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Skittles Water Erosion

Objective: pour water on skittles to demonstrate erosion of the color and the layers
Skittles (10 bags)
ups (1 with poked holes on bottom)
1# $ut students in groups and go outside
%# &ive each group a bag of skittles' and % cups
(# )ill one of the cups with water
*# )ill the cup (holes on bottom) with + skittles
+# $our water into cup with skittles at the specific time interval
,# Observe the color change of the skittles
-# "ake out the e.isting + skittles and put in new ones
/# 0epeat procedures from + 1 - until all time intervals are accomplished
(0 Seconds 1 2inute 1 min (0 sec % 2inute
("hink about color' si3e' etc#)
Post Question:
1# !hat do the skittles represent here in the lab4 5ow does it represent the answer
you provided4
%# reate your own mini lab that represents water erosion# &o into details with
materials and procedures#
(# 6f you can make your own changes to this lab' what changes would they be4
*# 8raw out the lab and color#

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