19-Game Show Notes

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Who wants to be aScientist?

3 Life Lines
o 50/50
o Ask a team member
o Phone a teacher
1 point per question
Wron answers minus 1
!n"# the Seat Letter $ ca"" on can answer
% minutes to "ook throuh notes & 'iscuss as a roup
o (ecommen'ation that e)er#one un'erstan's the answer
When writin #our answer #ou ma# not "ook at #our notes an#more *a"" notes in the bin at the
mi''"e at 'esk face' 'own+
30 secon's to write #our answer
,)er#one has to carefu""# "isten for the music that cues en' of 'iscussion
Practice bein quiet when the music p"a#s *'on-t ta"k so "ou'"# that other peop"e can hear #ou
& that #ou-"" sti"" be ab"e to hear the music+
Score kept on .an)as
/ bins
o White boar'
o 0r# erase marker
o 3 Life Lines
Stu'ents nee' their notebooks stap"e' for eas# access
2arker for Score & .an)as ma'e for each perio'
Answers Printe' out
3 Life Lines per 3in *2ake ,4tras+
Which of the fo""owin 'ata is 5!1 qua"itati)e 'ata?
o A6 7uitars ha)e rouh strins8
o 36 7uitars sme"" "ike woo'8
o .6 1he soun'ho"e of a uitar is circu"ar8
o 06 7uitars ha)e 9 strins8
3# measurin the "enth of #our thumb: #ou co""ecte' what t#pe of 'ata?
o A6 ;uantitati)e 'ata
What was the rane of 'istance tra)e"e' b# the bike?
o 1ria" 1 <%8/ m
o 1ria" %<189 m
o 1ria" 3=18> m
o 1ria" ><%8% m
Who wants to be aScientist?
o A6 *18>=%8/+ m
What 'oes a scientist 'o first when 'esinin an e4periment? .hoose a "etter8
o A6 ana"#?e 'ata
o 36 co""ect e)i'ence
o .6 'e)e"op a proce'ure
o 06 make a conc"usion
5anc# wants to fin' out how "on it takes to fr# an e8 @ariab"es in her e4periment inc"u'e6
o A6 1#pe of fr#in pan8
o 36 1he temperature of her sto)e8
o .6 both a an' b
o 5one of the abo)e
What was the a)erae *mean+ 'istance tra)e"e' b# the bike?
o 1ria" 1 <%8/ m
o 1ria" %<189 m
o 1ria" 3=18> m
o 1ria" ><%8% m
o A6 %80%5 or %80
When we "ook at the resu"ts from the paper towe" "ab: the resu"ts are inconsistent8 What miht
#ou 'o to a''ress this concern?
o A6 retest
o 36 measure in "iter
o .6 raph the resu"ts
o 06 increase the amount of water poure' onto the paper towe"
Aou take a co"' me'icine8 Aou accept the risk in or'er to ain a benefit8 1his is ca""e' a
o A: Trade-off
Wh# are )o"unteers i)en a p"acebo in a c"inica" tria"?
o A6 to pro)e that the me'icine worke'
A roup of stu'ents want to fin' out who swims the fastest8 1he# 'eci'e to 'o a re"a# race at
Pa"omar .o""ee-s %5=meter poo"8 What )ariab"e*s+ are the# p"annin to contro"?
o A6 time
o 36 'istance
o .6 amount of peop"e in each team
o 06 both b an' c
0urin the wet strenth "ab: which of the fo""owin )ariab"es 'i' we keep constant?
o A6 paper towe"s
o 36 amount of water poure' onto the paper towe"
o .6 both a an' b
o 06 5one of the abo)e
Luke thinks sa"twater wi"" he"p him beat bo4 better8 Cor 5 'a#s he 'rinks sa"twater before
practicin beat bo4in8 1hen: for the ne4t 5 'a#s he 'rinks water without sa"t before practicin
beat bo4in8 De recor's how "on he can beat bo4 before nee'in to 'rink more water8
Who wants to be aScientist?
Which of the fo""owin cou"' be a h#pothesis for Luke-s e4periment?
o A6 Sa"twater increase the time he can beat bo4
o 36 Water without sa"t increase the time he can beat bo4
o .6 1he amount of air he breaths in increase the time he can beat bo4
o 06 A"" of the abo)e
SW6 13: 1E: 1%: 15: 1>
W6 1F: %5: 3%: %F: 31
3ase' on these resu"ts: what can Sean conc"u'e?
o Sa"twater 'oes not he"p "uke beat bo4 "oner
Dow cou"' Luke increase his samp"e si?e?
o A6 ask more peop"e to participate in the e4periment
List what wou"' be inc"u'e' in a oo' c"inica" tria"
o Lare samp"e si?e
o P"acebo/contro"
o $nform consent
o Prior testin on anima"s
o Si'e effects
o 0escription of how 'ata wi"" be co""ecte'
o 2u"tip"e tria"s

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