hydrothorax

4. The viruses responsible for the common cold include:
A. rhinovirus
B. parainfluenza viruses
C. respiratory syncytial virus
D. adenoviruses
E. all of the above

5. Which statement regarding Legionnaires disease is FALSE?
A. It is most common in persons with chronic illnesses
B. It is spread by drinking warm water
C. It causes consolidation of the lung tissue
D. It is often preceded by diarrhea, hyponatremia, and confusion

6. What is the most common opportunistic infection in children with AIDS?
A. Pseudomonas
B. Pneumocystis carinii
C. E. coli
D. Chlamydia

7. The moisture content of the air that is in the lung:
A. is the same as that in the atmosphere
B. is less than atmospheric
C. is maintained at a 100% relative humidity
D. decreases as body temperature increases

8. The respiratory system can be divided into two parts: the conducting airway through
which air travels as it moves between the atmosphere and the lungs and the respiratory
tissues of body where gas exchange takes place. The respiratory tissues consist of the:
A. larynx and trachea
B. major bronchi
C. terminal bronchioles
D. respiratory bronchioles and alveolar structures

9. In persons with acute respiratory distress syndrome:
A. gas diffusion is impaired and the lungs become stiff and difficult to inflate
B. there can be widespread atelectasis,
loss of surfactant, interstitial edema, and formation of hyaline
C. the lungs are the only organs adversely affected
D. A and B
E. A and C

10. Hypocapnia can be described as:
A. a condition in which there is abnormally high amount of CO2 (carbon dioxide)
in the blood
B. a condition in which there is a reduced amount of CO2 (carbon dioxide) in the
C. a condition in which alveolar structures in the lungs being to collapse

11. Signs of hypercapnia include:
A. headache, flushed skin, and conjunctival hyperemia
B. difficulty in problem solving and impaired vision
C. confusion, tachycardia, and cyanosis
D. euphoria, confusion, and cyanosis

12. The function of the mucociliary blanket that lines the conducting airways is to:
A. entrap dust and other foreign matter form the airways
B. increase the ease with which air moves through the airways
C. moisten the air as it moves through the airways
D. A and C
E. A, B, and C

13. The function of the larynx, which connects the oropharynx with the trachea, are
those associated with:
A. speech
B. conducting air between the atmosphere and the respiratory tissues of the lung
C. protecting the lungs from inhalation of substances other than air
D. A and C
E. A, B, and C

14. The moisture that is added to the air as it moves through the conducting airway:
A. increases as body temperature increases
B. decreases as body temperature increases

15. The horseshoe-shaped cartilages that support the trachea and large bronchi:
A. prevent them from collapsing when the pressure in the chest becomes negative
B. provides the necessary support of the mucociliary blanket
C. are needed to maintain the function of vocal cords in the larynx

16. In which of the following situations would the diffusing capacity of the lung be
impaired because of a decrease in surface area?
A. Pneumonia
B. Surgical removal of a lung
C. Pulmonary edema
D. Anemia

17. The most common cause of pneumonia is:
A. E. coli
B. S. pneumoniae
C. Neisseria meningitis
D. histoplasmosis

18. Why is the right primary bronchus more prone to obstruction?
A. It is the first branch off the trachea.
B. It is wider than the left primary bronchus.
C. It is longer than the left primary bronchus.
D. It continues off the trachea at more of an acute angle than the left primary

19. Adequate ventilation depends on:
A. patent airways
B. compliant lungs
C. pressure differences between atmosphere and lungs
D. all of the above

20. Prolonged fever can result in hydration by:
A. increasing the amount of water that is removed from the air each time it moves
through the conducting airways
B. increasing the respiratory rate and the frequency with which the air needs to be
C. A and B

21. The pleura is a thin double-layered serous membrane that surrounds the lungs. The
thin layer of fluid that separates the two layers:
A. prevents frictional forces from developing as the lungs inflate and deflate during
B. supplies moisture to the outer surface of the lung
C. keeps the outer surface of the lung from separating from the best wall when the
chest expands
D. A and C
E. A, B, and C

22. Which of the following constitutes the main muscle/s of inspiration?
A. Intercostal muscles
B. Diaphragm
C. Accessory muscles
D. Abdominal muscles

23. The function(s) of surface tension on alveoli include:
A. Providing walls of the alveoli with elasticity
B. Slowing the rate at which alveoli expand
C. Allowing all the alveoli to expand at a similar rate
D. B and C
E. All of the above

24. The right lung consists of how many lobes?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 1
D. 3

25. Lung compliance refers to the ease with which:
A. the lungs can be inflated or the amount of pressure needed to change their volume
B. air can be moved through the airway
C. air can be exhaled from the lungs
D. sputum can be expectorated from the lungs

26. A distinguishing feature of influenza is
A. dry and nonproductive cough
B. abrupt onset symptoms of fever, chills, and general malaise
C. fever and headache
D. sore throat and profuse water nasal discharge
27. The virulence of S. pneumonia is related to:
A. the fact that it is a gram-positive organism
B. its polysaccharide capsule, which resists digestion by phagocytes
C. its rapid rate of replication

28. Blood is supplied to the conducting airways and supporting structures of the lungs by
A. bronchial circulation
B. pulmonary circulation

29. The mycobacterium that cause tuberculosis have all the following characteristics
A. they are slender, rod-shaped bacteria
B. they do not form spores
C. they possess an outer waxy coat that causes the organism to retain red dye treated
with acid in acid-fast staining
D. they are anaerobes

30. A positive tuberculin skin test indicates that:
A. an individual has tuberculosis
B. an individual has never been exposed to tuberculosis
C. an individual has been exposed and sensitized to the tubercle bacillus
D. an individual is susceptible to developing tuberculosis

31. During an asthmatic attack:
A. the residual lung volume is increased and vital capacity decreased
B. the inspiratory reserve volume is decreased and vital capacity increased
C. the residual volume is decreased and vital capacity increased
D. the inspiratory reserve volume is increased and vital capacity decreased

32. In spontaneous pneumothorax, a communication develops between alveoli on the
lung surface and the pleural space. As a result:
A. life-threatening hemorrhaging develops
B. a portion of the lung collapses
C. emphysema occurs
D. multiple air blebs start rupturing

33. Tension pneumothorax is characterized by:
A. the outflow of air from the lung
B. deflation of the unaffected lung
C. a shift of the mediastinum to the opposite side
D. impairment of microcirculation

34. Administering a high concentration of oxygen to a person with chronic hypoxia can
be harmful because:
A. high concentration are irritating to mucous membranes
B. high concentrations suppress the CO2 chemoreceptors, which provide the main stimulus for
C. in high concentration, the viscosity of oxygen increases airway resistance
D. a high concentration of oxygen can cause bronchospasm

35. In asbestosis:
A. there is marked intimal fibrosis of the pulmonary arteries and arterioles causing
B. the lungs become stiff with scar tissue resulting from injury and inflammation
C. the airways are inflamed, hyper responsive, and obstructed
D. over ventilation allows the maintenance of normal blood gases until late in the

36. Atelectasis refers to:
A. collapse of an entire lung
B. fluid in the pleural space
C. inflammation of the pleura
D. incomplete expansion of a portion of the lung

37. In chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) there is:
A. obstruction of the trachea and larynx
B. small airway obstruction during the expiratory phase of ventilation
C. obstructed airflow in the bronchi during inspiration
D. airway obstruction due to collapse of portions of the lung

38. Most of the oxygen carried in the blood is transported:
A. in the dissolved form in the plasma
B. attached to hemoglobin

39. The PO2 levels of the blood refer to:
A. the partial pressure of oxygen measuring the amount of oxygen dissolved in blood
B. the partial pressure of oxygen measuring the amount of oxygen attached to the
hemoglobin molecules of the red blood cells

40. The term dyspnea implies:
A. a condition of labored breathing
B. inability to breath easily when lying down
C. subjecting complaints of breathlessness or difficult breathing
D. irregular breathing

41. The most common vehicle for transmission of the common cold is:
A. air droplets that contain the virus
B. contaminated dishes and silverware
C. the fingers
D. contaminated towels and facial tissues

42. Most of the carbon dioxide that is produced as a result of tissue metabolism is carried
in the blood in the form of:
A. dissolved carbon dioxide
B. carboxihemoglobin
C. bicarbonate

43. The rate of gas diffusion in the lung is directly proportional to:
A. the surface area of the alveoli
B. the thickness of the alveolar-capillary membrane
C. the radius of the bronchioles
D. water vapor pressure

44. Antihistamines used to treat cold symptoms have adverse effects on the lungs
A. drying of bronchial secretions
B. shortened length of colds
C. paralysis of cilia
D. stimulation of goblet cells

45. The vocal folds of the larynx and the opening between them are collectively referred
to as the:
A. glottis
b. epiglottis

46. Emphysema is characterized as all of the following EXCEPT:
A. abnormal enlargement of the air spaces distal to terminal bronchioles with
destruction of the alveolar walls
B. airway obstruction caused by formation of a hyaline membrane
C. a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) characterized by airflow
D. All of the above are true

47. The abnormal collection of fluid in the pleural cavity is called:
A. pleural effusion
B. pneumonia
C. mediastinal shift
D. pulmonary edema

48. What condition in the sinuses favors the growth of organisms and impairs local
A. The position of the sinuses
B. The low oxygen content in the sinuses
C. The lack of cilia in the mucosa surface of the sinuses

49. Which of the following are sign and symptoms of tension pneumothorax?
A. Deviation of the trachea
B. Air enter the chest during inspiration and exists during expiration
C. Shift of the Mediastinum
D. A & C
E. all of the above

50. The two-step testing procedure for tuberculosis consists of administering a second
test 1 week later in persons who test negative to the first test. The purpose of the two-step
test is to:
A. quality control check to make sure the first test was properly done
B. check for a boosted response in which the first test acted as a booster shot causing
activation of the immune system so that it can response to the second test
C. serve as an immunization procedure for people who have been infected with

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