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What is email: An electronic message sent from

one communication device to another.

anti-example: text messages
two-way pagers
digital radios
better definition : email is any message sent
using a combination of SMTP, FTP, IMAP, and
pop3, protocols

Protocol is a set of rules, instructions

How email work
1)Alice composed a message using her Mail
User Agent (MUA), and hits "send"
2)Her MUA looks at the message, and makes
any changes needed these changes allow
Alice's Mail Submission Agent(MSA) TO
understand the message,
These are servers which you can send messages
through but not access. The MSA looks at the
to email address, and decides where to send
the message
4)The MSA looks up on a Domain
Name Server(DNS). The DNS tells the MSA that has an incoming email server called
5)The USA then send the message to username
: Zach Copper at server:
6)Zach then tells his MUA to get new message
from the server. This request, and the delivery
of the any messages, is handled by a protocol
called Post Office Protocol3(POP3) or Internet
Message Access Protocol(IMAP)

1 Email filtering
Making groups in email client

Complex searches
and, or, not, is, contains, from, to, and means

6)Encrypt your files This is scrambling your files
in a certain way ,which can only be
unscrambled with the correct password
Word Doc-->Encrypted-->cr wddoo-->Decrypt--
>Word Doc
A few things about encryption

The effects of ICT on Patterns of employment
Computers and robots can work for a long
period of time non-stop. Robots have replaced

Long distance communication has allowed
companies to hire workers in foreign countries
Digital copies of music magazines and
newspapers have led to less waste overall.
But we have made our lives faster

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